There's a little problem with pure pubs: they're usually full. I don't want to get in the middle of levterrs, so if I want to go to a pub, it's lots of "esc+a+esc+esc+a+esc+esc+a...". So are the arenas really that popular? Should there be more pure pub bots? (Next one could be RoboDog)
They're so full it wouldn't hurt to have one more pure pub with a bot that changes into pure pub mode depending on how many people there are in pubs, but I don't think that's the whole answer. So many people there just duel in the spawn, go roofing, or idle. (Mr. Arrogant 2 should be a bit more active in these arenas.) I think it was until 30 people in pub that new people get thrown into those it, leaving room for just 6 people who really want to go there.
I think that, at least in the first pub, there should be a baseelim style timer that specs people who don't go to the base. The welcome message from the bot should include info on how to change arenas, (for those who really don't know how to do it) and a suggestion to do so if they don't like to base.
This could solve a series of problems: 1) would most likely free up more spots for people interested in basing in a pub 2) would make the base game more active, sometimes people aren't really interested in it, even in pure pubs 3) would get rid of those damn roofers. (yea in theory it's a valid strategy, but a terr on roof with 5 javs, 2 wbs and 2 weasels is the closest thing to a levterr you'll ever get.)
Before you start shouting "?go base, newb!" consider this: newbs who might potentially want to base, don't know about that arena. If they do end up there by accident, they'll sit in spec trying to enter, maybe ask "how do I get in?", but all in all, they're pretty confused. And even if they do stay there and get the hang of it, usually they won't get picked because no one knows them. Even if they do get picked, they'll be most likely spids, but maybe they want to play shark or terr?
Another counter argument for this would be: "Ok, good idea, but why not make an arena... like... ?go basing for those things, keep pubs free, unrestricted!". Because it was tried. Arena "basing" really does exist, with welcome message: "Welcome to the Pure Basing arena. Levis cannot attach. Public freqs can have 15 players and private freqs are disabled." After a drop in user numbers, it would die, and do you really think the pubbers would go from pub to pub messaging: ".?go basing for pure basing pub!!"? Would people come? I doubt it. It might work for ?go base in chats, but that's very much a different story. No, it has to be a pub so people really do end up there.
Yes, in theory unrestricted is good, but why do we have a forum for talk that's about tw, and then we have a forum for trash talk? Why do we have moderators on forums? Because they want to destroy the freedom of speech? If people do want to duel in spawn or levterr, I don't think it's that big of a problem to go to a different pub.
I talked to a staff member about this, and he advised me to create a thread. Public oppinion on this is kind of the thing that decides. So what do you think?
They're so full it wouldn't hurt to have one more pure pub with a bot that changes into pure pub mode depending on how many people there are in pubs, but I don't think that's the whole answer. So many people there just duel in the spawn, go roofing, or idle. (Mr. Arrogant 2 should be a bit more active in these arenas.) I think it was until 30 people in pub that new people get thrown into those it, leaving room for just 6 people who really want to go there.
I think that, at least in the first pub, there should be a baseelim style timer that specs people who don't go to the base. The welcome message from the bot should include info on how to change arenas, (for those who really don't know how to do it) and a suggestion to do so if they don't like to base.
This could solve a series of problems: 1) would most likely free up more spots for people interested in basing in a pub 2) would make the base game more active, sometimes people aren't really interested in it, even in pure pubs 3) would get rid of those damn roofers. (yea in theory it's a valid strategy, but a terr on roof with 5 javs, 2 wbs and 2 weasels is the closest thing to a levterr you'll ever get.)
Before you start shouting "?go base, newb!" consider this: newbs who might potentially want to base, don't know about that arena. If they do end up there by accident, they'll sit in spec trying to enter, maybe ask "how do I get in?", but all in all, they're pretty confused. And even if they do stay there and get the hang of it, usually they won't get picked because no one knows them. Even if they do get picked, they'll be most likely spids, but maybe they want to play shark or terr?
Another counter argument for this would be: "Ok, good idea, but why not make an arena... like... ?go basing for those things, keep pubs free, unrestricted!". Because it was tried. Arena "basing" really does exist, with welcome message: "Welcome to the Pure Basing arena. Levis cannot attach. Public freqs can have 15 players and private freqs are disabled." After a drop in user numbers, it would die, and do you really think the pubbers would go from pub to pub messaging: ".?go basing for pure basing pub!!"? Would people come? I doubt it. It might work for ?go base in chats, but that's very much a different story. No, it has to be a pub so people really do end up there.
Yes, in theory unrestricted is good, but why do we have a forum for talk that's about tw, and then we have a forum for trash talk? Why do we have moderators on forums? Because they want to destroy the freedom of speech? If people do want to duel in spawn or levterr, I don't think it's that big of a problem to go to a different pub.
I talked to a staff member about this, and he advised me to create a thread. Public oppinion on this is kind of the thing that decides. So what do you think?