This supposedly took place 3 months after the 2008 olympics in England. Haha MILK IT PHELPS MILK IT!!!!!
Was printed and published in the UK, but the pic is from him getting stoned in South Carolina.
SC authorities are now looking to press criminal charges against Phelps for being in SC and photographed smoking pot...I guess that it is an offense on the books in SC? I guess they have a lack of better things to do. Shithole state SC is to begin with.
May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.
Was printed and published in the UK, but the pic is from him getting stoned in South Carolina.
SC authorities are now looking to press criminal charges against Phelps for being in SC and photographed smoking pot...I guess that it is an offense on the books in SC? I guess they have a lack of better things to do. Shithole state SC is to begin with.
Man who swims fast smoked weed, who gives a fuck, get a life to everyone who cares about this story helped to print it etc etc. People are not role models if you have never spoken to them and only seen them on TV playing a sport.
The story is not so much that Phelps smoked pot...who cares? I just find it interesting that the state of SC wants to criminally prosecute Phelps for being photographed smoking weed. That's the story...Police enforcement out of control. What the f' would cops do if they legalized pot...perhaps go after more false claims of Lacross team rape incidents that didn't happen.
We just got a new local cop to my area...I swear she must weigh in at 300+ lbs at the most 5'-4" tall. I thought to be a cop you had to meet physical requirments. I guess anyone can get a badge and think they are the law. This woman in my town couldn't run a mile in 2 hours.
May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.
When you work out you break down your muscles so they can be rebuilt stronger. This takes between 48 to 96 hours depending on the size of the muscle, the larger muscles in your body takes longer time. Drinking alcohol will actually significantly decrease the effectiveness of how the muscles are rebuilt and no top professional would be smart to drink because of that. They need to be in the best shape us humans can be in to win their shit. Phelps is simply smart for using a drug that doesn't have any negative side effects on a pro athlete.
I'm just happy that they decided to put up something about pot in general. All PR is good PR. Doesn't matter if people turns against it and joins in on the debate, because in a debate there's just no way for them to win.
Legalize nao!
Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry
5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it
At least Phelps was not busted like ex Dallas Cowgirl WR Terry Glen, who likes to get really drunk at a hotel, smoke some weed, and then roam the halls naked. Because, you know, why not? Too bad other visitors of the hotel have to ruin things and call the cops.
May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.