I dont really play pub anymore, but i decided to have a go today, and its no way near as fun as it used to be. In my opinion its due to the pure pub settings, where u can only LT in lower pubs that get a max of 25 ppl, due to ppl not wanting to play with newbs tht are only there because they dont know how to change arenas.
I think it would be alot better if Normal pub's were brought back where levis and priv freq are allowed, this would make ppl look forward to pure pub weekends (hopefully getting a high total of players at the weekends too) and ?go base would also get more interest. Plus Levi's are dying out!
I remeber the day when it took ages to get base, then an LT would pop up on roof and Destroy it, and the whole team would change to wb and hunt it
Bring it back! bring back the fun! :light:
I think it would be alot better if Normal pub's were brought back where levis and priv freq are allowed, this would make ppl look forward to pure pub weekends (hopefully getting a high total of players at the weekends too) and ?go base would also get more interest. Plus Levi's are dying out!
I remeber the day when it took ages to get base, then an LT would pop up on roof and Destroy it, and the whole team would change to wb and hunt it