Go to SSW Battlefield 2... he has some pretty good fighter and turrent bots. You can confuse them pretty easily though:
-If there is a wall between you and the bot it will constantly just fly at the wall and never move until you do.
-If you circle strafe the bot will never stop moving in a circle.
-The funniest one, is that if 2 bots on opposing teams go near each other, they both start to spin in a circle firing at each other and won't stop until one of them dies.
Still, they would be pretty awesome bots to use for 'cannon fodder' and would open a ton of possibilities for new games to host.
The bot in ?go base is stupid.... I cannot be added.... that is dumb.. and staff could only say i had to change name... well i don't want that... fix it.
An other small programming mistake has been made by tw dev.... nut eaters.
Well, im pissed you name-discriminators.... i don't take this crap.. im gonna sue you ninja style :fear: woah :shuriken:
Here i go <chop chop slash bang boom pow paff kAblam> :death:
LOOOOOOL, that made me laff so hard.
help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.
4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out
On many occasions it's not the AI that's too dumb it's people. FPS AI is pretty good at compensating for strafing these days, it's the people that suck.
I thought they should put some fighting bots in warbird duel so you've got something to fight with when it's empty. Or a team of them for dd practice :wub: