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SuperBowl Commercials

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  • SuperBowl Commercials

    I liked many of them, but the best one was prolly the one where the horse farts into the girl while she is holding a candle, ahaaaha

    1:Sensitive> i hit a family of ducks the other day on the high way

  • #2
    I liked the one about Janet Jackson's breast the most.
    can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


    • #3
      Surffaan näitä foorumeita munasillani.


      • #4
        That commercial wasn't funny. It was probably the worst superbowl ever for commercials.

        I'm glad I watched the halftime show though.


        • #5
          Show-off Preppy: "Watch what my dog can do.. dog, get Bud Light."

          *Preppy's pure-bred runs to a cooler and fetches a Bud Light*

          Show-off Preppy: "What can your dog do?"

          Average Joe: "Dog.. get Bud Light."

          *Joe's scruffy looking dog leaps at Preppy's crotch, thus freeing the Bud Light from his hand, into his master's*
          Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you


          • #6
            It isnt a half time commercial, but the Linux commercial with Muhammed Ali telling a small kid to "shake up the world" was fantastic. The kid (Linux) is going to shake up the world (of microsoft.)

            plus ali's the man.
            TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
            TelCat> hoes get paid :(
            TelCat> i dont


            • #7
              I thought the one that showed a ref getting yelled at by a coach then the question was asked "How can he stand all the yelling?" and then it showed his wife yelling at him. lol
              The song doesn't make your hands clap,
              The hand claps make the song


              • #8
                #1: First BudLight commercial with the two guys & two dogs
                #2: Budlight commercial with the guy and girl in the horse carrage.
                ZeUs!!> 48k - 44k
                leroy> zeus, it's time base
                ZeUs!!> yeah im old fashioned

                Zerzera> can't hear you lappos, you have a 300ms delay

                3:Uz> the only difference between a mexican and a texican is that they are on the side of the fence where the oil is.

                [May 29 04:22] DOTSY: the internet is for porn


                • #9
                  Originally posted by A1 beat-down
                  I thought the one that showed a ref getting yelled at by a coach then the question was asked "How can he stand all the yelling?" and then it showed his wife yelling at him. lol
                  yeah that was the only good one.

                  The Linux commercial has already been on tv, just without Ali.


                  • #10
                    Don't be such a s0urpuss, Sleepeh. Tho I'll admit, the commercials got dull faster than I expected. Perhaps because the game actually managed to get marginally interesting half way through the second quarter.
                    Last edited by Adeon; 02-02-2004, 04:27 AM.
                    Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you


                    • #11
                      I loved that the Simpsons version of the "Priceless" Mastercard adverts.


                      • #12
                        We got all these crappy local ads during the game, and they didn't show Janet getting molested.


                        • #13
                          Omgz, you poor, tortured Aussie...
                          Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you


                          • #14
                            pretty weak on ads this year. maybe i'm just getting old, but it seemed most of them were looking for a cheap laugh and were designed to be understood by people who were drunk, with a short attention span.

                            farts and pain to the crotch is just really easy to get a laugh with. with the money being spent on these spots, i guess i was just expecting a little more.

                            i did like the one where the ref was getting screamed at, and the linux commercial.


                            • #15
                              the fedex one with the alien was the best one.

                              and I liked the AOL ones with the guys from american choppers, but if I didn't watch their show, I might not think the commercials were funny.
                     - Gallileo's racist thread

                              "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo

