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  • #16
    can we please just revert pubs back to how they were 5 years ago?


    • #17
      damn im glad i found that weed


      • #18
        Originally posted by dads revenge View Post
        WBpub1 and WBpub2 have a pubbot and robodude or chick in each for duelers bots can run automated games with evening teams at start of each people get 10 deaths and away you gogogogogogogo. bot can list mvp and people can enter at the beginning of each round on whatever freq they get on as the bot will even it this should make things stay fair enough and give the duelers their own style of pub to play in as well as basers having their pub. {btw I am no dueler by a long shot} but I remember playing in the spawn for hours at a time dueling.
        This is an excellent idea. The only downside would be the spreading of already thin players.


        • #19
          Moot you said that the message that appears everytime you log on to tw is quite negative as it leaves people unsure of where to play....why not change it then? :P by encouraging people to participate in publics more so tw doesnt die. It really is disappointing to see tw slowly dying out when really it should be blooming, i hope the committee can come up with something to save tw!! (maybe go around different forums/myspace etc and spam about trenchwars/continuum? im sure 1 reason that less people are playing is because so many people are unaware of the existence of continuum).
          TWL-J Season 11 Champion
          TWL-J Season 21 Champion
          TWL-B Season 21 Champion
          TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
          TWDT-D 2017 Champion
          TWDT-J 2017 Champion


          • #20
            You need a Sysop password to change entry Zone message, which I don't have. I'll bother Pure_Luck about it.
            "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
            • Shark
            • Dicer
            • Sager
            • Trench Wars Map Uploader


            • #21
              Wark 4 Sysop! I guarantee to change the entrance message 64% faster then any previous sysops, with 15% chance of less mistypes.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #22
                No more month long bans for single tk's .. right Money


                • #23
                  What Moot has been working on was the higher level mission statement. The next step is to develop a plan to achieve the objectives set forth in the mission statement.
                  Who is responsible for developing this plan?
                  Is the plan going to be 'more of the same' (which is no overall plan, just tweaking little things like ships and maps)?

                  The plan needs to define how the mission statement objectives are going to become reality. So first step is to understand the current state of the game. If we want to increase the general population of the game, we have to know what has been and what it is now. Then build/develop a plan to increase it, implement the plan, then see if it increases the population.

                  Running around thrashing the game without a plan is useless. No one can say if any of the little changes is making any difference (but it certainly allows for more bitching and whining in these forums).


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                    What Moot has been working on was the higher level mission statement. The next step is to develop a plan to achieve the objectives set forth in the mission statement.
                    Who is responsible for developing this plan?
                    Is the plan going to be 'more of the same' (which is no overall plan, just tweaking little things like ships and maps)?

                    The plan needs to define how the mission statement objectives are going to become reality. So first step is to understand the current state of the game. If we want to increase the general population of the game, we have to know what has been and what it is now. Then build/develop a plan to increase it, implement the plan, then see if it increases the population.

                    Running around thrashing the game without a plan is useless. No one can say if any of the little changes is making any difference (but it certainly allows for more bitching and whining in these forums).

                    this "plan" talk brings me back to the cute things liberals said in the mid term election in the US....
                    (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
                    (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
                    (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
                    (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Heroin Bob View Post
                      this "plan" talk brings me back to the cute things liberals said in the mid term election in the US....
                      Excellent point, same thing here. 'WE WANT CHANGE' 'WE WANT CHANGE" 'WE WANT CHANGE" 'WE WANT CHANGE"
                      Anyone bother to define the change? Anyone willing to do the work?
                      Nope, just change some shit. This is exactly what has happened for the last few years in TW. Moot is trying to do it right, but people are just flaming him saying 'WE WANT CHANGE".


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mootland Farmer View Post
                        Teamwork - People have to earn the right to use Private Frequencies.
                        You do know that this sentence is fighting itself?

                        Lets define teamwork:
                        1. cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause.
                        2. work done with a team.

                        Now what is a private freq? Can it be considered as a effort to working as a team to take base, in what point, and why would it be nessecary to have a private freq, if one would work as a team?

                        I think you ideas are far from prefect and your views of the public basing is lost. If you are to: 1. Encourage teamwork 2. Promote basing, as well as other aspects of play.

                        So far, private freq are no good for nothing, being on priv freq with the only purpose is to get as many kills as possible and ruin the whole idea about getting the flag. IMO, there are no point in priv freqs. Now, why even consider having priv freqs, if it strives against teamwork?

                        Please, do answer Mootland, why even keep privfreqs? I think DSB has a good setup on their map for their gameplay, though the map is huge, but still, people know what to do, get all the flags.. constant battle everywhere, at least it was like that last time I playied on DSB years ago.
                        Endless space, endless exploration.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by 1ight View Post
                          So far, private freq are no good for nothing, being on priv freq with the only purpose is to get as many kills as possible and ruin the whole idea about getting the flag. IMO, there are no point in priv freqs. Now, why even consider having priv freqs, if it strives against teamwork?
                          Those who go on a private freq just to get kills are the same people who camp the spawn and "duel". There are people who go on a private freq to take the flagroom. I'm one of them. (More often than not, terring solo on a private freq. B) )


                          • #28
                            Please, don't lecture me. I know what teaming is. Removing private frequencies is unrealistic, just like trying to remove Leviathans was sadly..

                            The primary goal is promote Basing in Publics right? That's not the not the only goal. We have to cater for people who want to duel as well. Some people like to mess around on a private frequency, and that's fine as well. Since Publics are going to be the same, you can find one that has no private frequencies.
                            Last edited by Mootland Farmer; 11-14-2006, 04:04 PM.
                            "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
                            • Shark
                            • Dicer
                            • Sager
                            • Trench Wars Map Uploader


                            • #29
                              "Plan - a scheme or method of proceeding developed in advance. Plan refers to any method of thinking out acts and purposes beforehand."

                              Note that the definition of 'plan' does not include proceeding or acting at random. It does not include simply throwing random ideas out on the table nor does it include implementing random ideas.

                              Illustrated another way...
                              Our mission statement reads "We choose to build a house so that we have shelter and a place to live."
                              Now we need to have a plan to build the house. Having a lot of people sitting around tossing out ideas like 'I think the house should be painted blue', or 'I think the house should have wood floors' might all be good ideas but do we start building the house right now? No, there needs to be a plan and the plan needs to satisfy the mission statement. The plan may be to build a two story split level house or it may be a one story brick ranch style house, as long as it provides shelter and gives us a place to live.
                              Tossing out ideas without a plan in place serves no real purpose. Is there to be a garage or a fireplace? Not required according to the mission statement but these things might be nice to have. But imagine going to an architect and arguing about paint color or a fireplace before you have even decided what type of house you want.


                              • #30
                                How about this for an alternative goal about what TW SHOULD be about:

                                To have fun and destroy 2d spaceships in as many interesting and varied ways as possible.
                                Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                                Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                                Kitty> true

                                I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

                       - The Offical Flabby Website

