Over the years I have seen many staff members come and go, me being one of them. Yet since my return I have learned how much children or ego driven people they have. It seems every little thing you do, if you piss them off it will get u banned.
The best thing is how they think it is a joke, and mock you after it is done, by remarks like welcome back or merry christmas when they are banning you. I have learned it is all a popularity contest on if you will get banned. I have seen people use racist remarks for 15 mins in front of a mod and nothing u say something as a joke and your banned. Also certain remarks are more bannable then others.
I'm jewish and see many jew remarks which i dont mind, i do have a sense of humour and find many of them funny. Alot of times they are tru
, yet if u use a black remark many times you are banned. Now hypothetically what if i was black and was talking to a friend and use that in context would i be banned. Probably would, but being jewish those remarks people dont care about.
I have to admit there are a few mods i like epi and warthog cause they have been here so long and earned my respect. But most of these mods/ers are useless. I understand it is not a job and people do this on there free time, but seriously there is a reason no one respectable is a mod. Most of the staff are lacking brain cells or there brain hasnt fully developed yet.
I have learned that the days of tw being fun with a good atmosphere have ended and now its a time of much whining like this and mods/ers who have ruined the zone. Now all we have are crappy events, which they have ruined when i created ww3 it use to fill the elim arena but now with all the mods which were now ruined i would never want to see that game again. all these all new events are also lame and brought tw down to the barrel.
Yours sincerely,
elim killer
Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch.- Stewie Griffin
I spent a good 48 seconds adding punctuation to this post -ZeUs!!
The best thing is how they think it is a joke, and mock you after it is done, by remarks like welcome back or merry christmas when they are banning you. I have learned it is all a popularity contest on if you will get banned. I have seen people use racist remarks for 15 mins in front of a mod and nothing u say something as a joke and your banned. Also certain remarks are more bannable then others.
I'm jewish and see many jew remarks which i dont mind, i do have a sense of humour and find many of them funny. Alot of times they are tru

I have to admit there are a few mods i like epi and warthog cause they have been here so long and earned my respect. But most of these mods/ers are useless. I understand it is not a job and people do this on there free time, but seriously there is a reason no one respectable is a mod. Most of the staff are lacking brain cells or there brain hasnt fully developed yet.
I have learned that the days of tw being fun with a good atmosphere have ended and now its a time of much whining like this and mods/ers who have ruined the zone. Now all we have are crappy events, which they have ruined when i created ww3 it use to fill the elim arena but now with all the mods which were now ruined i would never want to see that game again. all these all new events are also lame and brought tw down to the barrel.
Yours sincerely,
elim killer
Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch.- Stewie Griffin
I spent a good 48 seconds adding punctuation to this post -ZeUs!!