For those of you that dont know, every year a camp celebration is held in the form of the Eurovision song contest. Each country nominates a song and one night in one big event all the contestants dress up, put on their make up etc, and sing their songs in one marathon TW show. Then in some countries people phone in to vote for their favourite songs (Britain) and in some countries they have a jury to decide their favourite songs (everyone else). The countries one by one announce who they will give 1 point, 2 points.... 12 points. Bear in mind 30 countries so you dont have to get a point off of everyone. In 2000 we won it, 2001 we were second, this year for the first time ever we came last with 0 points.
THE POST IRAQI-BACKLASH HAS BEGUN! Of course France, Germany and Russia gave each other 12 points, and everyone voted for Poland's 'song of peace'.
THE POST IRAQI-BACKLASH HAS BEGUN! Of course France, Germany and Russia gave each other 12 points, and everyone voted for Poland's 'song of peace'.