With so many Ghost hunter organizations out there some really interesting evidence is collected when it comes to houses or establishments that supposedly have ghosts haunting their floors. There's quite a bit of tom foolery out there on youtube with people using fishing line to make some interesting videos where things are being moved and claiming poltergeist activity that just want you to believe but makes it harder for anyone to validify such existence. The heebeegeebee feeling is synonymously associated amongst certain circles to be a reaction of one being around such beings. Alot of people also claim that babies and children are able to tap into this realm of unknown and are more apt to see such entities because they are often most pure and less prone to an old persons mentality of I don't believe it unless I see it. I just wanted to share a few of my own personal experiences that left me believing there's more to what meets the eye, whether you believe or do not believe in the paranormal and ghosts that is entirely up to you 
Drummond Hill House
I had a friend living near a place where the battle of 1812 took place in Niagara Falls. There's quite a bit of old time war houses that ridden all over the city. We used to go into the basement of his house which had one of those folding doors that you push on the one side and it slides on a track and comes together. We would smoke joints in the bathroom of the house to keep it contained to one room and there was a window we could crack so the smoke would go out ( kids in house ). We would do this in the winter cuz smoking outside is too damn cold. He kept asking me why I would leave the lights on and the door open when we were done claiming that every morning he would go to work and that shit would be still on. I started making a point of telling his stoned stupid ass, hey I'm turning out the light and watch this door as its being shut. Again he still said that each morning it was still happening. Odd we both thought, and joked that his kids are sleep walking to the bathroom. One day we were all hanging out upstairs watching a movie, kids were in bed and I had to go to the bathroom, rather then going upstairs I went downstairs. I closed the sliding door leading from the kitchen to the basement because they had a cocker that would follow me everywhere and the last thing I wanted was a dog looking up at me while I was hanging a leak. I half had the door closed to the bathroom and doing my business when I heard what sounded like someone running down the stairs... I thought ohh great the dog opened the door and is now going to come in and watch me piss. Then I heard what sounded like someone walking past the bathroom door and it honestly sounded like corduroy pants going swish swish swish. I laughed out loud and asked my buddy if he honestly thought he was going to scare me and expected him to be around the corner hiding in another room waiting to jump out at me and say " boo " I finished up my biz, washed up, started walking around the corner to where I heard the walking go to saying, " hey what are you doing in .... " nobody was there. At that point the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I got a feeling something was in the room with me. I've watched enough shows to know that if you want evidence of something such as a ghost the best thing to do is to ask for something to happen so I did. I said " I know something is down here, I heard you come down here, show me a sign your here " Sure enough as I asked this right after I felt a gust of wind go past me. I'm not talking about a small draft here but as if someone was using a fan to blow right in your face. At that point I was miffed and decided to check the window for a draft just to appease my own curiosity and to much surprise there was none... I ran up the stairs and opened the door that was still closed and shared my story. They moved not long after due to some other circumstances they had shared but without me being a witness to them I don't feel it appropriate to share.
Recluse Uncle
I once had an uncle I never really knew myself, I would see him as a kid at my grandparents on sundays when we would go visit and the extent of our conversation was hey how ya doing and that was about it. He never married, never had a girlfriend, never came to our house to visit. We helped him move when I was around 20 and a week after this he called to see if I could help him with his internet connection that wouldn't work. I tried over the phone and decided it might be faster if I went over and fixed it for him. I went over fixed it and we drank some Jägermeister, a bottle my grandfather never got to finish. We both drank in his honor and discussed a wide variety of things including life after death with which he told me my grandpa when he died wouldn't leave him alone and visited him in his car on the way home from the hospital when he died. At the end of the conversation we decided to let the other know when we died that there is life beyond. One week I had two instances of something happen where I was laying down in bed trying to fall asleep and had the feeling of someone slapping me in the middle of my back open palmed, just once distinct slap, I just ignored it and pulled the covers over my head a little bit more as a safety. The next day I was woken up by a snapping sound, when I sat up and was looking around wondering whether an electronic decided to break on me I had someone blow in my face. A few more days went by and I was awoken up by a police officer asking me where my mother was and was told that this same uncle had died in his apartment.
Night Hag / Sleep paralysis
I was 18 years old, I was into meditation and trying to meet my spirit guides through this, I started off as I usually did by deep breathing exercises and trying to bring in a white light to surround my body but when this was lacking and didn't happen I started to stay within the darkness. It was calm and I could hear the tv in the background that I had left on. When all of a sudden, a sensation of a being sitting on my chest was making it really hard to breath, it felt as if a second entity hopped on and at this point I because scared and nervous as to what was happening and my first instinct was to yell and to have someone from upstairs come down to save me, but all I could do was wease out a help and this was so faint that no one would be able to hear me... after this didn't work I started to panic and at that point I started praying in my head to all deities that I could think of, abraham, joesph, jesus, muhammid, ect ect, as I did I started to shake as if someone took me by the shoulders and started to shake me violently. I was literally flung from off of the couch, landed on a coffee table that was 3 feet away and damaged the corner of it from landing so hard.

Drummond Hill House
I had a friend living near a place where the battle of 1812 took place in Niagara Falls. There's quite a bit of old time war houses that ridden all over the city. We used to go into the basement of his house which had one of those folding doors that you push on the one side and it slides on a track and comes together. We would smoke joints in the bathroom of the house to keep it contained to one room and there was a window we could crack so the smoke would go out ( kids in house ). We would do this in the winter cuz smoking outside is too damn cold. He kept asking me why I would leave the lights on and the door open when we were done claiming that every morning he would go to work and that shit would be still on. I started making a point of telling his stoned stupid ass, hey I'm turning out the light and watch this door as its being shut. Again he still said that each morning it was still happening. Odd we both thought, and joked that his kids are sleep walking to the bathroom. One day we were all hanging out upstairs watching a movie, kids were in bed and I had to go to the bathroom, rather then going upstairs I went downstairs. I closed the sliding door leading from the kitchen to the basement because they had a cocker that would follow me everywhere and the last thing I wanted was a dog looking up at me while I was hanging a leak. I half had the door closed to the bathroom and doing my business when I heard what sounded like someone running down the stairs... I thought ohh great the dog opened the door and is now going to come in and watch me piss. Then I heard what sounded like someone walking past the bathroom door and it honestly sounded like corduroy pants going swish swish swish. I laughed out loud and asked my buddy if he honestly thought he was going to scare me and expected him to be around the corner hiding in another room waiting to jump out at me and say " boo " I finished up my biz, washed up, started walking around the corner to where I heard the walking go to saying, " hey what are you doing in .... " nobody was there. At that point the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I got a feeling something was in the room with me. I've watched enough shows to know that if you want evidence of something such as a ghost the best thing to do is to ask for something to happen so I did. I said " I know something is down here, I heard you come down here, show me a sign your here " Sure enough as I asked this right after I felt a gust of wind go past me. I'm not talking about a small draft here but as if someone was using a fan to blow right in your face. At that point I was miffed and decided to check the window for a draft just to appease my own curiosity and to much surprise there was none... I ran up the stairs and opened the door that was still closed and shared my story. They moved not long after due to some other circumstances they had shared but without me being a witness to them I don't feel it appropriate to share.
Recluse Uncle
I once had an uncle I never really knew myself, I would see him as a kid at my grandparents on sundays when we would go visit and the extent of our conversation was hey how ya doing and that was about it. He never married, never had a girlfriend, never came to our house to visit. We helped him move when I was around 20 and a week after this he called to see if I could help him with his internet connection that wouldn't work. I tried over the phone and decided it might be faster if I went over and fixed it for him. I went over fixed it and we drank some Jägermeister, a bottle my grandfather never got to finish. We both drank in his honor and discussed a wide variety of things including life after death with which he told me my grandpa when he died wouldn't leave him alone and visited him in his car on the way home from the hospital when he died. At the end of the conversation we decided to let the other know when we died that there is life beyond. One week I had two instances of something happen where I was laying down in bed trying to fall asleep and had the feeling of someone slapping me in the middle of my back open palmed, just once distinct slap, I just ignored it and pulled the covers over my head a little bit more as a safety. The next day I was woken up by a snapping sound, when I sat up and was looking around wondering whether an electronic decided to break on me I had someone blow in my face. A few more days went by and I was awoken up by a police officer asking me where my mother was and was told that this same uncle had died in his apartment.
Night Hag / Sleep paralysis
I was 18 years old, I was into meditation and trying to meet my spirit guides through this, I started off as I usually did by deep breathing exercises and trying to bring in a white light to surround my body but when this was lacking and didn't happen I started to stay within the darkness. It was calm and I could hear the tv in the background that I had left on. When all of a sudden, a sensation of a being sitting on my chest was making it really hard to breath, it felt as if a second entity hopped on and at this point I because scared and nervous as to what was happening and my first instinct was to yell and to have someone from upstairs come down to save me, but all I could do was wease out a help and this was so faint that no one would be able to hear me... after this didn't work I started to panic and at that point I started praying in my head to all deities that I could think of, abraham, joesph, jesus, muhammid, ect ect, as I did I started to shake as if someone took me by the shoulders and started to shake me violently. I was literally flung from off of the couch, landed on a coffee table that was 3 feet away and damaged the corner of it from landing so hard.