Good read.
Selling TW is a hot idea honestly. Entrepreneur this gem to Valhalla.
Love you guys anyway. Sad to hear this goldmine could be drying up
Love always wins
No announcement yet.
Trench Wars fund WAS in dire straits (THANK YOU, EVERYONE!)
Originally posted by Bluff View PostI'll commit $20/month if someone else does. I don't even play this game anymore, but I freeloaded from other people's volunteer service for 20 years. Whose down?
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Originally posted by Bluff View PostI'll commit $20/month if someone else does. I don't even play this game anymore, but I freeloaded from other people's volunteer service for 20 years. Whose down?
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I'll commit $20/month if someone else does. I don't even play this game anymore, but I freeloaded from other people's volunteer service for 20 years. Whose down?
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Vys is the dude that logs in daily checks mmr and tells everyone there's lots of pre teen chick's in fortnight to try and persuade them into his van with candy and does this smell like chloroform too.....nevermind
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Originally posted by Vys View PostWhy do we keep lifting the coffin lid to have a look, let trench wars rest trenchwars I.D.S.T.
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Why do we keep lifting the coffin lid to have a look, let trench wars rest trenchwars I.D.S.T.
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Originally posted by qan View PostServer issues update:[LIST][*]Regarding an update rollback, it's definitely being considered, but there would need to be a secondary solution alongside it. That would also mean we'd be stuck on updates. Fine unless a serious vulnerability comes along.
Unless you're saying that the process of updating is what is breaking the zone, and not the contents of the update. This is impossible to tell without first rolling back.
I must be missing something, this is common sense. Update breaks the application = rollback to previous revision. We've been down for over a month
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That money dude is right on the dick
admin out here Weekend at Bernie’s-ing this shit lmao
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Originally posted by Grasps View PostYo. You can't be taking money and allowing the zone to perform like a commie potato farm. This zone hasn't been on a proper, paid server in over a decade. We need to step it up. Also, we need to kill MMR and put it back in the oven. Fix TWD. MMR is broken and chokes the zone of any kind of organic fun when host hold the zone hostage for their favored ship because they're the only host. So fucking dumb. Look at the destruction neglecting it wrought. Whole zone died. MMR did it, not TWL not TWDT or Covid, MMR. We had bad numbers and off times, but nothing like MMR days. It was broken out of the gate and we decided broken was okay. lol TWD was the life of this zone, something some of us argued for years (not pub) and look at what happened when we allowed TWD to shrivel up. Thanks for listening. Hope we see some more changes to pub soon for Halloween.
People like Falconeer whom I know are stand up with too much money and free time offer to help and get ignored when they offered to help. I known that guy for a long time and can vouch he might be a troll on forums but his heart is in it. Didn't even give the mans a time of day! Sad. It's really sad shit. Also, Banks failed league is still displaying negative days. Negative 60 + now. No one gives a shit apparently. Tell us how you are too busy but yet won't let people who are hungry to help actually help do shit like that. The staffing has been broken for as long as this potato server you are taking hard earned money for to keep going (when it's probably free at the expense of stealing our data!). We ran so many talented folks out that I was going to name but decided not. Regardless, it's a lot and this game is really in dire straits. Do something or fucking shut it down. It deserves better than this. So much love and energy has gone into this game over the last 20+ years and to treat it so poorly seems like a real disrespect to the many, beautiful folks who made TW so special.
I am sauced, loney and miss this game. Fucking zone is red and dead. End rant.
this boy on to something. hmmmmmm. Where U From Boy
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Originally posted by Grasps View PostYo. You can't be taking money and allowing the zone to perform like a commie potato farm. This zone hasn't been on a proper, paid server in over a decade. We need to step it up. Also, we need to kill MMR and put it back in the oven. Fix TWD. MMR is broken and chokes the zone of any kind of organic fun when host hold the zone hostage for their favored ship because they're the only host. So fucking dumb. Look at the destruction neglecting it wrought. Whole zone died. MMR did it, not TWL not TWDT or Covid, MMR. We had bad numbers and off times, but nothing like MMR days. It was broken out of the gate and we decided broken was okay. lol TWD was the life of this zone, something some of us argued for years (not pub) and look at what happened when we allowed TWD to shrivel up. Thanks for listening. Hope we see some more changes to pub soon for Halloween.
People like Falconeer whom I know are stand up with too much money and free time offer to help and get ignored when they offered to help. I known that guy for a long time and can vouch he might be a troll on forums but his heart is in it. Didn't even give the mans a time of day! Sad. It's really sad shit. Also, Banks failed league is still displaying negative days. Negative 60 + now. No one gives a shit apparently. Tell us how you are too busy but yet won't let people who are hungry to help actually help do shit like that. The staffing has been broken for as long as this potato server you are taking hard earned money for to keep going (when it's probably free at the expense of stealing our data!). We ran so many talented folks out that I was going to name but decided not. Regardless, it's a lot and this game is really in dire straits. Do something or fucking shut it down. It deserves better than this. So much love and energy has gone into this game over the last 20+ years and to treat it so poorly seems like a real disrespect to the many, beautiful folks who made TW so special.
I am sauced, loney and miss this game. Fucking zone is red and dead. End rant.
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Yo. You can't be taking money and allowing the zone to perform like a commie potato farm. This zone hasn't been on a proper, paid server in over a decade. We need to step it up. Also, we need to kill MMR and put it back in the oven. Fix TWD. MMR is broken and chokes the zone of any kind of organic fun when host hold the zone hostage for their favored ship because they're the only host. So fucking dumb. Look at the destruction neglecting it wrought. Whole zone died. MMR did it, not TWL not TWDT or Covid, MMR. We had bad numbers and off times, but nothing like MMR days. It was broken out of the gate and we decided broken was okay. lol TWD was the life of this zone, something some of us argued for years (not pub) and look at what happened when we allowed TWD to shrivel up. Thanks for listening. Hope we see some more changes to pub soon for Halloween.
People like Falconeer whom I know are stand up with too much money and free time offer to help and get ignored when they offered to help. I known that guy for a long time and can vouch he might be a troll on forums but his heart is in it. Didn't even give the mans a time of day! Sad. It's really sad shit. Also, Banks failed league is still displaying negative days. Negative 60 + now. No one gives a shit apparently. Tell us how you are too busy but yet won't let people who are hungry to help actually help do shit like that. The staffing has been broken for as long as this potato server you are taking hard earned money for to keep going (when it's probably free at the expense of stealing our data!). We ran so many talented folks out that I was going to name but decided not. Regardless, it's a lot and this game is really in dire straits. Do something or fucking shut it down. It deserves better than this. So much love and energy has gone into this game over the last 20+ years and to treat it so poorly seems like a real disrespect to the many, beautiful folks who made TW so special.
I am sauced, loney and miss this game. Fucking zone is red and dead. End rant.
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Originally posted by Vys View Post
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Server issues update:- On Oct 10, I sent an elevated-priority email to Priit at every contact I have for him, scheduled to land in his inbox first thing in the working morning, Estonian time (increases read rates). This usually reaches him. There are still further ways to elevate.
- We've found out a bit more about the cause, isolating it down.
- The issue hasn't occurred this weekend so far. This may be unrelated to having re-contacted Priit, but as it's tied to authenticating with the biller, it seems to occur at the highest-population times, and we've had reasonably high pop, including levels that normally induce it. Possibly, Priit noticed something small that was amiss and was able to correct it.
- Regarding an update rollback, it's definitely being considered, but there would need to be a secondary solution alongside it. That would also mean we'd be stuck on updates. Fine unless a serious vulnerability comes along.
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