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  • #16


    • #17
      hahahha that sux kk. take care and stuff man. was nice playing with you in gv and other squads we were in.
      (castromarx)>reaver, accord and i are busy playing with our balls

      1:JAMAL> just farted smells good as fuk

      Argentina> weeeee oooooh weeeee oooooh
      Argentina> look at me kids!
      Argentina> I'm an ambulance!


      • #18
        On Sunday, authorities were summoned to the suspected drug house after an anonymous person told police they smelled marijuana and saw more than 30 plants growing in the home's backyard, the sergeant said.
        30 plants in plain view in your backyard, no duh you got arrested. Dumbass.
        Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
        Kthx> yes it is, newbie.


        • #19
          not the most mysterious plan, having 60 plants in your backyard for anybody to see. Also not the brightest thing to have an Assault Rifle with over 100 rounds of ammo, but really the dumbest thing of all of this, is that 2 of you asked for attorneys, and the other guy told the police you were planning on selling it all.

          he should have asked for an attorney too, what a tool. Take it easy KK, i doubt you were the non-attorney guy, because I think you're smarter than that.
          The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

          Originally posted by Richard Creager
          All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


          • #20
            it's conjugal mate. conjugal.


            • #21
              lol corrected by a Suomi! OWNED
              Failure teaches success.


              • #22
                1:Ease> i probably am gay
                1:Ease> i just haven't realized it yet


                • #23
                  Good Luck mate, sorry to hear about this. Seeya Beezy


                  • #24
                    Man that sucks, hope everything eventaully works out for you dude
                    1:Blasphemy> if ur gonna put a jav in line
                    1:Blasphemy> we gotta have people like eelam and kian in
                    1:Blasphemy> from the beginning

                    1:exquisite> u know whats wierd
                    1:exquisite> having ur dad talk to u on AIM
                    1:exquisite> like zzzzz
                    1:Ease> you think thats wierd?
                    1:exquisite> ya
                    1:Ease> try skipping school
                    1:Ease> and having ur mom IM you
                    1:Kian> LOL EASE
                    1:Collusion> LOOL
                    1:exquisite> LOL


                    • #25
                      Getting sent to jail for selling weed is the dumbest thing ever. Sorry to hear that, man.
                      5:gen> man
                      5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Blood View Post
                        it's conjugal mate. conjugal.
                        True, let me think, I'm pretty sure they taught that in high school.


                        • #27
                          A few years ago I had some friends that grew pot in their basement, they only grew TWO plants, and when the plants got big (about 6 feet tall, they were beauties too), you could start to smell them outside... their neighbors started making comments so they hurried up and harvested ASAP.... TWO plants!
                 - Gallileo's racist thread

                          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                          • #28
                            I hope that you get a really good lawyer, and work something out with the DA after your preliminary hearing. Hopefully a plea bargain can be reached that will result in minimal/no jail time.

                            Most of us fuck up once in awhile (yeah, me too) but it's not the end of the world. Just don't give them any more information during their questioning without having a lawyer and working out some sort of deal. You might want to just enter into a plea bargain after your prelim, if their evidence presented at the prelim is overwhelming. It might be different in your case, so ask your lawyer what the best option is. And if you can afford it, hire an attorney in the area that knows the DA and the police officers involved.
                            TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                            TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                            TelCat> i dont


                            • #29
                              I got a very good lawyer and I will most likely be looking at probation thru the end of it all. My next court date is on the 6th and I plan to fight this thing till Im released. But in the end I wont be online anymore I kinda got other things to worry about.
                              Last edited by Kid Kaos; 10-02-2006, 12:33 AM.
                              2 time TWLD runner up.

                              If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by kthx
                                I just don't use the word conjugal very often because I don't really worry about going to jail for extended periods of time .
                                Hey retard:

                                That's not the only context the word "conjugal" can be used in.

                                Originally posted by Ward
                                OK.. ur retarded case closed

