I have a proposal that was partially thought up by myself and Crazi. I feel that this game is getting less active and not as much fun as it used to be in the past, it could be because i have matured and dont get the kicks out of the same things or it could be because alot of the old members of the game i used to be friends have left or become very inactive. I personally think that there should be a group of players throughout the zone which would include javelin duelers, warbird duelers, basers, pubbers, event dwellers and ofcourse our favourite players that love the community and spend most of their time in Spec. We should create a committee that is alogn the same lines as TWDev but more or less will change things of the zone that will make it more fun for all of us and hopefully bring more population to the zone. I am sure there is alot of this type of stuff going on in staff for the players but as crazi said why not make something of the players for the players. I thought about it and decided it was a great idea. If people are interested in joining this committee of players for the players that i will call... hmmm the TWPA
TRENCHWARS PLAYERS ASSOSIATION $ stole that from the nhlpa. please leave me a message or post your ideas and concerns in this thread, i would like to gather some ideas of how this should be set up and people who want to be involved and create the perfect idea and group. thanks fro your time and hope to hear from you soon