When i first became staff it was great.. Everyone knew what they were doing almost.. People were nice.. What happend? Did i jump into a time loop... I got banned for a.. A racist remark.. No Warning.. Nothing and I was banned for 3days. Ouch, jd has been planned but now i can't play.. Well its just pathetic how i never used racism and actually HATE it and got banned. Moot <ZH> for a bit then jump to <ER> skip a month and right 2 mod. I have nothing personal against him i just think he should have warned me first. And when did these rules take place? I just left staff not that long ago and i have seen 100s of people get away with racism.. Even staffies. Someday if this does not improve ill tell you all everysingle mistake and what staff does wrong but for now i will just be nice and walk along.. Oh yea ban@trenchwars.org Does not work.. And Diakka listen to the question that was asked.
