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New Public Arena Idea!!! (Exclusivly for DoCk>)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Twerp
    If you are so obsessed with getting those items like eg has it, then go play there and quit whining over here.
    No, EG sucks, its boring. this idea would be nothing like EG. it would take less than a thousandth of a percent of EG and infuse it in trenchwars, giving a little rare thing added, which also makes points more valuble at the same time.

    maybe if you think thors is extreme then you might like one life 20% more speed for 20,000, increased energy for 20,000, enhanced burst for 20,000, that sort of thing. maybe 20,000 is too cheap, maybe it should be 30,000 or 35,000, maybe some of these ideas are extreme too and theres others that would be better.

    the point is add something special thats super expensive. its so expensive that it hardly affects your play, accept for a few lives after gaining a ton of points. it adds a little spice to the game, yet remains so expensive that its rare. i talked about this months ago and lots of people liked it and everyone was throwing out ideas, but the fixed theme was that it was to be very expensive

    Edit: i feel like i took over somone elses thread, once again here was the OP to consider:


    we already have a couple of PURE basing arena's... with this inmind -
    I would like to suggest a PURE LevTerr public arena - with ONLY Terriers and Leviathans.

    where the attatching bounty is 3 and and a limit of 6 turrets per terr.

    I hope you take this submision seriously... maybe starting out with 1 pub on a weekend.

    -Krazie_Killer (Kevin)
    Last edited by Tone; 01-31-2005, 09:47 PM.


    • #47
      This is stupid. The pubs are fine the way they are. Stop fucking with something that doesn't need to be fucked with.
      Originally posted by Tone
      It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
      Originally posted by the_paul
      Gargle battery acid fuckface
      Originally posted by Material Girl
      I tried downloading a soundcard


      • #48
        Originally posted by Tone
        No, EG sucks, its boring. this idea would be nothing like EG. it would take less than a thousandth of a percent of EG and infuse it in trenchwars, giving a little rare thing added, which also makes points more valuble at the same time.

        maybe if you think thors is extreme then you might like one life 20% more speed for 20,000, increased energy for 20,000, enhanced burst for 20,000, that sort of thing. maybe 20,000 is too cheap, maybe it should be 30,000 or 35,000, maybe some of these ideas are extreme too and theres others that would be better.

        the point is add something special thats super expensive. its so expensive that it hardly affects your play, accept for a few lives after gaining a ton of points. it adds a little spice to the game, yet remains so expensive that its rare. i talked about this months ago and lots of people liked it and everyone was throwing out ideas, but the fixed theme was that it was to be very expensive

        Edit: i feel like i took over somone elses thread, once again here was the OP to consider:
        Why bring something boring over here? Pubbers that I know like their rec/points and if you have that, no one will bother using it (because they want points) and then it'd be worthless.
        20% speed increase isn't that much. If you want to go faster, discover how to use afterburners.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Twerp
          Why bring something boring over here? Pubbers that I know like their rec/points and if you have that, no one will bother using it (because they want points) and then it'd be worthless.
          20% speed increase isn't that much. If you want to go faster, discover how to use afterburners.
          You either think real strange, or you do on purpose just to go against me


          • #50
            Shut up, Tone.
            Originally posted by Tone
            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
            Originally posted by the_paul
            Gargle battery acid fuckface
            Originally posted by Material Girl
            I tried downloading a soundcard


            • #51
              sucks, sorry.

              SeRtIfi> What's the point of going out with friends everyday just to hang out when I meet them in school and sometimes on weekends anyways, if I can play in SubSpace with them?


              • #52
                I'm playing WoW, not now, but I'm testing it out, beta. No SS for me, probably won't be playing for weeks! Can you imagine!? No SS for 2-3 weeks? Ain't that something.. and here we are talking about some crazy idea about pure LT pub, that obviously kills the fun in LTing. I think the regular pub would be moch more better with no priv freqs. But hey thats just me!

                Nice try Kraize, but the majority does not like the idea.
                Endless space, endless exploration.


                • #53
                  Ahem!!! We're getting off topic!!!

                  AHHA!~ I have an idea!!! keep an eye out for a weird advert in TW > : D

                  ps. we're watcing this video on "The Internet" in CIS1 class >_<

                  DoCk> I'm a wittle girl!
                  I Knew it!

                  The joys of TWBeta ^_^
                  2:Shas'la T'au Kais> .
                  2:Krazie_Killer> .
                  2:epor> .
                  2:IcER> .
                  2:H0blin G0blin> ..
                  2:Shas'la T'au Kais> quit copying me.
                  2:Krazie_Killer> damn it hoblin!
                  2:epor> lol
                  2:Krazie_Killer> you had to ruin it!


                  • #54
                    You want me to get back on topic? Alright. What's the point of a bunch of chicken-shit assholes flying around an arena without a base full of people to bomb? Half of the "fun" of an LT is wiping out the FR and completely ruining basing, which can be done in the lower pubs because people like azn-pro-killa1991 won't really put up much of a struggle. Why bother designing another pub for something that any two assholes can do in an already existing lower pub?

                    Furthermore, why are these people who have no fucking clue how the game works coming up with all these half-assed ideas lately?
                    Originally posted by Tone
                    It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                    Originally posted by the_paul
                    Gargle battery acid fuckface
                    Originally posted by Material Girl
                    I tried downloading a soundcard


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Pure Hatred
                      Furthermore, why are these people who have no fucking clue how the game works coming up with all these half-assed ideas lately?
                      They are called idiots Pure, and they are all over the internet and the real world.

                      Is it me or does Tone and Krazie want to make a TrenchWars version of the XFL?

                      "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

                      Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Pure Hatred
                        You want me to get back on topic? Alright. What's the point of a bunch of chicken-shit assholes flying around an arena without a base full of people to bomb? Half of the "fun" of an LT is wiping out the FR and completely ruining basing, which can be done in the lower pubs because people like azn-pro-killa1991 won't really put up much of a struggle. Why bother designing another pub for something that any two assholes can do in an already existing lower pub?

                        Furthermore, why are these people who have no fucking clue how the game works coming up with all these half-assed ideas lately?
                        Please realize that all of the above quote is comming from someone who is a cloaker. a cloaker is a ship that goes around invisible and suddenly fires when on top of another ship who cant see it. by far, the most incredibly retarded fun draining, game runing, constantly startling and distracting fluke in the game. these days, if you are any other ship besides terrier all you think about is how many seconds before you see the next flash and your ship explodes again. worse than "warning: no data from server" happening often. all this comming from a cloaker


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by SpiderMage
                          They are called idiots Pure, and they are all over the internet and the real world.

                          Is it me or does Tone and Krazie want to make a TrenchWars version of the XFL?
                          once again, the price of the special items would be so high, people who play a lot would have about 2 or 3 lives of special equipment once every two weeks. furthermore it makes points at least twice as valuble and motivating. Extreme games is overboard and crazy, trenchwars is near-perfect and is much better than EG. however, 0.0001% extreme games and 99.9999% Trenchwars would make for the best zone.

                          The idea here is special items for very expensive, this does not mean what i said should be the ideas, perhaps thors hammer could be scraped and something like "never wearing out bullets for 10,000" could take its place. this would mean for example that if a terrier buys these special bullets, its red bullets would never disappear untill they hit a wall or a ship. Again, someone who bought that would pay a fortune and hardly every have it and once they die its gone, not too much of a big deal.

                          you see? theres all kinds of neat ideas you can think of for the very expensive special items proposal, it doesnt have to be thors or bricks or speed or super bursts. theres a lot that could be thought of, and many could be much more benign than a thors. the point is add expnesive specialty items to the safe store to go with the normal priced items, that makes these more complete and interesting....and again it doesnt have to be thors it could be things much less extreme

                          so no its not turning it into the XFL, its a pretty small change compared to a change in a ship, which affects the game ALL of the time.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            Please realize that all of the above quote is comming from someone who is a cloaker. a cloaker is a ship that goes around invisible and suddenly fires when on top of another ship who cant see it. by far, the most incredibly retarded fun draining, game runing, constantly startling and distracting fluke in the game. these days, if you are any other ship besides terrier all you think about is how many seconds before you see the next flash and your ship explodes again. worse than "warning: no data from server" happening often. all this comming from a cloaker
                            News flash, Tone, three other ships can see cloakers. I don't know if you ever bothered to try them out, but Javelins, Weasels and sometimes Sharks have X-Radar. Any player who has any common sense regarding the workings of these ships can dismantle any cloaker. If you'd actually try basing, you'd see that your teammates are using these ships to try and keep the remaining three (I left out the Leviathan because it is a pathetic joke) ships from being victimized by cloakers. Teamwork is the name of the game, Tone, and all I've ever seen you do is piss around in the spawn zone. Have you even seen the flag up close? Have you ever taken the flag? Do you even know how to get to the fucking flag?

                            Originally posted by Tone
                            once again, the price of the special items would be so high, people who play a lot would have about 2 or 3 lives of special equipment once every two weeks. furthermore it makes points at least twice as valuble and motivating. Extreme games is overboard and crazy, trenchwars is near-perfect and is much better than EG. however, 0.0001% extreme games and 99.9999% Trenchwars would make for the best zone.

                            The idea here is special items for very expensive, this does not mean what i said should be the ideas, perhaps thors hammer could be scraped and something like "never wearing out bullets for 10,000" could take its place. this would mean for example that if a terrier buys these special bullets, its red bullets would never disappear untill they hit a wall or a ship. Again, someone who bought that would pay a fortune and hardly every have it and once they die its gone, not too much of a big deal.

                            you see? theres all kinds of neat ideas you can think of for the very expensive special items proposal, it doesnt have to be thors or bricks or speed or super bursts. theres a lot that could be thought of, and many could be much more benign than a thors. the point is add expnesive specialty items to the safe store to go with the normal priced items, that makes these more complete and interesting....and again it doesnt have to be thors it could be things much less extreme

                            so no its not turning it into the XFL, its a pretty small change compared to a change in a ship, which affects the game ALL of the time.
                            Are you done crying about the fucking Weasel yet? Go to EG and whine about the Spiders and Sharks that can cloak. Jesus christ, what the fuck do you want, every other ship to have X-Radar and *super? The countermeasures are there for you to use, and if you don't use them, that's your own fucking stupidity. Stop coming to the forums to bitch and whine about a ship that you can't see just because you refuse to get out of your WB that you never even take into base. You're a fucking nobody, you're always going to be a fucking nobody, and I think we'd all sleep better if you just fucking killed yourself.

                            EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'd get more satisfaction out of snapping your fucking neck myself. I'm sure your last words would be "stupid cloak-- *snap*". :wub:

                            EDIT 2: It's pretty obvious this was never "exclusively for DoCk>", Krazie, so you can drop the act. Everybody knows what a brown-nosing loser you are, and posting this in a place where everyone can read it only reinforces that. PM's, both in-game and here on the forums, are the place for "exclusive" things to be read. This was just your way of saying "Hey guys, I'm still here, pathetic as ever! DoCk>, buddy ol' pal! Ready to make me a ZH yet? Check this idea out! I came up with it all by myself! ^_^" Everybody point and fucking laugh at the wannabe innovator.
                            Last edited by PH; 02-02-2005, 03:48 AM.
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                            Originally posted by the_paul
                            Gargle battery acid fuckface
                            Originally posted by Material Girl
                            I tried downloading a soundcard


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by SpiderMage
                              Is it me or does Tone and Krazie want to make a TrenchWars version of the XFL?
                              Exactly what i was thinking. Oh and Tone, I'm not saying this just because it's you. I've pubbed for a very long time now, never cared for ?go base or ?go elim where a lot of pubbers leave to, and if they implement thors and these other crazy ideas you have and turn pubs into crap I will stop pubbing completely as well as many others, I'm sure. It's just not a good idea. As far as KK's idea, when you think about it, it really wont work for just about every single reason mentioned before this, I know what you want but it's impossible lol.
                              (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Kontrolz
                                Exactly what i was thinking. Oh and Tone, I'm not saying this just because it's you. I've pubbed for a very long time now, never cared for ?go base or ?go elim where a lot of pubbers leave to, and if they implement thors and these other crazy ideas you have and turn pubs into crap I will stop pubbing completely as well as many others, I'm sure. It's just not a good idea. As far as KK's idea, when you think about it, it really wont work for just about every single reason mentioned before this, I know what you want but it's impossible lol.

                                Please Read more carefully. Your thinking of an extreme games like trenchwars. this would be where you could only afford to have such equipment a few times every thousand or so lives. the equipment could be things like bullets that do not expire, or a slight increase in speed. this would be where you could only afford to have such equipment a few times every thousand or so lives.

                                You wouldnt play trenchwars anymore if someone had longer bullets in one out of a thousand of their lives?

