Hopefully, Priitk gets a really big tax deduction on the money he pays out of pocket to the server or something.
Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you
Going to reply to this and dont even give a fuck if it's 7 years old.
I said a long time ago that this game had great potential as retro gaming was going to make a big comeback. All that was needed was a motivated and supportive admin.
Now my prediction has been proven correct, games like minecraft and 2d platformers are regaining more and more popularity, yet Subspace is still dying in the ass. Why? Because unprofessional staff that have fostered a culture of self-gratifying egotism and totalitarianism rather than acting as servants for the game.
Innovations like Distension, whilst attracting hundreds of people, have been killed off due to the unprofessional and childish attitudes of certain staff members, or those with close links to staff.
I believe many staff members are either studying, post-study or are attempting to gain administrative/executive roles in their lives, and use TW as some kind of proving ground. All I can say is that most of you fail dismally. You have no idea how to run a successful video game, and I suspect your career aspirations will take a similar course.
sigh, I'm trying to be lenient with people and not issuing any warns or bans. But if I see another thread being revived, I'm going to have to start enforcing the rules. You got something to say? Create a new fucking thread. Closed