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Banning Rules Need Changing

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  • #16
    Is it possible to change the Last Modified Date on files?


    • #17
      Look, what again are the rules in Trench Wars?

      dont spam
      dont be racist
      dont be abusive

      We have rules. There really is no choice here. You HAVE TO enforce them. If you refuse to enforce the rules, why have rules in the first place. The first thing people see when they enter TW is the list of rules and instructions to use ?cheater if those rules are broken.

      IN THIS CASE, I reported that guy, talked to Dameon, and only seconds later produced a screenshot. I wouldn't lie to ban a guy I don't even know.

      Trench Wars Staff - It is your RESPONSIBILITY to find a solution to this situation, and similar situations which almost certainly will occur in the future.

      I'm quite happy to sit in a priv arena with a staffer or two, to try and find a solution to this if you haven't already got one.


      • #18
        I agree. Ban those suckers. Sure you can ignore them until they come in with a sdfgsdgsdfgsdg name and start doing it while you are playing elim or something. Those are pretty hard to ignore.


        • #19
          Have you been playing for a week?


          PMs are billing jurisdiction, they are not policed by Trenchwars Staff.

          Edit: If they switch names and keep messaging you then it's harassment, but while they can get banned for that from TW (although it's going to take you more effort than it's worth), you're probably STILL better off using the ?ignore command. Hell, if they're that hot on harassing you, they'll just switch zones and keep going anyway where staff can't touch them.


          • #20
            Originally posted by RabbitRapist
            IN THIS CASE, I reported that guy, talked to Dameon, and only seconds later produced a screenshot. I wouldn't lie to ban a guy I don't even know.
            There is alot of people that would lie to get others banned...


            • #21
              Agreed with Wadi. Its simple. IGNORE THEM!!!! Private messages/chats ARE NOT bannable, and shouldnt be. They are made in PRIVATE!!! If the person takes it to the next level (switching names) like wadi said then sure i'd report and get action taken on him, but its just as ez for a person to sit in DSB and spam a person, change names, spam again, change names. Then nothing at all can be done. These types of things are to questionable to ban. Just ignore them and move on.


              • #22
                Well, I have a solution, but let's take a look at how long it will take.

                Bot: Shouldn't take much longer, hour or two max when I get to work on it at home (at school now)

                Persuasion of staff: 2 days probably...

                Time to get it uploaded: another day or two (if lucky)

                so, if I can get it done today when I get home..and able to get someone in upper staff to agree with me that we need it, it might be up in a few days.

                My solution can solve squadchat spaming (:#lame:blah blha blkasjdflaksdjf not ;9;blah blafasd asldkgasdlf) and regular pm spamming (:Jacen Solo:NEWB!). I think just having the system in place so people that spam can get banned will greatly reduce spamming because right now the spammers know they can get away with it.
                Ban Ikrit


                • #23
                  Sorry Dameon. I had actually seen the film but I've realised how wrong I actually was..

                  Back on topic, it's easy to fake a screenshot, I'll do one later on cause I have a driving lesson. And it's also easy to fake the date created / modified, all you have to do is change your computer's date.
                  USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                  ---A few minutes later---
                  9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                  9:Kim> UM
                  9:Kim> i didn't
                  9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                  9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                  9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                  9:pascone> lol?


                  • #24
                    It's simple, we ban them they move to any other SSC zone and spam you with racist comments from there. You can't win.
                    EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                    cool koen> :)
                    PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                    cool koen> not because of a bug
                    EvoLd> Lol
                    Treachery> meh
                    EvoLd> why then?
                    PubAceR> women in power dont last
                    EvoLd> LOl
                    toaster oven reviews


                    • #25
                      shit people, you realize you're telling players "yes, you're allowed to spam players with PMs"?


                      • #26
                        rofl, that's so funny matt...i'm at school playing my snake game and listening to trogdor (built into the game) reading that was so funny...and also the reason i'm making the bot. if people know they can get banned for it they won't be so stupid and do it. If we could get other zones implement the bots then we could get the noobs banned from there too so we don't have to worry about people going to other zones and spamming
                        Ban Ikrit


                        • #27
                          I just laugh when someone spams or blasts annoying macros(Ayden <3). If they want to make everyone think as them as annoying, let them. Maybe if everyone hunts them they'll stop :light: .

                          Racism is edgy in todays world. Being politically correct is nonsense in my opinion. You can call me a cracker and I won't care. On the otherhand, if I reported you, nothing would happen because it is not offensive enough.


                          • #28
                            There's a difference between being overly PC and RR's reaction in his screenshot. We're talking about cases of people harassing others and spamming them with racism, not someone throwing out occasional racist epithets. Don't make the mistake of putting the blame on the victim instead of the abuser.


                            • #29
                              It's not optional.

                              The rules are clearly stated. I followed the procedure, and provided extra evidence. He should be banned.

                              In the case that you won't ban him, you MUST change the rules. You cant say no racism, then not ban people when they're racist.

                              1 - enforce the rules
                              2 - change the rules

                              any other options ?


                              • #30
                                RR u know that PMs and private chats were never bannable and shouldnt be bannable. they are PRIVATE. IF someone pms u something racist, ignore them. If someone spams u ignore them. IF someone on a chat does it then get off the chat. Those things are optional things that u dont need to be on or listen to. Besides if someone wanted to they go to another zone likesaid 3 times above and just pm u. It is something u cant stop regardless of how much u want to stop it. Just ignore them and move on. If they keep changing names and harrasing u then i can see something being done, but if they just do it on 1 name then ignore them. Stop being stupid.

                                Jacen: Thats stupid as well. Making a bot for spaming is as bad as the pubbot is for racism. 1st off whats ur definition of spaming? I talk to 1 person and its 3 constant lines of the same thing, then i talk to someone else and its 4, or 2, or 5. Point is we dont even have a set # of lines considered spaming. Sometimes its obvious, but how will the bot determine the difference? The pubbot doesnt even pick up the conversation, it sees a word and reports it w/o seeing the context it was being used in. Which is wrong in its own. I dont think this is needed or will be much better then pubbot.

