Originally posted by Doc Flabby
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So if Saturday & Sunday are designated days for SB games/scrims, say for example that on Saturdays games/scrims would be held between 11AM Est to 1PM Est & Sunday between 2PM Est & 4PM Est. it would open a window that allows for an either or situation albeit if one lives in Europe or the Pacific/West Coast.
With a set deadline that could possibly be done using the SB website of which would allow captains to ask or accept a match, they would already know that the game times would be on certain days and would guarantee a hosted match as well if both teams could decide and accept the offers between each team. It would only help organize things a bit on the scheduling.
Using this forum to go back and forth as well as the bot on TW is somewhat a joke if trying to keep things organized and assured of a hosted match.
Just an idea...TWL was like that back in 98/99 if I am not mistaken. The Captains would have to agree to the open timeslots and days available for a game that was agreed upon so that it could be scheduled and insure that it was hosted...this would already be a set choice of Sat or Sun with only certain times so that everyone knows what constraints we are held to.
Just an idea of which will probably be seen as too difficult.