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Shriek is a racist squad

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  • Originally posted by Torn Wing
    Racism is only an ideal. If you are stupid enough to be offended by an idiot using racist comments to try to offend you, then you are just as moronic as they are.

    Let them be 'Racist' and those who are offended, let them be offended.
    Racism is an ideal? Do you know what ideal means?

    1. A conception of something in its absolute perfection.
    2. One that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence.
    3. An ultimate object of endeavor; a goal.
    4. An honorable or worthy principle or aim.

    Exactly which of those were you going for?


    • What was an awful thing to say? And I see people get offended by lots of things. Does that mean that someone should get a ban over it?
      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


      • Originally posted by Torn Wing
        Hey you dont know what racism is?

        I live in an apartment complex where whites are the minority. My 11 yr old brother is constantly picked on for that fact. I hate any -African American- that will complain about racism, and still treat other colors badly. I would gladly kill any black that hurt my little brother because he is white, that is hipocritical.

        So if your going to joke around using the reggin word then do so. Feel free. Use it to diss others if you will, but just watch your ass when it comes to warn-happy staff members and people like foob who would get offended if you said negro.

        I see nothing wrong here. The war for slavery ended a long time ago. Leave it there and shut the fuck up about "He said reggin! Im going to go bitch and whine until someone who shares my opinions does something about it."

        Or think of it this way. If you see the word, and you are not black, Shut the fuck up, thankyou.

        First of all, racism is not just a "black vs white" people issue, but applies to all people of all cultures. Racism did not end with emancipation. You also don't have to be black to find the N-word offensive, or white to find "cracker" offensive. You don't have to be the victim or target to know that it's wrong. From your post, it is clear that you have no idea what racism means at all. I find it weird that you seem to be more offended by people who don't like racism than you do by racism itself. Instead of telling people who argue against racism to shut up, why don't you go and tell the racists to shut up.

        Your brother getting picked on for being white is just as bad as if he was black being picked on by whites. You talk about hypocrites that cry for being victims and yet are racists themselves, yes, that is a problem. That doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't like racism is a hypocrite either. Of course, your story here seem to be another form of hypocrisy. You don't mind if other people get offended by being called racist terms, but if it happened to your brother, you suddenly get uppity. It's the same damn issue, just coming from the other side of the coin. I can tell you love your brother very much, but you have to realize that this same situation applies to a lot of people everywhere from all cultures.

        Fighting against racism doesn't mean fighting for black people or fighting against whites. If that's your view on the concept, then that only shows how little some people know about these issues, and telling people who do discuss these issues to shut up only makes that problem worse.


        • Lol I think its funny how all the squads ppl consider as racist squads, I have been on. LOL!
          2 time TWLD runner up.

          If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


          • It was 4:00 AM last night when I made that post, and judging by my syntax it's clear I didnt get out what I mean to say.

            I know racism is more wide-spread to other cultures, but the main problem in this thread is the 'black vs white" so to speak, and from what Ive seen, more white people are offended by the word than black.

            I understand what you're saying Troll, but when I said shut up, I merely meant that this is a game, and racism shouldnt be such a big deal over the internet.

            The story with my little brother goes: He was playing outside with oneof his friends when another kid with his older brother came up to my little brother with a b-b gun and started firing at him and laughing. What I said was just a burst of anger, and Im still pissed at them, but Im not going to be a racist person against them.

            Rob, I didnt mean ideal I meant idea, once again I had just gotten home from work, and wasnt copletely coherrant.

            In summary all I meant to say was that racism will always be there, we just have to learn to ignore it.


            • That's not a solution, that's part of the problem.

              Like I said earlier, why do people want to tell people to stop complaining about racism instead of telling people to stop being racist in the first place? There just isn't a place for racism in a just society. The old "Sticks and Stones" argument is just a pacifier that people tell children to protect them in the playground, yet every child knows that words can hurt more than sticks or stones. It's the same when dealing with racism. Saying "just ignore it" doesn't get rid of the problem, it just allows it to stagnate until people think it is inevitable.


              • Nowadays there is not usually a lot of meaning behind the word. When someone gets pissed off at you, they'll use everything in their arsenal to try and get under your skin. I really doubt it's anyones true intentions to start lynching or enslaving people. Also, I don't see how a white person calling another person a name relevant to another race is racism in the first place. If an asian called an asian a cracker, would anyone really care?
                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                • If an Asian called a white person "Cracker" in an offensive way, then it's just as bad. Go ahead and report that if you see it. If nothing is done, then that is a problem, but it doesn't mean that it's alright. The solution is to treat it the same as if it was in the other direction.

                  If one situation gets treated properly but the opposite situation gets ignored, the solution isn't to start ignoring both, but to start treating both properly.

                  And being racist doesn't necessarily mean you want to start lynching people. If you're doing something to get under someone's skin, then it's still hate. If you're doing it with racial undertones, then it's still racism. Under your explanation, someone can get away with being racist just by saying: "I hate your people and everything about you, but it's okay, because I don't want you lynched because of it."
                  Last edited by Troll King; 06-12-2004, 09:33 AM.


                  • I said if they called another asian a cracker, which isnt really racist. Sure the word is used, but it loses its meaning much like calling someone who doesnt have a mental illness retarted. And if they don't mean to commit any hate crimes, how is it any more serious than calling someone an idiot? Take a fucking joke.
                    I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                    I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                    • You guys got it all wrong, I think what TK is really trying to tell us is that Boys are in fact BETTER than girls... and that instead of making fun of other races, we should just look down apon girls, because they're big fat doodie heads.

                      PS: OMG coodies, don't touch me Fit


                      • If you want the racism to stop, then you're going to have to crack down on people of all races. A common example I see (usually in pub 0) is Pure Hatred, kennious, PitViPeR, cowPope and the like forming a standoff against Miracle_Shot, MienBoyRacer559 and a few other Asian players. Hatred will say something not quite racist, but at the same time not entirely P.C., to aggravate the Asians. ("Asians have to be the most arrogant players I play against.. they talk all their shit, then I own them and they go off like rockets.") Then the shit hits the fan and the Asians spout "u stupid white boys we will beat ur pale asses" while the whites chant "STUPID CHINKS/GOOKS/JAPS GO BACK TO SLANTEYE COUNTRY".

                        In that situation, most mods would attack the whites because of the use of a specifically racist term. But "stupid white boy" is just as hateful and discriminatory, and if you're going to allow that, then racism will always be a factor. Until you find a way to stop every single person from exhibiting racist tendencies (which the world has been trying to do for thousands of years), welcome to reality. Not everyone's going to accept you because they're either narrow-minded or they simply enjoy getting under your skin. I don't agree with that fact, but if I want to continue playing I'll just have to deal with it, and the same goes for everyone else.
                        Originally posted by vubinspiran
                        I hate X very hard.


                        • Now that Jack has joined the Klan, Shriek is without competition the most racist squad in tw. lol

                          Its funny how you guys take this so seriously tho. Have you seen Mess' pic in twgallery? If that skinny kid ever said a racist comment irl hed get beat up, fast. No offense skinny.

                          Dont soil your pants over this issue, becuase that is what the internet is for: Saying/Doing things and acting like you dont in real life.

                          p.s. - The word ss term "Negger" means to kill weak ships. $$
                          lol GA trying to make a joke:

                          1:Golden_Aim> sle
                          1:sleuth> sup
                          1:Golden_Aim> you wanted the bd for saturday?
                          1:Golden_Aim> is your dada gay
                          1:sleuth> ?
                          1:revolt> rofl
                          1:revolt> ur so bad
                          1:Golden_Aim> LOL
                          1:Golden_Aim> DAMN
                          1:sleuth> i dont get it
                          1:Golden_Aim> im laffin irl im so bad

                          Sweeper> .?ignore is for weaklings


                          • azn is like ______, it's only cool to say it from one to another, but not from another race.

                            P.S. DLL HAS NO EYELIDS AHHAHAHAHAHAA
                            Last edited by PH; 11-12-2008, 01:57 AM.


                            • Originally posted by PhaTz
                              azn is like ______, it's only cool to say it from one to another, but not from another race.
                              So true. I've seen many an Asian fly off the handle when one of those stupid cracker-ass white boys calls them an AzN.
                              Last edited by PH; 11-12-2008, 01:56 AM.
                              Originally posted by vubinspiran
                              I hate X very hard.


                              • Asians coined the term 'azn' as a badge of pride, or whatever, when they played games. I like to think of it as the asian nerd FUBU.

                                Whites coined the n word as a slur against blacks. I don't believe it was a slur originally,it comes from Negris, some guy who according to myth flew too close to the sun and scorched his skin black.

                                Blacks attempt to use the n word regularly to sort of dissipate the effect of it (sort of like how noone even cares about 'damn' but back then it was really bad, but as more ppl used it its rarely used as a major insult or whatever)
                                NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                                internet de la jerome

                                because the internet | hazardous

