Like I've said before, when a game is started, all players should be set to a notplaying freq & would need to use a !play command to be eligable for picking that round.
Simple & effective.
Sometimes I alt tab out in ?go base until it PMs me telling me I've been picked. I don't want to have to tab back in at the beginning of each game.
USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
Since ZH and Bot powered players have the same privelleges in base, it would mean that these bot powered players can use this !afk command, which is definitely not a good idea. Zerz's first two ideas were good, but Denon's idea of automatically coming into the arena in the !notplaying mode, isn't too good. I mean, if you come into the arena, there's a big chance you're there to play. So Zerz's first two ideas are good enough.
well, starting a match with 50% afk is no fun, and ya posted some nice ideas to prevent this,
why do we have MrArrogant ???
isn't is his business to kick afk ppl?
why is he in ?go base that rarely ??
1:Apocalypse WOW!> i don't know, the immaturity level in this game really grates on me
1:HildoZ> rephrase this easier plz ...
1:Apocalypse WOW!> the dumb little kids really annoy me
I was thinking of something like this, so here it goes.
Players that are AFK after a certain amount of time are automatically put on the notplaying freq. Just use the module from the Mr. Arrogant 2 bot, and make it so that they go on that freq instead of *kill. Ofcourse, there will be some people there that ARE actually there and might be put on it after not talking for a long time (I do that sometimes), so maybe the bot could Private Message the player so they will respond to see if they're not afk. Although, they might have an ?away msg but there should be a time range for recieving the message. I was thinking of something like only allowing the player to respond between 3-15 seconds of the Private Message sent by the bot.
The better solution, would be for the matchbot to auto-!notplaying those who have been idle for a certain timeframe, say 300 seconds (5 mins).
That way, the only action is made by the bot itself and there would be no individual abusing a function which would otherwise ultimately control who plays. You'd eliminate those even possibly AFK, and if they were not, they'd at least be active enough to !notplaying so they can be chosen for the upcoming game.
Edit: ok, just saw Xog's response. But mr. arrogant2 wouldn't be needed, and PMs wouldn't be neccessary either.
The better solution, would be for the matchbot to auto-!notplaying those who have been idle for a certain timeframe, say 300 seconds (5 mins).
That way, the only action is made by the bot itself and there would be no individual abusing a function which would otherwise ultimately control who plays. You'd eliminate those even possibly AFK, and if they were not, they'd at least be active enough to !notplaying so they can be chosen for the upcoming game.
Edit: ok, just saw Xog's response. But mr. arrogant2 wouldn't be needed, and PMs wouldn't be neccessary either.
yeah and if it pm'ed the person when it did it like
matchbotR> you have been put in the !notplaying frequency due to being afk for 5 mins. To be eligible to play again you need to do !notplaying to ... bleh bleh bleh
this way the ppl who are alt tabbed but able to play when picked will be alerted and can do !notplaying to get back in. A bit of a hassle but alot better than so many afk's in the picking freq.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
Also, if you're worried about abuse of the AFK command, how about make the Matchbot announce when someone's put !afk.
Matchbot> Reaver set to AFK by Ewan <ZH>
USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
About Rudy's idea, the problem is that if I'm not picked for a game then i'm not exactly gonna stick around watching it all the time, I'm gonna alt tab it and may not say anything in chat. It could be a hastle to keep !np'ing the bot. If we were to do that, I think the idle time should be some where around 15 minutes.
Originally posted by turmio
jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
Originally posted by grand
I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...