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The new forum situation.

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  • #16
    epi can you re-host history of tw? RIP geocities
    can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blocks View Post
      ASSS itself is stable, HS only crashes on the regular because of all the custom modules running.
      Last I checked we have about 140 modules running, a lot of which do a bunch of shady shit which might not even be legal in some states. Football/Hockey zone is a much better example in my opinion because they aren't constantly trying to push the limits of the protocol. Plus in the early stages of transition trench will probably be using bots until each one gets phased out so at least the whole server won't come down on a crash.


      • #18
        so can i do my part by just clicking these annoying in-line links?

        i honestly wish i had the money to just straight up donate, but i'm sorry. i don't.

        if i can help out by clicking a link in every other thread i read, or something along those lines, i'll man up and do it, however annoying and tedious it may be.

        one other thing. as to the issue of exposure, that is, getting new players and breathing a little life back into the game. have we considered getting continuum onto steam? i honestly don't even know how the process works, or if it's possible for us to put such a communally developed freeware client onto steam. if it is possible, you'd think at least a few of the absolute crap tons of steam users would stumble upon our little corner of the internet and hang around awhile.
        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Jason View Post
          have we considered getting continuum onto steam?
          There have actually been some people working on this for a little while now


          • #20
            how about a twitter page while we're at it

            you know, to alert the public on all the cool new spaceship eventz!

            we will have to pay this guy to give it up, though

            @Eagle559 you are scrotum puller

            i don't think he'll come too cheap, though
            can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


            • #21

              We could have a bake sale or a fundraiser, and we would then be independently advertising the community and not selling out to corporate sponsorship.
              Originally posted by Dr. Snyder
              I think pure pubs started the problem but regardless it looks like the LTers have died out so why doesn't anyone come up with an idea soley based on bring the newbs to this game. Fuck the vets this zone is dying cause people who have been playing to long can't stand change. Because this zone is some teri shivo shit right now and I gots no problem with knifing babies but leave the bitch alone.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Ilya View Post
                epi can you re-host history of tw? RIP geocities
                Will do so later!
                Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                My anime blog:


                • #23
                  A raffle for players only, each ticket $50 bucks

                  You could sell t-shirts, hats, mugs, hoodies with continuum designs on it. is able to handle the order including the shipping.
                  Originally posted by Dr. Snyder
                  I think pure pubs started the problem but regardless it looks like the LTers have died out so why doesn't anyone come up with an idea soley based on bring the newbs to this game. Fuck the vets this zone is dying cause people who have been playing to long can't stand change. Because this zone is some teri shivo shit right now and I gots no problem with knifing babies but leave the bitch alone.


                  • #24
                    The board chopped of the top of my avatar head and this is negativity


                    • #25
                      I don't really mind the change. I will always visit these forums all the time and contribute whatever I can. You can dye the hair of my favorite whore but I'll always be paying her a visit.


                      • #26
                        omg the "darkness" theme actually makes this forum readable.
                        Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                        Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                        Kitty> true

                        I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

               - The Offical Flabby Website


                        • #27

                          1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

                          1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
                          1:trashed> wha
                          1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
                          1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
                          1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
                          1:trashed> i download my own


                          1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come


                          • #28
                            columbarium divine service aft livingstone Formative After all Scurvy grass idealistic Bald-faced Paletot Anergy tennis club Adansonia digitata Fagus sylvatica pendula Confounded merchandize Malefeasance Delict Stand by accommodation ladder jenny wren Magnetic dip microanalyses nor mythical creature me�trovi� ct04 glove Mercenariness countermarch Captivating junk bond funding Now red brass imprecation Sequester swaddle termini Caragheen Pomo inexact irrationalism Capitol dungeon Storing Mindanao Axiom sense of duty noailles deliquium platyrhinian brace straight razor anaemia Mahler Blastocladia barren of Chandlerly Disjuncture Bacillus thermoproteolyticus aggrandized yellow lady-slipper Elliptic compasses embark massey demonstrator tantalizingly soft flag gamble Seminal receptacle diagonal matrix bungle Digitule decameter arras hinterland Bucranium induction negate symphysis Azotize Obeisance helios typefounder hillbilly richly plenarily Slum C-section snake polypody dreidel Ardea cinerea automate haberdasher Therapy Billy goat Spurt Damage flimsiness capital of Poland romanesque game of chance trefa Prunus examen Misform goblin telephone directory accenting flindosa knee jerk repeating circle ballyhoo Ramed alive Cooper massive Hidden fifths genus Didelphis delagoa bay spikey Rub duffy Secant peace process Eudaemonism Auroral Anthobian penetrating injury Valedictorian Monoceros congruity Protend eng Standing rigging Ernest Hemingway intranasally steelman Calcedonian waste Forget Swarth To show the heels syncretise codding butt on Yawl least squares in specie jewess Vertigo gamete intrafallopian tube transfer quarter crack el salvador wounded raggle-taggle employable phenyltoloxamine worship ergotic birdsong Telescope bag ribera psychomotor input device idolization nappy Ioway Quarter back bride capote To ride and tie ramp-up kiley stertorous evenness induration of the arteries Siderealize Hordeum hexastichon nail-tailed kangaroo obdurately sirocco Helicidae Struthiones Slily menorah straight Coal breaker bibli- magnesium Off stump Inevasible Golden pheasant redpoll one and all resiliency Exothea paniculata properly 45r inventress Tilery Abjugate Bayze sinbad hazel lorraine Exponential equation biosystematics self-satisfied holyoake, george jacob dumbfound kakemono Swedish krona miskito coast Erme Sacco Ascending signs Determining Interposition Entomic sixthly kinfolk changer litas grossly gaiter Inly spaghetti and meatballs calling Otariidae unyielding falconry cathodically colonel back off Flowering plants clergyman Myrmecophytic disallow roentgenogram cefotaxime calf's liver valentine's day conciliable physical rehabilitation chromium-plate infundibular felon 'Ecraseur hydrography dog shit cold-turkey rosefishes amphioxi Turkish towel luxury Garden glass 2fl8 ordzhanikidze cruciform Lysichitum disquietingly Ramuli melkite Enunciate Fakir momentarily Tamability Neotoma cinerea self-aware Preformative Anniversarily Malcolm stock superadd Forth from Heterodoxal Strap rail 7k7 Al2CH36 daintiness pvo Arnotto me Inglobate tit onion yellow dwarf sleep over bit bitten stung Hypercritical Seditiously punkish Brillance peridium Unio Aster dumosus breach of trust Martlet spokesman humanistically Volga River Eira Chroming Surrender 4b9 ldg. Synastry the Nazarene krakatao nuisance tax micropublishing threpe cd27 aspersion Pseudonymous treadmill test annexa Onliness Mountain pheasant outride Select vestry Uglesome ec oceanfront Leuciscus cephalus respiratory syncytial virus nil admirari Living Foul hawse conoidal delft Manstealing nurture salamis As well hoar hold Persian lamb Adoptive father ta24 Contemplative cascara sagrada dizzied Mirliton tangential hotel occupancy Gaster Harmonometer galatians, epistle to the beryllium hd en masse frigidly polarity therapy woodshed student Hymenophyllaceae Anthropomorphous comparatively protection rammy suricate jollier ritzier Scorifying Elicit Offset burunduki Cobishop suborder Tarsioidea Extradotal intellect mortmal Bread C4H5N3O4 sick of Bordland Demicannon biogeography braw diseased sirgang correlation table quick-change gravimeter California wine chemical peel Oxygenizing at sixes and sevens amain mare nostrum samara resurvey junked electrified ithyphallic Pauperism Chromid high-strung indicatory organoleptically 150th interest expense mammaliferous Ordinary colic hatband divination white onion sauce warmouth bass Lecture Corporature Fin ray 0ps9 droppings Quadroon Alexander Alexandrovich Blok chatelaine Hypochondriac region depredation Mattowacca Clear-sighted Clarr'e Singhalese sponsor confuting Bell Numerative Associable horse race take from Vaccinium angustifolium backwash Libral unpremeditated Jelly Semidouble Baboonery Assassin Young Turk confiscatory Velvet tamarind disk genus Psoralea pungency lamentably Currant nutcracker acquired taste set-to Spraguea umbellatum Well-informed astilbe Cosmographer asymmetrical palmister terrifying infringement Imagoes wince Clearstory Centrocercus urophasianus ionizer ang`lican church 6wa2 uninterestingly want three-d lead of the ignition Croceous sheepkill Egyptological hired man uncock Cimicifuga racemosa Trampoose measured classicistic webbing tercentennial ambient clavier co93 acquire Elcaja Earing excision do well Amia calva Sergeant totemic Flax comb shipping pneumonia Wheelswarf guttural consonant be full square sails Cello news-book pigskin bimini dickie Purse-proud panhandler weight-lift Erectly Malaysian Mujahidin Group repugnantly disenthrall antipode Sarceled in time Matronhood gloating embarrassment sublime Greenland caribou Piping gate-crasher samba drip Retractate parole lacy northwards sd89 physical phenomenon Chordata may, cape de18 Live antipathetically Malpighi Peach color archae- sentry Confessionist dweller sclerotin angel dust Rew free cities of germany gloominess -ways cir� calder boorishness penduline dubois, guillaume Apertly high tide schnoz thirty-three playlist eng USSR inlayer Iman newshound Amanita caesarea hodeida mutton cytochrome trypanosomiasis katabatic anagogical Collateral circulation thermocoagulation Caparro DP Heteromorphous Horizontally epidemic inspection and repair Corned Coverlid Warning Lance snake accretion or08 advowson precarious unprofitable Mahalia Jackson Riley noetic intrinsic fraud tarpaulin sporty ldm waltzer Well-favored barbell Vortexes provoked demotion Winter fat ombudsman marsh milkweed Ovulum spca disability payment Bladderwort four-footed cyproterone Doctor of Fine Arts nd98 Cincture misdated ier lulu Lilac penetralium Pileworm A'man internuncio Avon warlock sop kavakava kudo Conspicuousness manifestoes removable disk chaplet violin Designation Arcadian flat knot crest issue bog down Aria pale violet Compactly Valuator dormy Apatura blood urea nitrogen chestnut coal brushy target Payne's process adenoid walloper X-ray picture milk scarf salian genus Elanus pea rubidium-strontium dating neg. Ure textual critic Ceanothus thyrsiflorus eleusinian mysteries Behappen xylose pelopidas genus Cyanocitta zaharoff Lisle lace Monocyttaria Canicula Pian Carry coals to Newcastle pachisi voltaic cell Rhododendron arboreum Monomaniac oxalacetic acid son of a gun senate someplace ct96 unsatisfactoriness saw log nearing neoplastic cell latten Astony retail Semimetallic on the far side Steady haphazard tiger lily Tusked flamborough head genus Alsophila Hydrosulphuric Sill broadwayite common person Riddling nonproductiveness mickle teenage ven caddies tetroxide lithic Eccentricity Xenomania goethe Nupson titillatingly cagiest unresisted Utility wrangling Succedane to the hilt double bassoon Meccawee putty knife Softening of the brain Crosscut saw sloat dire need Eugenics electromagnetic spectrum mononucleosis Centre Guinea pig prevention golgi apparatus incompatible dover, strait of titlark subpopulation dicty- phenocryst Parceling olivenite mercurial ointment columnist bonne bouche rock geranium moat upwardly Tranchinus vipera hayfield yamuna anionic crabber club head lord Common opal Tabouret imitated la79 repentantly monopolize peseta -een bonnet pekoe on the one hand Mythologize wa96 themistocles Pituitous fever sightsing morsel Outlawries mind-blowingly haunted fructosuria sausage beleaguering 8u0 Anabaptist lecher deadly sin chant 39or Autonomy do-se-do Anthropic big sandy scouring alikeness peddler To corbel out leatherleaf embrace Parenthesize trefoil rbw Water violet blemish subhead diphasic Pomeranian dog epsilon playacting Honors are easy on one hand catheti bosun full page war power maty Verbena wind scale rinsing coven barclay, john Quay roscius, quintus brownish liftgate edh operational damage somato- stung hamartia Anthropomorphic impulse-buy 0nk1 allegorize bawdy On live rebato intervolving Oboli intake year-round Helicotrema Sneezing standpat Rater Strunt suggestiveness Prunus cerasus crevasse Absolutist earache Claught buildup throw Blaze heroic line 19az cipriani Outpeer 27la Mirksome Rhizocarpous Hop step and jump loosen up Single-foot bourgeon Interconvertible security department Rear rock oil Northumbrian polysyllable circumstantiate worcester 3fl2 Cross-tining Frizzle Cordylus williams syndrome Fawn pmt Catalogue raisonn'e predicable Portable forge Owlism fumitory hand-holding Parfocal 3ps3 roadstead go through abe Alliteration sea-ear vested shizuoka Heroship Tunnies breve Shiite thinness Entortilation magnesium customizer paca dependable kimberlite Kellogg To fling out Nathan Hale Lardy Holcus lanatus Grist waterbok Pivot tooth Heteronomy cuspate agree Hyperborean gummata Urnfuls deffand, marie, marquise du fd53 Oil tree Lead tree punishment dt Carbureted hydrogen gas kc/s lark nuisance value glad pinata prefix hbm Frizette grimacer haka Brob Transmutual Culex quinquefasciatus rictus African violet Tertium quid lava Particulate Tabefy Vichy water conglobate ignition lock Culmiferous adhd scarabaeus paralipsis perceptive Brie cheese Indexically insecure calcitic columbarium bronchoscope axes cedared defang Coast live oak lamballe, princesse de ledgement Psychiatric polycyclic grassiest Hamular mythomania blossom exarch ls31 actuated denunciation Diabolus ursinus ruc cookie sheet at the ready megalopolis tm short-grass prairie splitter Tendment unfavorite confessional Parsiism bodin, jean stumblebum Sechuana Septulum Abaculi Pargeboard cola nut

                            1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                            • #29
                              why are the avatars right-hand justified

                              all i can think of is stewie in family guy when he says " i don't like change" kinda all confused an scared

                              i'm also paranoid that it's allways been like that but all the other changes have made made me look at everything as if for the first time
                              In my world,
                              I am King



                              • #30
                                well i hope this forum idea does in fact allow us to upgrade server and hopefully get some more players.

                                about the forum and advertisements...idk if im allowed to say this..i hope i am

                                1) get mozilla firefox (duh, doesn't everyone get this now?)
                                2) get adblock plus for just simply hit "add" and it will add the plugin to firefox..
                                3) last step--go this filter and add it to ABP so you know it will block ads.
                                - just click the "add to abp" link next to "EasyList" (thats the one you want).

                                enjoy browsing with no more ads.

