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Man one step closer to God?

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  • Originally posted by Izor View Post
    We're at war right now? Its another conflict

    Kolar youre clearly trying to push atheism because its obvious you think you know everything about the universe. Look at your posts here. You claim to have studied (aka know more about everyone else about) history, you claim to have (or at least pretend you did with your condescending posts) studied cosmology. In other threads you claim to have studied economics and political science. Taking Physics 101 doesnt make you a subject matter expert! Sorry to disappoint you
    I'm not pushing anything, and how would knowing more or less factor into pushing atheism or anything anyways? Atheists don't claim to know everything about the universe, they simply reject religion, god(s) and mainstream mythology. I am not an atheist and I also do not claim to know everything about the universe, I believe we understand a good chunk of it and yes the way you've put it new evidence can change our theories about phenomenon day after day. I don't believe that makes the pursuit invalid or worthless. We obviously at this point are going to get the simpler-mundane things right enough that our daily lives aren't going to be adversely effected by some new discovery. And while the domain of religion sets up mythologies and narratives which might conflict with that, I don't think anyone's personal mythology or beliefs should be threatened by what we do objectively discover. If you have faith then that should be enough.

    I know ancient history and basic cosmology. I never claimed to study economics or political science, I hate both subjects. You've made a lot of mistakes in this thread concerning everything from cosmology to biology, basic mistakes a person who graduated from high school shouldn't be making.
    Last edited by Kolar; 01-15-2009, 10:39 PM.


    • Originally posted by Izor View Post
      We're at war right now? Its another conflict

      Kolar youre clearly trying to push atheism because its obvious you think you know everything about the universe. Look at your posts here. You claim to have studied (aka know more about everyone else about) history, you claim to have (or at least pretend you did with your condescending posts) studied cosmology. In other threads you claim to have studied economics and political science. Taking Physics 101 doesnt make you a subject matter expert! Sorry to disappoint you
      I love this. So clearly the last resort of a desperate religious nut.

      If you're a practicing Christian, you shouldn't be in the business of discrediting peoples knowledge on science. If you believe that the best description on the origins of the universe can be found in historic scripture then you've relegated yourself out of this debate, unfortunately. Go and discuss who loves jesus more, or something else on your level. And for fuck sake leave the science to people who have an open mind. Incredulous douche.


      • Originally posted by Izor View Post
        I mean really I'm sure before a couple months ago everyone here would have argued that the dinosaurs became extinct from an asteroid boiling up the earth killing everything. As ridiculous as that story is, you all still believed it, because its what youre taught in school. Now its believed that volcanic activity in india killed them. Pretty soon it will change again and you'll all change your beliefs based on it. But until that point you'll be die hard in your theory that it was volcanic activity in India because thats all that makes sense
        In terms of the lifespan of the Earth, asteroids hit us all the time. Why is it ridiculous that an asteroid impact would effectively wipe out a species? Since dinosaurs were reptiles they were cold blooded (note how they become less common outside of tropical and temperate zones). A worldwide dust cloud could easily kill a great deal of plant life, killing off plant eaters, which in turn cuts the food supply of carnivores. Smaller creatures (mammals, insects, birds, fish) could still have survived long enough for the dust cloud to clear since they require less food per capita than larger creatures would.
        5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
        5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
        5:royst> i wish it was calculus

        1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

        1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


        • This thread validates putting Izor and kthx on ignore. After I found out how this forum improved with HtF on ignore, I think this will be a step in the right direction. I probably will add Exalt too. B)
          You ate some priest porridge


          • Forum needs a squad ignore feature.

            Because i am sick of Disoblige being gay all the time.


            • Originally posted by Fit of Rage View Post
              In terms of the lifespan of the Earth, asteroids hit us all the time. Why is it ridiculous that an asteroid impact would effectively wipe out a species? Since dinosaurs were reptiles they were cold blooded (note how they become less common outside of tropical and temperate zones). A worldwide dust cloud could easily kill a great deal of plant life, killing off plant eaters, which in turn cuts the food supply of carnivores. Smaller creatures (mammals, insects, birds, fish) could still have survived long enough for the dust cloud to clear since they require less food per capita than larger creatures would.
              If an asteroid hit the planet and caused enough dust to fly up into the air for long enough that all the dinosaurs died, then all plant life would have died during this time also, and everything would have ended up dead, mammals, birds, reptiles.. everything.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
                I love this. So clearly the last resort of a desperate religious nut.

                If you're a practicing Christian, you shouldn't be in the business of discrediting peoples knowledge on science. If you believe that the best description on the origins of the universe can be found in historic scripture then you've relegated yourself out of this debate, unfortunately. Go and discuss who loves jesus more, or something else on your level. And for fuck sake leave the science to people who have an open mind. Incredulous douche.
                Izor isn't a Christian, I am.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • Originally posted by Fluffz View Post
                  Forum needs a squad ignore feature.
                  Because i am sick of Disoblige being gay all the time.
                  But then if we blocked ALL of quicksand, we would just be really bored and agree with eachother.
                  Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                  sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                  • Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
                    I love this. So clearly the last resort of a desperate religious nut.

                    If you're a practicing Christian, you shouldn't be in the business of discrediting peoples knowledge on science. If you believe that the best description on the origins of the universe can be found in historic scripture then you've relegated yourself out of this debate, unfortunately. Go and discuss who loves jesus more, or something else on your level. And for fuck sake leave the science to people who have an open mind. Incredulous douche.
                    I'm pretty convinced you're the biggest troll on these forums right now. I'm also convinced that you probably didn't get hugged as a child, and most likely got dropped a lot because your mother was a narcoleptic.

                    Furthermore, I'm going to assume that very day your father would come home from scrubbing toilets at the local catholic church and beat you over the head with a bible while shouting "Jesus is Lord!" Afterwards, you were left to sleep in a corner of the room on a pile of unsold crosses that you were forced to make by hand. In the morning, you would wake up to a rooster's crow on a pile of cold wood with the indents of crosses all over your body. You get dressed, and the only thing you had to wear was WWJD tshirts and cargo shorts. The kids at school hated you and called you a Jesus freak. You had a hard time controlling your bladder so your cargo shorts were always stained with urine. After school, you take the long way to avoid passing by the church because Father O'Malley groped you every Sunday. He made you take off your choir boy robes so he can whip you with his prayer beads while shouting "God created the earth! You are a sinner!" and then subsequently raped you until you had a crooked gait.

                    i gotta get back to work i'll continue your journey later.
                    TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                    TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                    TelCat> i dont


                    • I think I would reject God too if I lived that life.

                      Or end up like Kane in See No Evil
                      All good things must come to an end.


                      • Originally posted by Zerzera View Post
                        This thread validates putting Izor and kthx on ignore. After I found out how this forum improved with HtF on ignore, I think this will be a step in the right direction. I probably will add Exalt too. B)
                        Hey, what did I do? All I did was tell Noah his version of world history toward the Hitler and the Nazi party was false, and corrected him. I mean I do actually study that stuff as my major and all. I know you all are PHDs in every major area of study, but at least the history part Noah was far from it.

                        As for the RNA DNA thing, I just don't think it will have the impact you all do. It's a step forward, but I don't think humans will ever "create" life without procreating.

                        I know that scientists can already DNA clone in respect to single cell organisms, like bacteria or viruses, but I don't see it will ever move far beyond that. Most likely the RNA cloning will only help create more germ warfare and things like that, causing more deaths than anything. You are all misguided in thinking that things like that won't be sprung from this. All technology that can be used as a weapon eventually is used as a weapon. Man is an evil race by nature.

                        In any respect, if "creating" a life and cloning someone or whatever could be possible with RNA, it will be banned and outlawed before its done so. Stem cell research is already banned, along with somatic cell nuclear transfer research (aka dolly the sheep). I think all of you are way too hyped up over something so small as RNA. It might be a huge step forward but its nowhere near as big of a deal as you think it is. Discovering something doesn't mean you can use it properly.
                        RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                        RaCka> mad impressive


                        • "All technology that can be used as a weapon eventually is used as a weapon. Man is an evil race by nature."


                          I would say that finding weapons is really one of the reasons we have the technology we do, most things were invented for weapons and then we found other uses for them.
                          Rabble Rabble Rabble


                          • Originally posted by Bioture View Post
                            I'm pretty convinced you're the biggest troll on these forums right now. I'm also convinced that you probably didn't get hugged as a child, and most likely got dropped a lot because your mother was a narcoleptic.

                            Furthermore, I'm going to assume that very day your father would come home from scrubbing toilets at the local catholic church and beat you over the head with a bible while shouting "Jesus is Lord!" Afterwards, you were left to sleep in a corner of the room on a pile of unsold crosses that you were forced to make by hand. In the morning, you would wake up to a rooster's crow on a pile of cold wood with the indents of crosses all over your body. You get dressed, and the only thing you had to wear was WWJD tshirts and cargo shorts. The kids at school hated you and called you a Jesus freak. You had a hard time controlling your bladder so your cargo shorts were always stained with urine. After school, you take the long way to avoid passing by the church because Father O'Malley groped you every Sunday. He made you take off your choir boy robes so he can whip you with his prayer beads while shouting "God created the earth! You are a sinner!" and then subsequently raped you until you had a crooked gait.

                            i gotta get back to work i'll continue your journey later.
                            See, it's posts like this that show the well-reasoned, friendly discussion that keeps me coming back to these forums.

                            Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                            Man is an evil race by nature.
                            I wouldn't say that.
                            The pleasure's all mine.


                            • Originally posted by Lucon View Post
                              I wouldn't say that.
                              Look at history. Fighting and killing, war after war after war. Now we dont even call them wars...just conflicts. Doesnt mean theres less killing going on.

                              Everyone here is missing my point. You're all defending these theories to the death based on the science that we have today and some dudes best guess as to how things were at the start of time or even more 'recently' when the dinosaurs became extinct. In fact, you take the dumbed down versions of what theyve found that you can understand and swear by it. To me, this is no different than any religion. How many times has the scientific belief of what really caused these things changed over the years? You're telling me right now that the big bang created the universe, but what about 5 years from now? You'll be just as adamant about whatever else makes sense at the time. The reason I brought up dinosaurs is because everyone thought an asteroid killed them up until recently when it was discovered that the crater from the asteroid that was supposed to have done it predated their extinction by 300000 years. Now its on to the next theory on why they became extinct...some volcanic activity in india ruined the global climate LOL. I'd just as easily believe some god smited them. You write off believers as dumb, just because they dont see how all of this adds up. Have you ever once thought that you are the uneducated? The big bang theory is ridiculous. A ball of infinite density just decided to expand and theres our universe. When that can get explained, i'll probably believe it, but until then i truly dont believe in anything. Lee Strobels 'Case for a Creator' may have opened my eyes that science doesnt make a whole lot of sense when you really think about it from a scientific viewpoint, but it doesnt mean that a god exists. I'm simply not ready to accept anything that doesnt make sense
                              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                              • Alright, I'm fed up. The Big Bang theory doesn't say that the Big Bang created the universe, just that a ball of matter as dense and hot as Sophia's derriere exploded at the earliest point in time we can wrap our scientific heads around. Whether Odin, Zoroaster, or Yahweh put it there is anyone's guess, and the theory doesn't try to give any hints. Now shut the hell up.
                                The pleasure's all mine.

