Hey guys! Diakka representing Event Coordination Team here! How we all doing?!
Soooo here is the dilio. We are doing a TWD Deathmatch at the end of the month (September) where only registered TWD Squads are allowed to play. Only 5 players from each squad are allowed to participate. It will be hosted on the Saturday and Sunday of the weekend (2 times). There will be prizes for the squads that win like 10 hosts of whatever you want for the next week. Some other stuff too. Though there is one prize I have been talking about with some of the TWD Ops. That is a prize of points to be issued to a squad in one of their Divisions of their choice. I do not know how many points but some certain amount.
Now you might be thinking "no way". What if some squads can't show up? What about the basers and javvers?
Well I will answer these questions for you:
One, we will be advertising for this event all month...if you play TWD you will not miss the advertising for this. It will most like be the entry message in TWD arenas. Also if you are a activing squad in TWD you will mos tlikely be able to make one of the two days this is going to be hosted.
Two, I really think all squads have atleast 5 duelers...or players that can actually somewhat duel...I hope.
I really think this would also be a nice incentive for squads and players to come and show up for this event and make it one of the best events ever. The point addition really isn't going to be that much but it will be something to help a squad out.
Please please pleeeaaaasssseeee post your comments. I will use any comments what so ever. If alot of you say no..we won't do it. But I would really like to hear from you and what you think. If you don't say anything then you can't complain if this gets hosted. It's like if you don't vote then don't hate on Bush. Unless you aren't 18, bt you don't have to be 18 to vote on this soooo VOTE.
P.S. You can play a whole new 5 players on Sunday than you did on Saturday. That already came up so that's why I am stating that.
NOTE: A map has been created for this event in a secret location!