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  • #16
    I'd like to see more of the stuff that got me hooked in the first place.

    24/7 Base is good, so as long as there's enough players we can get some basing going.

    I'd like to see more Deathmatch and more Javs... and Turretwarz.

    As far as events go, I don't really care.


    • #17
      Fewer zombie-related games hosted and decent ones that aren't hosted that often put in it's place


      • #18
        It'd be nice to see:
        Next basing match is starting. Type ?go base to play.
        every 20 minutes

        and yeah there's an alerts chat, but some people can't fit it in their chats, or it's too disruptive to them, or they play base but might not even know about it (the alerts chat). and yeah... usage requirement to play... :excl:
        Last edited by Aquatiq; 04-13-2006, 04:14 AM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Dameon Angell
          Two Words: Wrestling League (basically a revamp of the dueling league)

          Now, I'm not saying we all get greased up and play grabass infront of a crowd (I'm sorry Div, but no.) But, I'm thinking it would be a change to the TWEL system. Instead of having a ladder and yearly tournament, I'm thinking of a more TV Wrestling/UFC/Pride/Boxing/etc* approach to it.

          We'll have a champion in each league. Then each week, every player is alloted 3 games a day to play against anyone of their choosing (excluding the champion himself). Then, at the end of that week, the player in the #1 Contender spot would fight in a hosted event for the Dueling/Javing/Spider title(s). If the contender wins, they become the champion and the champion goes back to the #2 spot. And to prevent anyone from whoring a spot w/o defending their spot, you will drop 1 rank per day you don't duel.

          Rules of Engagement: Duel to 10, warp on. Every day you can challenge up to 3 players, you can be challenged by an infinite amount. If you do not duel at least once during a day (12:00 midnight to 11:59pm), you will be dropped 1 spot in the rankings (ie: from #2 to #3).

          Title Bouts will be Duel to 10, warp on, win by 2. Games done on Saturday Nights 3:00pst. And to get a large population of spectators, people can vote on who they think will win the title bout. If your fighter wins, you'll gain a +3 rank bonus at the end of that day.

          And, yes, I know, you'd need alot of bot work on this, but that's just my idea.

          That's kinda cool Dameon. What about using the settings from ?go hitmatch, or something similar, instead of a normal duel to 10, to give it more of that "wrestling" feel :P


          • #20
            Originally posted by IceStorm
            Some staff members are complete asses, example: Evasive
            I asked him how he was hosting Javs, and he said STFU
            ... Staff members are losing respect, which affects everything.
            I don't know what to say about that..
            ?squadowner let me back in staff

            That's all I have to say.


            • #21
              Agreed with Dameons idea. A dueling league will not work unless people are FORCED to play the other top contenders
              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


              • #22
                Originally posted by Aquatiq
                That's kinda cool Dameon. What about using the settings from ?go hitmatch, or something similar, instead of a normal duel to 10, to give it more of that "wrestling" feel :P
                I like that. 1 Life, first to 10 hits. But, then, lag comes into play.. you never are quite sure who is leading .. hard to keep track, ya know?


                • #23
                  Ok well ive been here for quite a while so heres my two cents.

                  TW STAFF: In my opinion over the last 6 months staff has got better and better, i see them talking to people a lot more and i am happy with their attitude towards the tw community. Last night i had a talk with neth arc and reaver about stopping cheating, it was a good talk where i feel my input was taken into account. However i am seeing a lack of hosted events compared to 3 years ago. Theres simply not as many events being hosted and not as many people showing up, because your hosting the wrong events.

                  The Events Here is my list of events not to be and to be hosted. Basing Maps go both ways. The only basing map ?go base players enjoy is boki. I would say do not host oter basing maps but that would be people do not get into the basing crowd. Id say lower the number of basing maps hosted and become more original.

                  Tanks: My favourite event, mix it up: Multi freq, All v All or MISSIONS - BEST EVENT EVER.

                  Jailbreak: What an event, love it.

                  NemosBase: Cool base.

                  NEW EVENTS: Trench Run. Split into two teams, spiders/lancs Vs terrs. Spiders/lancs are in the middle trying to stop terriers complete and obsticle course in 10 minutes. Terrs have to run around this course, using lag attach to get through some close holes. Its a good event.

                  Idea2: A small arena with tank like settings with two "forts" CTF style game 1 death each.

                  Go base and baseelim: Lets be honest here guys theve both gone stale. We need to forget the past and give respected players bot power, not just staff. Change the tile set and change the map. Or put 4 bases in ?go base and let a player vote decide which base we play. Mix it up.

                  Edit adding some cool events from jacky:
                  Last edited by End; 04-13-2006, 05:46 AM.
                  Makelele> whos camping
                  Sumpson> mitch
                  KiAN> Mitch mind not camping?
                  Lemar> mitch
                  Mitch> shut the fuck up and get in


                  • #24
                    some stuff i wouldn't mind seeing hosted again..:< they are fun to me..



                    • #25
                      About pub:

                      I just started playing in pub 0 semi-seriously (meaning, I'd try to help our team win in a ship other than jav :P) about 2 weeks ago. That's the thing... javs...

                      I'm in there with Rudy on occasion, and one time he (or Jacklyn) set some ship limits for the freqs using a TWBot. Think it was 2 javs, 2 sharks... don't remember what terr limit or others were.

                      I think that was a good idea, at least to try out. Have some ship limits, perhaps? Although I myself discovered how to bypass the ship limits set by TWBot (won't say how, unless it'd be to help fix it of course... Rudy knows too :P). One problem I did notice though is people who get jav, and then do absolutely nothing with it. Like sit afk, or fly around spawning, or camp in a dumb spot. Maybe this could be countered by only letting people jav for, say, 15 minutes maximum at a time, and then the bot speccing that jav so others can change into his/her spot. Just some thoughts. ^-^


                      • #26
                        heh we both did


                        • #27
                          Hardly anything good is hosted anymore in the euro timezone

                          jav and wb deathmatchs get boring after a while....

                          I think levis should return to all the pubs but keep the timers it would make ?go base more special.

                          At the moment pub 0 is more fun to play than ?go base.
                          Last edited by Doc Flabby; 04-13-2006, 06:11 AM.
                          Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                          Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                          Kitty> true

                          I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

                 - The Offical Flabby Website


                          • #28
                            multifreq dm does not get boring..then again im not often on the losing side of them
                            I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                            I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Izor
                              multifreq dm does not get boring..then again im not often on the losing side of them

                              the prob with belim is ?go javs always +20 javs in it. if we kill ?go javs we get more ppl for ?go belim...
                              SSCU Trench Wars Local BanG Operator
                              SSCU Trenchwars SModerator
                              Trench Wars Extreme League Head Operator
                              Trench Wars Divisions Operator

                              1:Rudy> We don't let Barton out much
                              1:Rudy> He has a habit of touching things he's not supposed to
                              1:Rudy> Like fire, and boobies


                              • #30
                                Elimrankings page fixed
                                more automated wbduel arena, like it is in chaos (or giving out powers to more people that can start it)
                                warzone more frequently hosted
                                ?go sealjavs4 is excellent for multijavdm
                                TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019

