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Idiot staff drunk on power

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  • Idiot staff drunk on power

    Why the fuck can’t we all just make polls? If it’s to stop stupid polls then why the fuck can the almighty staffers post shit like Coke vs Pepsi …

    Then you’ve got mirror locking and deleting posts and in TWL deciding to go over everyones head bring in 2 terrs cause hell she is TWL op and can do whatever she pleases …

    P.H. and Aquatic posting crap in the European football thread

    Let the people post polls :zorro:

    Viva la revolution !!!

    (how much worse can we be :wub: )
    In my world,
    I am King


  • #2
    Polls have to be validated before they can be posted.


    • #3
      I personally think polls are a waste of time. Either they should be open to all to make and allow for the Forum Mod. to delete if they find it offensive, or just get rid of them 100%.

      I am a SMod on two other forums non-TW related and we more or less just eliminated them considering 95% of the polls could be in a forum area known as useless crap.

      On a different note, why is it that all forum posts are not validated prior to them being posted? This would stop the useless as well as removed topics from even being posted. The same could be done for replies.

      To limit this to just Polls is some what hypocritical to the forum itself.
      May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


      • #4
        stop trying to oppress us with your lip-flabbering robotesque political fence-sitting talk! mr downward oppressor man

        free your heart and free our people !!!!

        In my world,
        I am King



        • #5
          Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
          stop trying to oppress us with your lip-flabbering robotesque political fence-sitting talk! mr downward oppressor man

          free your heart and free our people !!!!

          Is that aimed at my reply? I am for open polling or just the removal 100%
          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 404 Not Found View Post
            Is that aimed at my reply? I am for open polling or just the removal 100%
            nah it was to kolar

            you were coming from the same viewpoint as me kinda

            but my aim was off and you got caught in the crossfire, also my amazing post encapsulates the inner meanness in everyone and makes them feel guilty as it was so awesome and truthfullness x 100. so sorry for any hurt feelings - i think i'm getting a cold i'm talking more shite than usual
            In my world,
            I am King



            • #7
              staff sucks, why bother with the geeks


              • #8
                That's what this is for:

                No point in having 3 threads about the same thing. I Talked to sirius, he understands. I've brought in a lot of ideas if you haven't noticed, but for some reason the one controversial one means I jumped over everyone's head, hmm :P Anyways, that's what "a place to voice all displeasure" is for!
                Last edited by MirrorriM; 09-30-2008, 08:28 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 404 Not Found View Post
                  On a different note, why is it that all forum posts are not validated prior to them being posted? This would stop the useless as well as removed topics from even being posted. The same could be done for replies.
                  Cause nobody has the time to sit there and read every single post and judge them all. And if someone did, it would never be immediate, you'd have huge lag times in updates most likely.

                  Open up the polls thing if ya'll want.


                  • #10
                    Without speaking for 404 I think he was pointing out the stupidity of putting the poll’s on such a separate platform than the normal trivial posts that spam up these forums. There isn't that much of a difference to justify treating them so different.

                    Rather than having to vindicate them through godlike all-powerfull staff – keep a section of the forum like TW and TW Staff where the proper ones are posted and let users post them when they feel like it and apply the same rules to normal posts etc.

                    Again if it’s to limit the number of stupid polls … coke or pepsi?? Or ph’s Does you

                    Well then it’s pretty pointless vindication … and more like yet another measure in place to let staff oppress us and jump through their hoops while those fat cats laugh and smoke cigars …

                    FREEDOM! :biggrinol

                    Mirror – yes I think you have overstepped your positions of power as both forum mod and in game mod, if you where worried that too many threads where being created about the same subject another mod should also be concerned and could merge or lock etc, but these threads where about your changes to TWL and so to do with you therefore locking and deleting posts can be construed as abusing your power. Should have just let someone else handle it imo.

                    I don’t have a vendetta against you or anything like that but I will also say when I’ve a problem with something and in my book the TWL changes should be minor ones and any major ones like 2 terrs should go through a long testing and a whole TWD season before being introduced into TWL :turned:
                    In my world,
                    I am King



                    • #11
                      like seriously, let anyone who wants to, create polls.

                      If they suck no one will vote or post in them, just like any other thread.

                      Or is it because polls show the voice of the people and the will of the masses? :fear:

                      Maybe, if we, the people, had the power to create polls... Then someone might make a poll along the lines of "Which weasel settings should we use..."
                      And the voice of the people will be assayed, then promptly ignored, or maybe, just maybe followed.

                      I once was lost, but now i'm just blind.

                      VIVA LA REVOLUCCIÓN!
                      .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                      .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                      • #12
                        You guys and your hunger for polls.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 404 Not Found View Post
                          I personally think polls are a waste of time. Either they should be open to all to make and allow for the Forum Mod. to delete if they find it offensive, or just get rid of them 100%.

                          I am a SMod on two other forums non-TW related and we more or less just eliminated them considering 95% of the polls could be in a forum area known as useless crap.

                          On a different note, why is it that all forum posts are not validated prior to them being posted? This would stop the useless as well as removed topics from even being posted. The same could be done for replies.

                          To limit this to just Polls is some what hypocritical to the forum itself.
                          do you advocate communism in real life as well?
                          (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
                          (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
                          (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
                          (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Heroin Bob View Post
                            do you advocate communism in real life as well?
                            do you advocate homosexuality in real life as well?

                            does it matter?

                            Move on.
                            All good things must come to an end.


                            • #15
                              but what i really want to know is:

                              if you went back in time, found yourself, and gave yourself an handjob

                              would that be gay or would you just be masturbating?

                              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion

