exactly what crazi said, i have a few staff friends who have let me in on some changes that might be happening and we can have an impact on what will be done instead of the people who are just incharge of the zone.. it could be a democracy instead of communism
No announcement yet.
TW Player Comittee
Just let it flow, just let it flow bro.
It's hard enough to keep a squad alive, if you and crazi are willing to put in energy, so be it.
I hope it works out for you guys tho :wub:some are wise, some are otherwise
1: PolluX> People say I talk too much
1: Louis XV> Dude you seriously need to stfu!
1: Louis XV> I still love you, k?
just a quick idea that is off the top of my head is staff? want to be staff? applications are out, but why not have a player voted into staff and have deans have their final say. if this game is going to be political lets have everyone have a say in what happens not just someone with *kill powersSubnova Owner
Originally posted by HurricaneI have a proposal that was partially thought up by myself and Crazi. I feel that this game is getting less active and not as much fun as it used to be in the past, it could be because i have matured and dont get the kicks out of the same things or it could be because alot of the old members of the game i used to be friends have left or become very inactive. I personally think that there should be a group of players throughout the zone which would include javelin duelers, warbird duelers, basers, pubbers, event dwellers and ofcourse our favourite players that love the community and spend most of their time in Spec. We should create a committee that is alogn the same lines as TWDev but more or less will change things of the zone that will make it more fun for all of us and hopefully bring more population to the zone. I am sure there is alot of this type of stuff going on in staff for the players but as crazi said why not make something of the players for the players. I thought about it and decided it was a great idea. If people are interested in joining this committee of players for the players that i will call... hmmm the TWPATRENCHWARS PLAYERS ASSOSIATION $ stole that from the nhlpa. please leave me a message or post your ideas and concerns in this thread, i would like to gather some ideas of how this should be set up and people who want to be involved and create the perfect idea and group. thanks fro your time and hope to hear from you soon
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
and what sort of vetting procedure to become a commitee member?
how will decisions be made?
ever read any of the threads here when we talk about changes ? there area multitude of conflicting opinions given. How will the commitee decide which idea to back?
It would have to be done in poll form open yo the public and so why not just have a poll here and zoner it ?
i'm still not convinced this will become a meaningfull bodyIn my world,
I am King
if I was part of a player committee, my first task would be to remove every useless staffer there is.
Every <ZH>, promoting the better ones that actually do shit that I've ever seen (aquatiq, bounty, demystify, maverick, pascone). Havent seen any others take a single help call I dont think.
The useless <ER>'s that dont host that I notice and dont/havent done anything ever (Bams, Acumo, Arceo, emaho, kaotix, royst, war*lock is an er???, K O) My numbers on hosts may be incorrect but I'm going by what I've seen. I guess staff would know whos doing the best overall job but I havent seen these people do much.
Mods/TWD ops: Theres random mods that I dont even know what their function is (DangerGirl, Kolar, 9three off the top of my head). They dont even do anything at all most of the time, except kolar says yes a lot to smod+ and removes staff forum posts. As far as TWD ops go, I dont really know about the euro ops so I'll go as far as to say that spider is the only one there that for sure is really inactive
As far as help calls go, mine never seem to get answered, until I spam ?help repeatedly and someone has to come warn me, in which case I know they're online so they have to take the call LOL. That's why I hate the ZH position so much though. That's their only purpose, and they're usually terrible at it. And should I have a complaint like getting spec hunted in pub or teamed in elim, if a ZH comes the extent of what they can do ask the guy nicely to stop, or tell aother staffer to come warn him.
Anyway as far as this thread goes I doubt its a good idea..only thing i would have done as a player was blacklist cheating squads when that was the popular thing to do, but it even seems like that trend wore off like rudy had hoped, except for the occasional kid. Dont really see the purpose of this except that you'll get a bunch of sertifis joining itI'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan
I still dont really get the point of committee. If you have idea, you definetly can introduce it to someone if you just bother to do some research who to contact to about it and so on. If staffers didnt play, it would make sence, but since they do I see that quite pointless.
the reason why there should eb a committee is it will look more professional to staff and they will realize we are serious about making changes to better the zone. the way i was thinkign was getting 5 people that outline each part of the zone and have a poll on certain ideas.. that way every section of TW has a say in what is done.
reaver: if staff doesnt want to back this up that is fine, i will still try to keep it running and talk to the players myself. have polls etc.. even if staff doesnt back it up in the stage it is now when they have 200 people bitching at them to change something simple i can pretty much assure you it will be doneSubnova Owner
Originally posted by Hurricanethe reason why there should eb a committee is it will look more professional to staff and they will realize we are serious about making changes to better the zone. the way i was thinkign was getting 5 people that outline each part of the zone and have a poll on certain ideas.. that way every section of TW has a say in what is done.
reaver: if staff doesnt want to back this up that is fine, i will still try to keep it running and talk to the players myself. have polls etc.. even if staff doesnt back it up in the stage it is now when they have 200 people bitching at them to change something simple i can pretty much assure you it will be done
well we can come to these things when we get further into detail about it, i am serious about this idea and i want to ride it out.
maybe i havent explained much about the types of things i want to do. as crazi said there are alot of things that are going through changes right now in TW such as pubs are changing, the baseelim map is gone... the zone is becoming really automated. maybe we can go back to the past and have some staff trained in manual hosting, certain days during the week we can have events rather then just having them saturday or sunday.. its the weekend people not everyone is going to play ss on the weekend. possible squad wars that have been mentioned plenty of times before, maybe a TWL and TWBL as in trenchwars (B) league for less competative squads but still want a chance to win a TWL. it will be a TWBL title but still apart of TWL. as i said about staff changes maybe the TW players can have some effect on that. all i know is staff is really busy now with a new dean and pluck pretty much becoming sysop and taking dock's job. why not let alot of people have a say not just the people who are in staff.Subnova Owner
Hurricane, I'd recommend just chilling for a bit. Mootland Farmer and I are working on putting together a committee right now that is similar to what you posted about. We're just trying to get everything ironed out about how we select members, procedures, etc before posting about it.Ban Ikrit