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Staff Wtf Explain This To Me.

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  • Staff Wtf Explain This To Me.

    Ok I not long ago I got banned for saying "Jew" 1 time in pub to a FRIEND. NO WARNING. 3 days w.e...Today I enter tw into a pub, Watch how many times bojangs says something racist.

    Shao Kahn> bojangs ur a newbie
    Shao Kahn> ur hunt = u runing into bullets
    Sivril> eat
    Sivril> nice eat moth
    bojangs> now im goin jap hunting
    Sivril> ima hunt your ass now
    bojangs> killed another moth
    bojangs> typical
    bojangs> haha draw
    Erasure> 7/jdthre
    Sivril> I GOT HIM
    bush baby> sorry
    Sivril> moth: 1 :sivril: 1
    kallikantzaroy> optimist quit : /
    Shao Kahn> lol ate
    BoomerSooner> shao :P
    bojangs> haha another moth head by my collection
    Zolo> bwauahaha#
    Sivril> stop rring
    bojangs> lol
    Shao Kahn> rring?
    Fireflytrails> =>
    bojangs> i bush wacked ur mom last night
    Zombies! ?go artbase to play. -LMAO
    bojangs> killed another moth
    Erasure> LOL
    bojangs> thell be extinct at this rate
    Shao Kahn> ur a joke
    tsenaku> damniti i was on a roll
    obnoxious-knock> oops
    bojangs> haha
    obnoxious-knock> sry hunb
    obnoxious-knock> lol hun
    bojangs> ur the joke
    bojangs> !!!!!!!!!
    bojangs> lol
    tsenaku> nice one
    bojangs> ur the joke again
    tsenaku> hey
    hitman_47> not u
    bojangs> the moth snuck up on me lol
    bush baby> lol
    deekayen> heh
    Xtasy> lol
    oops i farted> a
    Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go baseelim to play
    BoomerSooner> lol
    Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go elim to play
    bush baby> yes please lol
    tsenaku> damn it
    obnoxious-knock> ;(
    bojangs> another moth
    Shao Kahn> ez like pie =/
    tsenaku> shit
    tsenaku> pi isn't easy
    bojangs> ez like ur mom
    bojangs> damn japs
    Shao Kahn> im no jap u idiot
    BoomerSooner> lol
    bojangs> dman jap
    tsenaku> how do you report ppl
    Shao Kahn> keep up racsim
    Shao Kahn> ull get banned ill laf
    BoomerSooner> bah sry
    bojangs> i bombed ur country
    tsenaku> how do you report
    Shao Kahn> type ?cheater
    bojangs> twice!!!!!!!!!!
    BoomerSooner> or ?illegal <message>
    Shao Kahn> idiot im from usa
    bojangs> ur a jap
    Shao Kahn> and i own u
    Shao Kahn> type this nub ?go duel
    Killer Moth> ez
    Shao Kahn> u dont even know who shao kahn is
    Shao Kahn> ur like what
    Shao Kahn> 12 or 13?
    bojangs> 100
    Hot Pocket> 12?
    Killer Moth> mortal kombat was before his time
    Jummly> aaa
    Shao Kahn> yea
    Shao Kahn> mortal kombat = american game.
    bojangs> nope jap goame
    Jummly> aa zzxcvvbbnmbmn
    Jummly> asdfadfasd
    Shao Kahn> not only r u new..ur stupid as fuck.
    Jummly> a
    Subjugation> oh, is that why the name looks familiar
    Shao Kahn> anyways back to reporting u
    Subjugation> is it from mortal kombat?
    pecon.> my pc owns
    bojangs> reporting who
    SUBY@> owns what?
    pecon.> games
    bojangs> me for owning u
    PowerGlove> pokemon = french game
    obnoxious-knock> bye x
    obnoxious-knock> bye xx
    Hot Pocket> wtf
    Subjugation> poke her mom= LA game
    bojangs> nope jap game
    pecon.> just bought that amazing amd 57fx processor
    PowerGlove> poke her mom = you got game
    pecon.> scarly quick
    bojangs> i just bought ur mom and she was great last night
    bojangs> for only a buck
    PowerGlove> pecon this game can run on a P166
    bojangs> an hour
    pecon.> i bought yoours for half a buck
    PowerGlove> hehe
    Subjugation> that would be nice fx
    Subjugation> i mean pecon
    bojangs> i got ur sister for free
    Celll> it can run on a commodore64
    bojangs> claimed
    dinglewwed> lol
    Shao Kahn> ?illegal bojangs> damn japs bojangs> now im goin jap hunting bojangs> ur a jap ...Racism.
    Subjugation> hardware upgrades are teh win
    pecon.> i owned your sister
    DOWNISME> me two but it was brand new when i got his sister
    Erasure> LOL
    pecon.> she cumed out her mouth
    dinglewwed> sup boom
    Hot Pocket> ew
    PowerGlove> how's your wife and my kids?
    DOWNISME> i gave her to him broken
    PowerGlove> owned
    Shao Kahn> ?cheater bojangs> damn japs bojangs> now im goin jap hunting bojangs> ur a jap ...Racism.
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    Hot Pocket> ?
    Subjugation> yw
    bojangs> wat ever happened to the jap
    Shao Kahn> he just owned u
    bojangs> haha u tricky jap
    bojangs> makin me think u were ogne
    bojangs> haha moth give up
    bojangs> i have japs to kil
    Shao Kahn> ?cheater bojangs> wat ever happened to the jap bojangs> haha u tricky jap ....More racism.
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    Hot Pocket> wow
    Hot Pocket> i see ip ban
    Shao Kahn> i reported him
    Shao Kahn> twice
    Shao Kahn> i said J*w one time
    Shao Kahn> got banned
    Shao Kahn> wtf is this bs
    D.A.C.> same
    Hot Pocket> lol
    D.A.C.> i got banned for a week for saying j*w
    PowerGlove> Jaw?
    dinglewwed> lol
    Killer Moth> owned
    dinglewwed> jow?
    D.A.C.> i didnt even say it in a bad way i juyst said it
    PowerGlove> jiw
    dinglewwed> lol
    bojangs> moth im done wit u
    dinglewwed> did u not even get a warning ??
    bojangs> im killing japs
    bojangs> now
    dinglewwed> lol banned
    fraek1> +0
    dinglewwed> still here lol
    Shao Kahn> come to south safe u fucking scrub
    fraek1> +0
    bojangs> nope i made continuum
    Shao Kahn> I wanna own u b4 u get banned
    dinglewwed> lies
    bojangs> i cant be banned hahaha

    Now WTF please tell me WHY he was not BANNED. I'm not japense but if I was I would have been heluva offended, and there where some asains in the pub who were and were like wtf why is he still here. If I got banned for saying "jew" once and he doesnt get banned for REPEATILY using japs as a RACIAL SLUR there is something seriously fucked up with how staff handles shit on TW. I Reported him twice and If u think this log is edited in anyway I also have Screenshots. I normally don't even care what staff does but this is a bit fucked up.
    Kolar <ZH>> why aren't you lting Izor?
    Izor> cause its purepub jackass
    Izor> ez

    money> arguin on the internet is like the special olympics, even if u win you're still retarded

  • #2
    I so feel your pain... now go play outside
    "People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."

    "Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you." Seijuro Hiko


    • #3
      wtf is a moth aside from the obvious
      1:LMAO> lets do everything dirty
      1:LMAO> hack
      1:LMAO> i will back u up
      1:LMAO> whatever it takes to win


      • #4
        Who cares
        1:abbot> i think i played well
        1:brookus> abbot last time i checked YOU lost
        1:brookus> so im going to say that YOU sucked as well

        7:Vue> WE SAY CRACKER
        7:Vue> U DIPSHIT

        7:Rampage Jackson> wtf are you guys drunk or 15?
        7:Vue> lol jackson when sleuth is online everyone becomes 15

        oar> i got rejected from Stray
        oar> and both of their caps are on my personal chat
        oar> but its ok


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shao Kahn
          Now WTF please tell me WHY he was not BANNED. I'm not japense but if I was I would have been heluva offended, and there where some asains in the pub who were and were like wtf why is he still here. If I got banned for saying "jew" once and he doesnt get banned for REPEATILY using japs as a RACIAL SLUR there is something seriously fucked up with how staff handles shit on TW. I Reported him twice and If u think this log is edited in anyway I also have Screenshots. I normally don't even care what staff does but this is a bit fucked up.
          1: Bans and warning information is not shared with third parties.

          2: I will suggest this word be added to the list.

          3: This is the wrong place to complain, use and refer to the forum rules in the future before posting.

          4: Warnings are active for an amount of time, so if you or he uses racism again then you're out of the zone for a longer time.

          5:Logs and screen shots from players are not accepted due to editing.

          And finally: Most likely no staffer was there when he was using racism thus he was not banned or warned, or both but that is unknown to you and I.


          • #6
            Anyone else tired of seeing pot as someone's avatar or in their banners or whatever? you smoke weed or pretend you do, congrats. Get the hell over it and use something original.

            P.S. - didn't read, whatever it is it's probably your fault, your mom hates you, please die, etc etc
            My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


            • #7
              who the fuck? what the fuck is ur ava....I made my own faggot...Brook is my girlfriend I smoked pot for 10+ years so ya my 2 loves in my ava...w.e ur just a fucking dickhead wasting my time. find something else to nitpick about u childish nerd.

              p.s ty kolar for info didnt know i had to email to complain...and yes if Japs and a couple others such as towel head cracker wet back honky were all added i wouldnt have wasted 10 minutes of my life on forums.
              Last edited by Shao Kahn; 03-10-2006, 07:04 PM.
              Kolar <ZH>> why aren't you lting Izor?
              Izor> cause its purepub jackass
              Izor> ez

              money> arguin on the internet is like the special olympics, even if u win you're still retarded


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shao Kahn
                who the fuck? what the fuck is ur ava....I made my own faggot...Brook is my girlfriend I smoked pot for 10+ years so ya my 2 loves in my ava...w.e ur just a fucking dickhead wasting my time. find something else to nitpick about u childish nerd.

                p.s ty kolar for info didnt know i had to email to complain...and yes if Japs and a couple others such as towel head cracker wet back honky were all added i wouldnt have wasted 10 minutes of my life on forums.
                so you started smoking weed while in the womb?
                Trench Wars' favorite cheater


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Joe_
                  so you started smoking weed while in the womb?
                  joe u like 8years old shut it.
                  the price is right, bitch.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kolar

                    2: I will suggest this word be added to the list.
                    Soon you will realise that you have listed all words.
                    Everything can be racism if you think about it.

                    I'm not saying this cause staffers are power hungry abusers. I'm saying it cause it's true.


                    • #11
                      as soon as I get back, I have to talk with that dude, he can join my chat!!!


                      • #12
                        That's all very nice, and I bet you really care of some noname in pub who supposedly offended you but let me ask you something, why would you call someone a "Jew" in the first place?

                        That's sort of a retorical question so don't bother answering, just spare us your hypocrite whinings.


                        • #13
                          TW Staff
                          Originally posted by Facetious
                          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                          • #14
                            what is moth?
                            4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
                            4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
                            4:Geio> DEEZ?
                            4:Geio> LOLOL
                            4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
                            4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
                            4:spirit> LOL
                            4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
                            4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shao Kahn
                              who the fuck? what the fuck is ur ava....I made my own faggot...Brook is my girlfriend I smoked pot for 10+ years so ya my 2 loves in my ava...w.e ur just a fucking dickhead wasting my time. find something else to nitpick about u childish nerd.

                              p.s ty kolar for info didnt know i had to email to complain...and yes if Japs and a couple others such as towel head cracker wet back honky were all added i wouldnt have wasted 10 minutes of my life on forums.
                              Congratulations, you made such an original avatar, I never would have thought Photoshop and 5 minutes would have created such an awesome display of natural artistic ability. It doesn't matter if you've smoked pot for 25 years, having that as your avatar throws you into the massive, faceless pile of e-cool bois that like to let the world know that they smoke, since weed is the ultra-rebellious thing to do these days.

                              And yea I decided to point out the stupidity of your avatar since your topic wasn't going to go anywhere in the first place.
                              My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.

