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My christmas gift

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  • My christmas gift

    is because I'm cheap and can't afford any other quality options, but may interest any alcohol enthusiasts as a possibility for personal use.

    Homemade Kalua:

    one lb of dark coffee
    one fifth of grain alcohol/everclear (151 proof or higher, if its legal where you live)
    2 lbs of light brown sugar
    flavored syrup of your choice

    brew the pound of coffee (should be about 12 cups, if you have a french press the flavor will obviously be far stronger than if you used a coffee maker. our FP broke so we did it the long way and used a melitta. )
    pour into large pot on stove
    Heat, pour brown sugar into hot coffee, stir until dissolved.
    Mix in alcohol, stir occasionally on low heat for 10 minutes or so
    add flavoring (we used a bit of vanilla and almond extract, but be careful not to add too much because it can easily overpower the flavor...hazelnut/cinnamon/cloves are apparently also popular)

    Turn off heat, let cool. Does not to be refrigerated (the alcohol content keeps bacteria from forming..and after all, it is mostly water).

    Makes about a gallon of (strong) Kalua for about $20. A half gallon up here usually costs about $40.

    we made a couple batches and are just giving out bottles for our holiday gifts. Also great for a morning eye opener, or just drinking straight for several hours (as evidenced by this post).


    edit: the recipe calls for 2 lbs of brown sugar, but we used 1.5 for the second batch. I prefer it less sweet, although 2 lbs is a more accurate taste compared to store-bought kalua.

  • #2

    no joke one christmass i brought my family the gift of the white russian

    i.e. just bought the ingredients and mixed them up and it went down a treat

    everyone in my family is at that age where if they want something they just go and get it and xmass isn't really about presents anymore but no one bar me had drank a white russian!
    In my world,
    I am King



    • #3
      Kthx please tell me your eggnog recipe.
      duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

      Mattey> put me in corch

      zidane> go kf urself pork


      • #4
        i'd prefer a sweater
        can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


        • #5
          give a man a sweater, and he'll be warm for a winter. Give a man a recipe, and he'll be drunk for a winter.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post

            no joke one christmass i brought my family the gift of the white russian

            i.e. just bought the ingredients and mixed them up and it went down a treat

            everyone in my family is at that age where if they want something they just go and get it and xmass isn't really about presents anymore but no one bar me had drank a white russian!

            fantastic, but if you're all grown ass adults, how in the world are you the only person in the family who had ever had a white russian?


            • #7
              My eggnog recipe involves an ice cream that you can't get outside of Texan and neighboring states so I shall not post it as the ingredients fit with the ice cream I am talking about.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #8
                dammit kthx you're killing me man. this kalua recipe looks delicious
                Originally posted by turmio
                jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                Originally posted by grand
                I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...

