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  • #46
    Originally posted by Vehicle

    You have 2 options with the levi; one, take the bomb radius and 1/2 it, this way the levi still can tear shit up, but it's shots will have to be a little bit more aimed.
    Exactly. This is an easy change to make. Levs are forced to have better aim in order to kill. This could potentially turn the lev into somewhat of a basing ship. And like I said before, it isn't turning the lev into a jav. The jav has to have a direct hit to kill a full nrg ship. The lev perhaps can have a larger one hit kill on a full nrg ship radius.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Vehicle
      Or, like I stated earlier, make a 5 tile wide shell around the flagroom from the outside (mid being fair game,) keeping levithans at bay. However, levithans could still enter the shell, but the entrance's could be near the flagroom entrance, enabling a layer of defending team defense that hasn't been seen in the past.

      For heavens sake, enable private freq's in every arena. I'm sure a lot of you remember when squads would take over pubs and battle it out for the flagroom. This encouraged basing, and was stripped away in an attempt to force people to base, but it apparently isn't working.
      I aggree about public frequencies, but could you explain this shell idea more fully, like a concept map of it or something?
      (\ (\
      ( ^_^)
      "I like my coffee black, just like my metal."


      • #48
        Originally posted by Maurauth
        I aggree with about 90% of this, X should have mutli fire, and maybe a repel, but the flagroom should have "window*" tiles or shipwarp tiles in all the enterances other than the main, and the holes next to the cram.

        Terrier burst seems fine as it is.

        This is basically what I said about levis, they should be a bit faster, more of a medium bomber like a slow ship, stronger than jav, but with less bomb radius, and shrap.

        That's an excelent idea to make attach bounty a bit higher so they have to grab 3 greens or so. It would really add to the basing.

        If you do this to all pure pubs, and put the antibomb/bullet tile around the outside of the flagroom on the top and sides, but not on the bottom, and maybe make the parts next to the ear a bit wider, with maybe a small 2 tile or 1 tile vertical block a lin it.

        I wouldn't mind helping make a concept map of it and putting it in dev zone if anyone else is working on something like it (chao?).

        Window Tiles = A tile that is invisible on map and radar, and allows bullets and bombs to pass through, but not ships.
        I'm getting close to getting a (Mostly) finished version up in dev, as ?go pubshield. I can talk to moot about the X "problem" of grabbing a flag, but I believe the new timer doesn't work as "Three consecutive minutes", so weasels can't really turn the tide.
        help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

        What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
        MegamanEXE> Chao
        MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
        (Sefarius)> ....
        (Hate The Fake)> LOL
        MegamanEXE> You are sick
        MegamanEXE> Good day


        • #49

          Big but you get the idea. The yellow tile will let bombs and bullets enter the fr, but not let x get in. The red tiles will prevent levis and javs from bombing the fr on the top and sides, but not on the base side.

          I also increased the space between the ear and the flag, and close the roof holes, as they would allow x to go in, shoot then move back into red and be indestrucable.
          (\ (\
          ( ^_^)

          "I like my coffee black, just like my metal."


          • #50
            2 levis could hold this base vs 34 people for 5 hours before they get bored.


            • #51
              Yeah, I forgot to say that I would possibly put two small verticle blocks there.
              Or you could rep with a shark...

              Last edited by Maurauth; 08-02-2006, 01:50 PM.
              (\ (\
              ( ^_^)

              "I like my coffee black, just like my metal."


              • #52
                Originally posted by Fluffz
                2 levis could hold this base vs 34 people for 5 hours before they get bored.
                I disagree, it only takes a single levi and some brains 2 take back


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Supreme Authority
                  I disagree, it only takes a single levi and some brains 2 take back
                  u dont even need a levi just 2 sharks and jav with rocket :P
                  Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                  Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                  Kitty> true

                  I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

         - The Offical Flabby Website


                  • #54
                    PPL don't listen, child-proofing the base isn't the solution. If you really do LT, then you'd know that they remain on roof for 3 seconds before going to a much better place. Eventually, they make their way inside base with 3 levis attached, stay in fr or mid and bomb the crap out of everyone. That is what causes the most problems.

                    The only reason why the levi feels so overpowered nowadays compared to old pubs, is that back then both the lancaster and the weasel were much more powerful ships. So your problem is the levi, fix it or suffer the exact same problem that has always existed.
                    Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


                    • #55
                      the levi isnt even such a big problem, its those useless leviterrs . a sigle one can destoy the fun of many people and there is never only a single one. a bot pricing attached levis energy depletion greens would be nice (since levis are never going to be changed anyway)


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Richard Creager
                        blah blah blah youre an idiot and you werent around back then
                        Yeah, this explains why I remember it so well. I'll level with you. Removing levs entirely would probably also fix the problem, but I just think it would take away from the game, seeing as how pubs are fun with levis in them as well.

                        Also you cannot deny that this game peaked back right before there were no purepubs, then started on a decline. The peak most people will agree on is in late 2002 through 2003. Purepubs I think came around in 04 (correct me if im wrong. I'm not going to say that is the only reason but it is certainly a factor. The fact that it has stayed around for so long and been allowed to slowly kill this game is a testament to how incompetent the people making decisions are.
                        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Vehicle
                          Staff needs to make a key decision: are pure pubs worth keeping around? If the answer is yes, put them in every public arena and have a timed basing game going on everywhere.
                          Sounds solid so far, please do remember, you're saying make all the pubs pure which means NO LEVIATHANS.
                          However, you have to tweak the bot.
                          Uh you're starting to lose me, I don't like where this is going at all.
                          Levi's should be allowed in every arena,
                          Wow talk about a short memory, you completely forgot what a purepub is.
                          including the first two pubs.
                          Oh so I see your stance now, according to this, the only change you really want is to abolish ALL purepubs forever, okay, NO.

                          Let's try connecting the dots here people, you have pubs, pubs have levs and some people put up with it and spawn them until they leave so that they can finally go back to basing and most don't and forget pubs altogether. All of a sudden you make a few pure, and magically those arenas start filling up all the time and having people actually play in them. Meanwhile, you complain the lower pubs suck, well gee I wonder why. Oh wait hey, didn't you say those pubs still have levs in them? Wow well I mean, dude, you can't really expect a newbie to pub up with some random cocksucker piggybacking on another faggot in a private freq floating by and dropping a magical oversized radius producer while they're in the middle of trying to take the goddamn flag like they see everyone else doing and instinctively knowing that that's where THE play of the the game happens to fucking be, or that is, WOULD be if it werent for those fat ass blue bastards being in the arena causing everyone who has played this game before (therefore KNOWING that levs bite the dick) to take solace in the nice clean levless purepubs. Now I fucking ask you Vehicle, which is it you're really trying to push for here? Abolishing the very definition of what makes purepubs pure, or cleansing those that are still covered in filth (and they ARE covered in filth, or are you guys going to magically take away your previous complaints about the state of those pubs in fact being so)?


                          • #58
                            Define "peak". If you mean peak in population then that's one thing; a peak in quality is another. People always refer to the heyday of TW being when its population was at its highest, but I think that the population size was the cause of the downfall itself. This zone grew too big too fast, and the problems that affect the zone are the fallout from over-population. When the quantity of players grew, the quality did not rise to match it, and there were more levis, and less basing. People back then complained about a lack of new talent. Purepubs came about as a way to stop the bleeding, but as I've argued in the past, it wasn't an ideal solution and caused other problems in the rest of the pubs such as the rise in number of teamkilling javs.

                            Pubs were declining during that population peak, and a long period of neglect made that problem worse. The last significant change in pub was the weasel shrinkage, and that caused problems of its own. What we're seeing today is the product of that neglect. Purepubs weren't the best solution, but they certainly weren't the biggest problem either.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Troll King
                              Define "peak". If you mean peak in population then that's one thing; a peak in quality is another. People always refer to the heyday of TW being when its population was at its highest, but I think that the population size was the cause of the downfall itself. This zone grew too big too fast, and the problems that affect the zone are the fallout from over-population. When the quantity of players grew, the quality did not rise to match it, and there were more levis, and less basing. People back then complained about a lack of new talent. Purepubs came about as a way to stop the bleeding, but as I've argued in the past, it wasn't an ideal solution and caused other problems in the rest of the pubs such as the rise in number of teamkilling javs.

                              Pubs were declining during that population peak, and a long period of neglect made that problem worse. The last significant change in pub was the weasel shrinkage, and that caused problems of its own. What we're seeing today is the product of that neglect. Purepubs weren't the best solution, but they certainly weren't the biggest problem either.
                              What we're trying to do, with this map we're working on, is to allow LTs back into the pub, but stop them from being able to demolish the basers. (For example, all shots that strike the inside of base from the outside have been taken care of). It's a bit difficult to balance them back into a base-focused pub, but we're going to try.
                              help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

                              What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
                              MegamanEXE> Chao
                              MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
                              (Sefarius)> ....
                              (Hate The Fake)> LOL
                              MegamanEXE> You are sick
                              MegamanEXE> Good day


                              • #60
                                Yes I pointed out that purepubs arent the only problem. The one pixel weasel is also a problem as is the lanc with x-radar (i do sorta like the l2 bullet change), but that shouldnt stop us from eliminating the biggest one. As Eph said, you have to think what was fun for you when you first started out. People who were around then could say a variety of things that were fun - those pubs had everything regardless of your whining about the big bad levis. Just keep in mind that a lot of newbs like to play that ship, and it attracts way more people than the current setup. And that should be the end of this thread. Except for the retards proposing ridiculous ship/map changes

                                EDIT: lol, filling holes is also dumb. You people just never learn that you had something that was working, broke it, and now are attempting to break it even worse.

                                I apparently need to write an essay on the psychology of newbs. They dont log on to this game at first to collect a flag and gather points that dont mean anything. They log on to shoot spaceships. You basers are attempting to force people into doing something that may or may not be fun to them, as opposed to letting them decide what they enjoy. Implementing any of these changes is going to kill this zone worse than purepub is now.
                                Last edited by Izor; 08-02-2006, 09:27 PM. Reason: i suck at typing
                                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan

