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Ever play for $$? well here's yer chance

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  • I don't want to sign up on those forums but when's this actually starting?


    • Did you notice that you have the letter "x" at the beginning and the end of your name?
      shut up xmetalkidx
      Originally posted by Ward
      OK.. ur retarded case closed


      • Originally posted by MetalKid
        Plus, he wouldn't be able to cancel it at the last minute (which he may intend to do). .
        Nope, what he does is just not show up and pretend the thing never happened
        He's done it over 5 times already, most likely much more that I am not aware of
        As to you slider....
        You think that little ss of yours (which i'm going to absolutely KILL vegeta for giving to you) affects me in any way? That was almost a year ago, I didn't give a fuck what scores I got in a dd and I don't to this day. I, unlike several people (probably including yourself), play this game to have FUN
        I could care less if I'm in first place or dead last, matter of fact i'd prefer to be last, because there's nothing getting in my way to just play however i like
        You know why I'm on dlc? Because the squads on the bottom of the ladder don't give a shit about rank or anything like that, we just play to play, and FUN is the reason this game should be played.
        Where will the fun go if people start competing in tournaments where there is actually something to gain? Something to achieve for? Something to lie, cheat, steal, and kill for?
        Like MetalKid said, I think something like this will affect the tw community, and I also happen to like it the way it is
        But I know that you don't give a flying fuck what happens to the game after you're done, you think affecting the fun of hundreds of people would be something to make you Infamous! That's because you're a selfish bastard who doesn't care about anyone or anything but your own personal gain, and is why i loathe you more than nearly everyone i've met in my years on internet gaming squads and clans
        Currently listening to:
        Valient Thorr - Immortalizer
        Dead to Me - Little Brother
        Tim Barry - Manchester
        Lemuria - Get Better
        Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony


        • Originally posted by ShadowHand
          Nope, what he does is just not show up and pretend the thing never happened
          He's done it over 5 times already, most likely much more that I am not aware of
          As to you slider....
          You think that little ss of yours (which i'm going to absolutely KILL vegeta for giving to you) affects me in any way? That was almost a year ago, I didn't give a fuck what scores I got in a dd and I don't to this day. I, unlike several people (probably including yourself), play this game to have FUN
          I could care less if I'm in first place or dead last, matter of fact i'd prefer to be last, because there's nothing getting in my way to just play however i like
          You know why I'm on dlc? Because the squads on the bottom of the ladder don't give a shit about rank or anything like that, we just play to play, and FUN is the reason this game should be played.
          Where will the fun go if people start competing in tournaments where there is actually something to gain? Something to achieve for? Something to lie, cheat, steal, and kill for?
          Like MetalKid said, I think something like this will affect the tw community, and I also happen to like it the way it is
          But I know that you don't give a flying fuck what happens to the game after you're done, you think affecting the fun of hundreds of people would be something to make you Infamous! That's because you're a selfish bastard who doesn't care about anyone or anything but your own personal gain, and is why i loathe you more than nearly everyone i've met in my years on internet gaming squads and clans
          Don't worry too much, Shadow. One newb's evil doing is not going to really change the community... Not in the way you might think, anyway. I'm just gonna ride it out and see what happens. I'll start the popcorn.


          • Wtf, free money? I'm in regardless.
            XXX is overrated.


            • Hey, can the forum mod/admins add hasta to the censored list?
              Its bugging me since I'm a finn, I think its racism. Besides who else is for it to be censored, someone that is totally insulted of the word HASTA!
              Last edited by 1ight; 02-03-2005, 06:13 AM.
              Endless space, endless exploration.


              • Wait, Hasta is an evil slang word?

                I always remembered the word from spanish class... And I know they don't teach you evil slang words in high school spanish classes.

                Would it make it more appropriate to add the required upside down exclamation point to make it the spanish version? Cause I'm sure he prolly won't mind...
                Laziness is it's own reward


                • Ephy owns u all -C4L-
                  - RawZ

                  Street Cred:

                  Cripple since 2000
                  Ex Cripples Captain
                  Ex SSC DownTown Zone Sysop
                  - my smods (NOBODY!!!!!!! and Ave-iator) created the original Alias Bot for Trenchwars -

                  delectable> I like double penetration from african americans


                  • Originally posted by ShadowHand
                    Nope, what he does is just not show up and pretend the thing never happened
                    He's done it over 5 times already, most likely much more that I am not aware of
                    As to you slider....
                    You think that little ss of yours (which i'm going to absolutely KILL vegeta for giving to you) affects me in any way? That was almost a year ago, I didn't give a fuck what scores I got in a dd and I don't to this day. I, unlike several people (probably including yourself), play this game to have FUN
                    I could care less if I'm in first place or dead last, matter of fact i'd prefer to be last, because there's nothing getting in my way to just play however i like
                    You know why I'm on dlc? Because the squads on the bottom of the ladder don't give a shit about rank or anything like that, we just play to play, and FUN is the reason this game should be played.
                    Where will the fun go if people start competing in tournaments where there is actually something to gain? Something to achieve for? Something to lie, cheat, steal, and kill for?
                    Like MetalKid said, I think something like this will affect the tw community, and I also happen to like it the way it is
                    But I know that you don't give a flying fuck what happens to the game after you're done, you think affecting the fun of hundreds of people would be something to make you Infamous! That's because you're a selfish bastard who doesn't care about anyone or anything but your own personal gain, and is why i loathe you more than nearly everyone i've met in my years on internet gaming squads and clans
                    I don't really know your story, but don't you think you're being just a tad dramatic? Whether this tourny is for real or not won't change anything. It will be forgotten the week after it's over.
           - Gallileo's racist thread

                    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                    • Originally posted by 1ight
                      Hey, can the forum mod/admins add hasta to the censored list?
                      Its bugging me since I'm a finn, I think its racism. Besides who else is for it to be censored, someone that is totally insulted of the word HASTA!
                      Lol, man you guys are pretty pathetic trying to find whatever you can against this poor guy. Hasta means 'To' in spanish.. what the hell do you have against that. Go stick your heads in some ice cold water.


                      • xSliderx,

                        Will you make a tourney for javs too?



                        • Originally posted by SEAL

                          Will you make a tourney for javs too?

                          Yes...the next Legacy tournament in June or July will be with Javs

                          Originally posted by Code
                          Lol, man you guys are pretty pathetic trying to find whatever you can against this poor guy. Hasta means 'To' in spanish.. what the hell do you have against that. Go stick your heads in some ice cold water.
                          Thanks Code..I appreciate it. Its also "slang" for cya later here in southern california. Short for "Hasta Luego", or spanish for "cya later". People will just be negative cuz they got nothig better to do.....especially Shadowhand. He's probably worse then Izor..if thats even possible.


                          Marshmallow Marines
                          "Arguing is like running in the special olympics...even if you win yer still retarded."


                          • why am i not on that list? i signed up.

                            EDIT: to clarify, i signed up on page 5 of the signup forum between dumbrit and utopia. So i should get a spot.
                            Last edited by Foreign; 02-03-2005, 09:37 PM.


                            • Nope, what he does is just not show up and pretend the thing never happened
                              He's done it over 5 times already, most likely much more that I am not aware of
                              As to you slider....
                              You think that little ss of yours (which i'm going to absolutely KILL vegeta for giving to you) affects me in any way? That was almost a year ago, I didn't give a fuck what scores I got in a dd and I don't to this day. I, unlike several people (probably including yourself), play this game to have FUN
                              I could care less if I'm in first place or dead last, matter of fact i'd prefer to be last, because there's nothing getting in my way to just play however i like
                              You know why I'm on dlc? Because the squads on the bottom of the ladder don't give a shit about rank or anything like that, we just play to play, and FUN is the reason this game should be played.
                              Where will the fun go if people start competing in tournaments where there is actually something to gain? Something to achieve for? Something to lie, cheat, steal, and kill for?
                              Like MetalKid said, I think something like this will affect the tw community, and I also happen to like it the way it is
                              But I know that you don't give a flying fuck what happens to the game after you're done, you think affecting the fun of hundreds of people would be something to make you Infamous! That's because you're a selfish bastard who doesn't care about anyone or anything but your own personal gain, and is why i loathe you more than nearly everyone i've met in my years on internet gaming squads and clans
                              You were nice when i was on dlc (for fun lol) you 2 got along.. wtf happend to you?
                              TWLD Champion 2014
                              TWDTB Champion 2013
                              TWDTB Champion 2016
                              TWDTB Champion 2017
                              TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                              -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


                              • Originally posted by PrOnEsSim
                                You were nice when i was on dlc (for fun lol) you 2 got along.. wtf happend to you?
                                I don't recall slider being around when you were in dlc

                                Speaking of you being on're welcome to rejoin any time you wish ^-^
                                If i recall you were a very good player, and I don't mean just with skill either
                                Currently listening to:
                                Valient Thorr - Immortalizer
                                Dead to Me - Little Brother
                                Tim Barry - Manchester
                                Lemuria - Get Better
                                Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony

