i've done a simple design of what i wud like my map to be, now can ne1 tell me where to start with the programming? if anyone can give me a hand making it i wud really appriciate it
cheers :up:
Trained_Killer - 160 + hours and still counting
L3thal - 4 hours and working way up
I've always thought that seeking people to help out in pubs and such is "undermining" them It's kinda like trying to take away a staffers job but who knows :-x <- never been staff
the best way to get on staff is to have squadmates or other friends on staff, and just express your interest to be recruited. don't go doing that idiotic "hey help people and be positive and a fucking newbie" stuff, it works rarely and is troublesome.
Hey Trained_Killer, you might want to make your map a bit larger, to accomodate the huge amounts of people that go to hosted events. Try to aim for something that can give like 80-100 people a lotta fun.
Anyways, if you ever need help with your maps, Ive got some spare time, give me a shout.
audit> and btw, im your fan!
DeeZ NuTs> time to own
DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
Azreal> LOloL
cook> ROFL
thanks cook, i think i've made it big enough, i'll send u it so u can have a look. i still need to add features and things but so far i think it looks like whats it's suppoesed to do (as in size) :up:
Trained_Killer - 160 + hours and still counting
L3thal - 4 hours and working way up
The best way to get staff is simply to post on the forums. You'll quickly become known, part of the SS community, and if you deserve it you'll get a shot. It's also the best way to get on a good squad. If you post a lot people immediately assume you know what you're doing in the game.
Seriously, how ELSE would Sleepy have gotten on to Pallies.
Just kiddin' m8... Seriously though, post a lot on the forums, become involved. Being involved doesn't just mean "helping" in pubs or whatever, get to know what's really going on in TW, and be a part of the zone.