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Best Keyboards for SSing

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  • #16
    Thrustshooting needs a keyboard that can handle more than 2 keypresses AT ONCE.
    6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

    Originally posted by Dreamwin
    3 league vet


    • #17
      I play best on those old boxy looking keyboards. i set my reps to ` (beside 1), mines to shift+` (makes problems when trying to thrust then rep in shark without mining, so i'll probably be changing soon.

      Lofty uses the numpad to fly around.


      • #18
        does thrustshooting work in elim/twdd/twl ?!

        since continuum i can't remember it working

        maybe its just my keyboards
        top 100 basers list


        • #19
          I've always wondered why more people don't use the numpad to play, especially when using default controls. All of the important functions are grouped neatly together on the numpad. Some might say that you'd have to move your finger 1 cm farther to go from flying forwards to backwards, but they don't have a problem moving 5 cm to reach the warp or x-radar controls. I could move with complete control and warp exactly when I need to.

          My brother used the arrow keys instead of the numpad, but when he got his new computer, the home/end/pgdn/pgup/ins/del keys were realigned with an extra large delete key and he's found it difficult to adjust to the layout.

          I have a Vaio keyboard like PipArchDevil, but I don't use the arrow keys and the Fn button. You can't use those buttons and fly at the same time because the Fn button shifts the arrow keys between doing either one or the other.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Claushouse
            1 - ultra responsive: those cheap keyboards that when you press the backspace button, its flies across the line.

            2 - balanced response: logitech's, good response, but a nice solid feel to it

            3 - pronounced response: microsoft keyboards, where you press the backspace and it seems to erase letter at a time (or close to it)
            The hardware has nothing to do with the speed of the response. Go to Control Panel: Keyboard. Move repeat delay and repeat rate to the right to make it respond faster, move them to the left to make it respond slower.
            1:Zerzera> aura shut up
            1:Zerzera> you hate my recruits because I am muslim
            jdigs3> jdigs offers u his protection


            • #21
              I have a Logitech, i use my gamepad when im bored though
              Big Chill


              • #22
                I've played ss on several different keyboards and it doesnt make the slightest bit of difference.

                personally i like basic keyboards, no extra keys or wrist bullshit, just keys.. on a board..


                • #23
                  Any keyboard that doesn't go BEEP BEEP LKSDJLKJ BEEEEEP when u push 3 keys at the same time. Also, flatter keys are better, and easier to push for long periods of time. That's why I use my laptop most of the time to play, even though the res sucks.
                  Failure teaches success.
                  . â–²
                  ▲ ▲


                  • #24
                    i forgot to mention i hate laptops with a passion. i use my sense of touch to know where i'm at on the keyboard and when the cracks between the keys are freakin air tight i have no idea where i'm at... that and the odd placement of the keys like home, end, insert, etc


                    • #25

                      So it seems to me that most of you go with the default setting of Continuum? I've changed it all, for the most part. I still use the tetris-shaped group of 4 arrows for moving though. My other hand, however, is all over the left sde of the keyboard. I customized it so pretty much every button is easily accessible. My left hand never has to move :P Well, unless i have to type, then i have to do a little shifting.

                      For my keyboard, i just use the factory-standard keyboard. I have nothing special :P

                      I feel so dorky lol.


                      • #26
                        My keyboard is a standard Microsoft one, everything's in the right place etc...

                        The only key defs I changed are Rep (Now shift+caps) and mine (now shift+alt). I did these changes AGES ago when I used to play EG and needed to thrust shoot and just left them as it was what I was used to.
                        USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                        ---A few minutes later---
                        9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                        9:Kim> UM
                        9:Kim> i didn't
                        9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                        9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                        9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                        9:pascone> lol?


                        • #27
                          I changed from aWireless Microsoft Keyboard to a standard HP Keyboard cause the wireless one broke...whenever I try to warp, I take a screenshot cause the key setup is different...
                          this is a dated signature

                          FREE GHB, PH


                          • #28
                            I used a laptop for the longest time, the resolution was alittle small but when I moved to a desktop with the bigger resolution I started to snipe people from all over the place. I had a brand new Logitech cordless keyboard, which had no feel. I had a wicked turn ratio on the thing, but my shots were wild. Now I use an old wired Keytronic keyboard I dusted off. It was made in Mexico, and hot damn if it isn't the finest keyboard for SS.
                            claushouse> so i had to rub vagisil or whatever the fuck on my dick for a few days and it went away.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Kim
                              Any keyboard that doesn't go BEEP BEEP LKSDJLKJ BEEEEEP when u push 3 keys at the same time.
                              Ditch any PS/2 keyboard for a USB keyboard.
                              gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                              gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                              gravy_: round the nurburgring

                              XBL: VodkaSurprise


                              • #30
                                Last edited by Rab; 06-10-2018, 09:58 AM. Reason: Removed personal information

