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[NEW] Rule Revisions Upcoming & SPAM Rule Revised NOW!

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  • hellmouth
    BanC #8472 is the result of a faggot op with AIDS up his tailpipe. Definitely a pillow biter taking it up the tailpipe.

    I bet it was the faggot LF.

    Did you notice how ops dont have to publicly announce what they did? Buncha coward fudge packer fairies.

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  • Lizzo
    Votemute has the potential to help protect against the nastiest players out there--- the ones who are experienced and competitive, but who are not good enough to beat elim players, so they go to pub to beat up on casual players and newbies and say things like "ez" and talk shit, repelling players.

    ​​​​It's like they went to their favorite bar (elim or some other "real" zone), got drunk, tried to hook up with some hoes, struck out, so then they went down to cruise the track to beat up prostitutes (pub)

    coincidentally, these are the same players who buy purepub and cheat to harm levs-- They get fired up because pub is supposed to be their safe space when they are down .. but now , those same prostitutes are like "we don't want your private parts cause you're poor and they stank" so they call the cops (purepub) on the prostitution situation. Only the saddest players buy purepub. Eliminate purepub, legalize love.

    I peed my seat when mouserat / Dogecoin / 5+ alias troll(s) got 80%+ votemuted last night. Btw, does anyone want to buy a seat?

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  • Roger Rabbit
    Originally posted by Rab View Post
    Need to ban the troll accounts from the forum.
    agreed you should’ve been gone a long time ago

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Gila Monster View Post
    Oh, great, yet another absolutely fucking unnecessary set of rules and changes designed to give staff and insider rat fucks more power to wield over other players. Give me one good reason for doing any of your stupid fucking alterations that you've been working on. You think this stupid shit is going to help increase the player base? Wrong. It's going to make retention even worse; new players are going to become victims of your stupid fucking rules as older players take advantage of the system. You really are a cunt, you know that? I've been playing this game for over 20 goddamn years and the shit that you and the other morons have done to the game recently has been the dumbest, most self-centered and abusive bullshit that I've ever seen and I actually think that you and others don't even give a shit about the game or player base at all and you're just changing stuff based on your own whims and fancy to benefit your little circle of faggots.

    The game has a mute function already. Put your little dick back in your pants and fuck off.
    Lol pubbers are hilarious.

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  • hellmouth
    Originally posted by Gila Monster View Post
    Oh, great, yet another absolutely fucking unnecessary set of rules and changes designed to give staff and insider rat fucks more power to wield over other players. Give me one good reason for doing any of your stupid fucking alterations that you've been working on. You think this stupid shit is going to help increase the player base? Wrong. It's going to make retention even worse; new players are going to become victims of your stupid fucking rules as older players take advantage of the system. You really are a cunt, you know that? I've been playing this game for over 20 goddamn years and the shit that you and the other morons have done to the game recently has been the dumbest, most self-centered and abusive bullshit that I've ever seen and I actually think that you and others don't even give a shit about the game or player base at all and you're just changing stuff based on your own whims and fancy to benefit your little circle of faggots.

    The game has a mute function already. Put your little dick back in your pants and fuck off.

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  • Rab
    Need to ban the troll accounts from the forum.

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  • Gila Monster
    Oh, great, yet another absolutely fucking unnecessary set of rules and changes designed to give staff and insider rat fucks more power to wield over other players. Give me one good reason for doing any of your stupid fucking alterations that you've been working on. You think this stupid shit is going to help increase the player base? Wrong. It's going to make retention even worse; new players are going to become victims of your stupid fucking rules as older players take advantage of the system. You really are a cunt, you know that? I've been playing this game for over 20 goddamn years and the shit that you and the other morons have done to the game recently has been the dumbest, most self-centered and abusive bullshit that I've ever seen and I actually think that you and others don't even give a shit about the game or player base at all and you're just changing stuff based on your own whims and fancy to benefit your little circle of faggots.

    The game has a mute function already. Put your little dick back in your pants and fuck off.

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  • MHz
    I don't believe that spamming is really a serious enough issue to warrant these new rules/powers. And it seems like the rules basically give carte blanche to mods to ban anybody for anything. One man's spam is another man's exuberance.

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  • jim the chin
    Not enthused with confidence when your signature quotes a notorious spammer..

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  • Rab
    Anti spam rule creates more cancer chat. Brilliant...

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  • Lizzo
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    If conversation is being actively reciprocated, that is not classified as spam under this rule. So as long as those people are actively talking about genitals (how bizarre), we wouldn't regulate that under this rule.

    That being said, all violations are subject to a mod looking at what's going on and making a decision. Mods are staff for a reason, and their judgement does come into play. This is to basically say that I don't foresee any mods deciding that if Player A says "the new Call of Duty game is lights out" and no one reciprocates, Player A will be silenced. Now if Player A drones on incessantly about that or other topics and is not reciprocated, that might be different. This rule is obviously intended to give flexibility to weed out what the vast majority of players consider to be useless, repetitive drivel that only serves to be an annoyance and take away from the game itself.

    We will adjust the rule if we find problems and any potential issues with staff overstepping or abusing it will be dealt with accordingly.
    Thank you. Very helpful. So we all need to talk a lot more / reciprocate otherwise some people will get banned and population will fall. As much as I don't like the right wing, WB, nazi, lev haters, I feel compelled to respond to them so they don't get banned.

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  • hellmouth
    FYI, this rule is the result of my shooting LF up his tailpipe repeatedly and his having to see my awesome victory macros.

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  • Falconeer
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    All BanC (silences, ship locks from bombing ships) and BanG are reviewed thoroughly by a ban operator. With regards to this rule specifically, logs and/or screenshots are required, not recommended, in the bancomments so that we can review them. Any issues with regards to staff abusing the rule will be dealt with accordingly by either counseling, demotion, firing, or some combination thereof.

    Hate speech/discrimination is an entirely different animal and a rabbit hole I don't want to go down in this thread, but I'm sure we will in a separate thread in the near future.

    Sorry you don't agree with all aspects of the rule, but it's the new norm. I do appreciate you weighing in, though. These changes were a result of a quite substantial group of staff members with long histories of solid service and gameplay weighing in and debating. Perhaps your view from the outside is less clear, but I'm sure it will become clear what this rule means to the fullest extent once it becomes enforceable on Monday.
    I guess as long as the appeal and oversight process actually work. In the past I have been banned from zones for text, and the appeal process was basically to write an email to the person who banned me. At least here it's silences for text, I guess.

    I'm not really sure how this rule will be applied, in what situations? because it's so broad it basically applies to all situations that meet the rule, but obviously people won't be silenced or moderated in all situations even if they break this rule... in other words it's largely left up to the discretion of the moderator, and that means the moderator will be judging players who break this rule... judgment based moderation isn't my favourite, because it's based on their perception of the player. to some people, other people will always have bad intentions, so their judgments will be skewed. this is why we write specific and clear rules for specific circumstances so there are no personal judgments but objective ones.

    For example the other day I logged in and so many people wrote things in pub and in spec that had no replies. By definition they broke the spam rule and could have been muted. Obviously they wouldn't be... but if they won't be then the rule needs to be expanded on, WHEN will they be moderated... what is the line that really has to be crossed?

    I'm only pointing out that the rule might as well be "we can ban/silence anyone we want, for any reason" so I'm not sure why you have to beat around the bush and not just say that?

    Voth to clarify the wording: Do you mean if a player writes something, but it is in reference or response to an ongoing conversation — but they receive no reply or response and are completely ignored by those in the conversation — that this is not spam? because it was text related to a current conversation? regardless if anyone replied or not? If so then I guess I misunderstood the wording of the rule.
    Last edited by Falconeer; 02-25-2021, 10:17 PM.

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  • skyforger
    Falconeer left the arena
    voth> it was for the greater good. had to be done
    [ ded]
    voth> sigh

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by skyforger View Post
    Falconeer> gg guys
    [ ded]
    mig <ER>> *ban falc:30
    I'd tread lightly with this stuff though, as I'm not an idiot and I know what you're doing here.

    Being cute has an expiration.

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