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TW Remembers those we've lost

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  • #31
    I wore my "I BOMBED NEW YORK!" t-shirt on 9/11. Yeah, I'm a heartless sonofabitch.
    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


    • #32
      Didn't Entropia like get drunk and fall off a tower of some sort?
      Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


      • #33
        I know it had something to do with ice somewhere and the roof of someones house, but thats generally it
        Originally posted by Facetious
        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


        • #34

          As soon as the AD was sent i went to the arena and started cursing and then i sent a ?help WTF IS THAT!?? and started bitching at YoMama!!! for it... i said i was going to quit ss and all that good stuff, but it seemed like nobody cared for my complaint... im glad to see this issue on the boards.

          I agree with almost everyones post,... 9-11 was a serious event and a little game to "remember" it by was totally the wrong way to go about it. It was not a mistake - it was poor judgement, and thats why we need more vet staff.

          A moment of silence will never work.. there are too many dumb fucks in ss that would not go along with it... remember many people hate the USA,... and thats fine, but for you people - u can all choke on a fucking chicken bone and die slowly.

          I myself lost a family member on 9-11 so i was pretty pissed,... but its over with now.. and learn from ur mistakes ICEY, or ill come for you and u wont like it boi.

          - RaW'n St0nE'd
          - RawZ

          Street Cred:

          Cripple since 2000
          Ex Cripples Captain
          Ex SSC DownTown Zone Sysop
          - my smods (NOBODY!!!!!!! and Ave-iator) created the original Alias Bot for Trenchwars -

          delectable> I like double penetration from african americans


          • #35
            IceStorm6969, I don't like you. And you aren't sorry, asshole.
            can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


            • #36
              Originally posted by Bilbo
              Didn't Entropia like get drunk and fall off a tower of some sort?

              Yeah, he had nothing to do with 9/11, he was european.
              The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

              Originally posted by Richard Creager
              All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


              • #37
                This act is good if the intentions were good.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #38
                  Hitler wanted to improve the human race, good intentions, no?
                  Mr 12 inch wonder


                  • #39
                    no, he wanted the "german race" to dominate all others.


                    • #40
                      Re: Well.....

                      Originally posted by Rosstones
                      A moment of silence will never work.. there are too many dumb fucks in ss that would not go along with it
                      u do a moment of silence for the man that has killed himself at the wto, for the tousands of people who starve to death every year, for the 155 people who died in Karprun 3 years ago and for the 1000 french who died this summer because of the heat and ill lay my work down on 9-11.

                      the point is just because you do not keep you moment of silence does not mean you hate the usa. there are dying thousands and thousands of people every year and you expect the whole world to stop because there were 3000 american deats. that is arrogant. after 2 years and 2 wars i think you could let your people rest in peace allready but no, you come to this forum and hate each others.



                      • #41
                        Yeah how about the 10k+ earthquake victims in Turkey?
                        Originally posted by Diakka
                        Lets stop being lil bitches


                        • #42
                          In honor of all those who perished in turkey, ?go rumble - Icey <ZH>
                          NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                          internet de la jerome

                          because the internet | hazardous


                          • #43
                            Why not drop this topic?

                            Ice Storm did something wrong & and everyone is pissed off, no surprise there. I don't think hes competent enough to learn from his mistakes. Remember what happend and grieve for your losses but stop bickering about it. Stop glorifying death with mindless rituals and ceremonies and enjoy life.


                            • #44
                              if u get pissed of because of that remember to put a paper bag on your head next time you leave the pc unless you want to suffer a heart attack caused by the reality shock.


                              • #45
                                who's pissed?
                                I just thought it wasn't the best way to pay respects.
                                Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey

