... so which will embarass you more, being asked to name a game, and then not being able to do more than give a brief description of it, or the inability to see the letter "d" in the word "carD"?
It's an honest mistake, so I'll answer both Punk Rock's and Emaho's queries.
My favourite card game is euchre.
My favourite killer is Doug "Killer" Gilmour.
Name one superstition you absolutely must obey whenever your favourite team is playing an important game and you know that if you fail to follow that superstition that one time, your team will lose.

It's an honest mistake, so I'll answer both Punk Rock's and Emaho's queries.
My favourite card game is euchre.
My favourite killer is Doug "Killer" Gilmour.
Name one superstition you absolutely must obey whenever your favourite team is playing an important game and you know that if you fail to follow that superstition that one time, your team will lose.