If you're good at tetris, check tetrisfriends.com out. It has an addictive 6-player mode and other stuff! Nothing to install, it's just on the browser. (You'll be playing vs. newbs at first but as you go on, it'll definitely get harder)
Awesome, gonna give this a bash now, if it's good enough I will get my mom to play, she's a tetris maniac =o
(Twerp and Duel Pasta)
5:dads revenge> they are both actually my virtual pet salamanders I have to feed them virtual flies 3 times a day
1: Pandagirl!> What do I say back to that
1: Pandagirl!> How about "lol"
1: winipcfg> despite "lol"'s versatility, I don't think that'd be good in the situation
If you can't beat them, eat them. ?go zombies3 - Chao <ER>
"People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."
"Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you."Seijuro Hiko
"People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."
"Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you."Seijuro Hiko
I'm pretty stuck on lvl12, best score so far was a perfect clear with 2 ko's and 33 lines ><
edit: stuck on 13 now =[
I almost got to rank 15.
Best with 2 KO's and 54 lines sent, or KO's 3 and lines sent 39.
3:Wax> ard and i snapchat all the time
3:Wax> we play virtually tummysticks
3:i.d.> da fk is that?
3:Ardour> we basically are each others personal psychologist
3:Shadowmere> i.d., Wax breaks keyboards playing SubSpace. Best not ask him what anything is.
3:Wax> Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys.
3:Wax> Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."
3:Shadowmere> LOL
3:i.d.> Oddly, that's close to what I thought it was...
Best> I never cooked a day in my life
Deft> beat by a guy who plays ss on his cellphone
Shadowmere> Rofl
Up in ya !> With his feet
Deft> no kidding, redefining l44t
Up in ya !> l44t feet
Deft> l44t f44t*
Up in ya !> Twinkle toes
Deft> he had l33t f33t but he practiced