Kthx, Mercer is the world's largest human resource consulting firm and is ONE of many such firms that year after year rank Canadian cities higher than the American cities in both Quality of living and Infrastructure. If your scroll down and take a look at the Quality of living for the Americas, every single city in the top 5 is a Canadian city.
My point is that your bashing of this "socialist" country from it's health care policies to it's liberal views on many issues is based on nothing but your BIASED opinions. Take some time to look at not only Mercer's but any other firm's standard of living and infrastructure ratings and let the evidence help you make a UNBIASED post.
P.S. Just in case you miss it, those ratings for both standard of living and infrastructure do take the Health care system into account. In fact I believe it is a fairly heavily weighted variable.
Superman don't need no seat belt.
-Muhammad Ali
TWDT-D, TWDT-J, TWDT-B Champion 2011. Yes am this gud.
Me and Kolar grew up in a similar situation. You remind me of Kolar, he doesn't talk to our father anymore. I try to keep in contact but rather than being an active person in my life he's more like an extended relative that shows up once a year and takes the liberty to act like a fatherly figure for the two or three days you see him. I think our parents have a lot in common. My father use to make $80,000 (majority of it was untaxed) on onward as a mechanic but not once has he ever shelled out support or even money to help me and my brother pay our tuition. My mother works her ass off and would and wants to help her kids more than she already does but is ultimately limited to by her financial constraints, for over ten years she has had a full-time and a part-time job. Not once did my father think about or even try to alleviate the financial pressures that my father put on her. Instead he cheated on my mom, moved in with his new girlfriend and her kids and was for a couple years paying to shelter and feed her kids while my mother and brothers were living at my grandmothers house. We finally moved out of my grandmothers house into a subsidized apartment, and finally a town house several years later. It's funny because while his kids were living in a piece of shit apartment he bought a brand new house for him and his 'new family'. Without the support of my uncles I would not be where I am now. My gay uncle I talked about previously is more of a man then my father could ever hope to be.
The lesson that I think me and my brothers have learned is that taking responsibility and educating ourselves will ultimately lead to a decent life. Also taking care of your family and loved ones isn't something you can ignore.
Since everyone is coming out with their life stories I guess I should too.
Growing up as a kid was mad fun. Similar to you guys I didnt have my dad around a lot. Thats cuz he a pimp. He has 4 wives, in different countries. Lol and I got a whole bunch of step brothas and a few step sisters. We a big family. I like all my momas. But my own moma is the best cuz she is the best cook amongst all 4 momas. My step-brothas pretty safe too. We get to meet each other from time to time. On top of all this my dad a rich playa too. He pretty ballin....got 4 legit wifes, many children from each, and a shit load of cash. He comes visit us in Canada from time to time. He has a system going where he visits each wife for a period of time during the year. Also, me moma stop caring for us as soon as we turn 18. Its just how its been going on in the family. She expect us to do everything properly by ourselves after we 18. Never been real strict on us as long as we follow religion. I remember on my 18 burthday my moma buy me some underwear and said 'these r the last pair im buying you son'. So yeh, after that day I bought all my underwear. I really like the 'fruit of the loom' ones tbh. But yeah, when i grow i wish to be just like my dad too. Be a rich playa and be pimping with 3-4 wifes. My dads like Kobe too, any time a wife gets mad for some reason, he just throws a diamond necklace or ring at her. My dad knows how to live life. Also my moma a pretty strong woman just like the rest of my step-momas. Its pretty hard for a woman to live knowing her husband got other wives. But it is what it is. Also I try to pay my own tuition even though my parents offer to help. I got it under control so far. OSAP is pretty nice ez to get.
- You need people like me. So you can point your finger and say that's the bad guy.
Its hard to take your obviously biased tool to explain why a socialized system is better when it advertises things like NPR which are heavily left leaning radio broadcasts, has members of its company in the white house trying to push the health care agenda, and would make a lot of money "consulting" companies if the health care plan were to get passed.
It's like me linking you to a survey or poll from Rushlimbaugh.com as proof that the American ways of running things is better. Of course you don't really need any further proof to explain which system of government is better because true unfettered capitalism made America the most powerful nation on the planet, and despite nearly every other shitty country deciding to have socialized medicine, whenever anyone from another country that has money or power gets sick they come to America to be treated.
So maybe if you poll the millions of people who don't have health insurance because they would rather not work, and instead draw money from the community pot that is welfare then I am sure our system does look bad. I however don't feel sorry for the lazy people who collect money for passing go while I earn it and have a better life because of it. The best health care isn't a unalienable right granted by the government when you are born in America, it is something that you earn from doing your job as an American citizen and furthering the country by producing something. So yeah, there are tons of poor people who have to go to shitty free clinics, always go to the emergency room, and get shitty coverage, but a majority of them are there because of themselves, while successful people like myself who have worked since they were able to and stuck with a company are entitled to the benefits of a system geared towards the truth that hard working people deserve better things in life.
It really blows growing up in the most confusing years of being a male (14 onward) with a dad that set a terrible example and bailed as fast as he could. Really, it does...don't do it to your children...but I also have to say that it's definied me as a person more than anything else.
I do kinda know where you're coming from. Although I was very lucky to have two great parents, and I didn't have to grow up with problems between them, my dad died when I was 14 and after that I was faced with having to be the "man" of the house because my mom was shattered (obviously) and all my brother was doing was causing her even more trouble and problems by being a complete douche. So I went from being a kid to having to be an adult just like that.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
I wouldn't call you arrogant Galleleo, I always thought it was the tough words of a sad euro who has heard his entire life that his second rate civilization is better than America only to be destroyed verbally by its inhabitants on a nearly daily basis which caused you to question your entire countries idea of government and overly controlled life.
I mean sure, stimulating the economy during a depression might be easier for the government to do when people have a higher marginal propensity to save. If the government directly spends the money, then yeah, the economy will be stimulated.
this couldn't be more wrong. again, against a tenet of keynesian economics.
and btw it's the khaldun curve, muqqadimiah by Ibn Khaldun, look it up . go-go gadget father of social sciences
arthur get to steppin'.
4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and black...you can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
I still don't understand why you're arguing against me. Perhaps my wording was ambiguous in the first sentence, but I think I clarified it in the second sentence. Let me break it down for you.
People have a high propensity to save = government stimulates the economy
Government stimulates the economy = government spends the money directly
Originally posted by Pandagirl!
I mean sure, stimulating the economy during a depression might be easier for the government to do when people have a higher marginal propensity to save. If the government directly spends the money, then yeah, the economy will be stimulated.
As in, it's easier for the government to stimulate the economy than for the average citizen to stimulate the economy. Because they want to save their money. So the government spends the money.
Do you get it now or do I need to repeat myself more?
Also, everyone calls it the Laffer Curve, so chill out and stop regurgitating bits of trivia you found on Wikipedia after you had to look up what the Laffer Curve even was.
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero