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I have a problem with a friend

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Bioture
    Nvm close this thread she said yes i just asked her.

    edit: yea it was fairly awkward.

    can people stfu now? that's why i encourage people to read the WHOLE thread. lazy fucks.


    • #32
      Wow I wonder how many times this has been asked
      A man who desires nothing is invincible.


      • #33
        Originally posted by MaGi kOz
        can people stfu now? that's why i encourage people to read the WHOLE thread. lazy fucks.
        You're right, and usually I get annoyed when people do that too, I just didn't want to read a bunch of replies where guys pretend like they woulnd't bone a chick they're attracted to because they're afraid for the friendship. - Gallileo's racist thread

        "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


        • #34
          if u really want that girl, ask.

          if u arent sure, DONT ASK.

          the ankwardness of a situation when shes still hanging out with u and your friends after u aksed her out and she turned u down takes just too long.

          the easiest way is just to go out and pick someone who u dont know previously.

          also, dont ever try to pick up your friends female friends. never a good idea, trust me.


          • #35
            Originally posted by bloodzombie
            guys pretend like they woulnd't bone a chick they're attracted to because they're afraid for the friendship.
            I don't think he was worried that when the relationship consumated, the friendship would die, I think he was worried that if he asked her out, she would say no, and thus he wouldn't be able to ogle her unsuccessfully anymore.
            5:gen> man
            5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


            • #36
              Torn Wing... why are you aliased and saying my name? Funny everyone that knows me irl says i'm the sweetest girl they know ... BUT I"M SURE U KNOW ME THOUGH AND OF COURSE I"M EVIL CAUSE WE'VE PROBABLY TALKED A WHOLE LOT.


              but seriouly... do i know u by another name ?

              BZ: there really are gentleman out there in the world

              If you want to keep a friendship the same... then don't try to go out with the girl... but its up to you to decide if you want to risk it all... Sometimes its the way a real marriage starts <the ones that never end>. Its how my grandparents started out and they never left each others side for the rest of their lives.
              Last edited by Goddess; 11-30-2003, 01:08 PM.
              Quoting is the highest form of flattery ...

              The mouth that holds the tongue that rocks your world... rules the world

              PjOtTeR> I should change my name to horny gypsy humper

              saying Goddess name is like saying Voldemort in the Harry Potter World. She-who-must-not-be-named is fucking Taboo


              • #37
                Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                Someone's got a pinkie dick...
                Damn, how'd u figure it out

