Well Valiant, I'd say that other games with better marketing and graphics is why we're going downhill.
Indeed so I'm not suggesting TW would get weekend populations of 700+ if all bots were suddenly removed. My point is simply that Mr. Arrogant's disconnection function could at the very least be made less brutal, if not removed entirely.
Old git and mostly harmless former captain of British Squad
Anyone ever been kicked for idling in pub? There's supposed to be a bot doing that but it never seems to do its job.
As for Arro, it's easy as pie to up the idle time limit. 5 minutes and getting kicked off is totally unnecessary. The bandwidth point is a good one as well... not really much of an issue anymore. If this feature is kept in, it should only be booting those that are idle in the 2-3+ hour range or so (except, of course, those that are taking slots in a desired pub, which it never handled anyhow).
Forgive me if someone's already said this, but another benefit of upping the idle time limit for private arenas or just removing it entirely is that afterward, only those that don't know any better will idle in pubs
Mr. Arrogant 2 is only roaming the subarenas (not public arena's - that's a different but similar bot) and kicks players who are idle for exactly or more then 15 minutes.
Mr. Arrogant was created when Priitk told the staff that the zone was using too much bandwith. In an attempt to keep the zone while using the least amount of bandwith, it was decided to create a bot which would kick speccers. Since that time I believe Priitk hasn't ever said anything about that.
Because we're still being hosted by Priitk (for no financial costs at all) we should still try to keep the bandwith as low as possible to prevent any burden on Priitk. (It's calculated that it probably costs a small fortune every month to keep the server online for Trench Wars in terms of bandwith.)
This is the main reason why Mr. Arrogant is still running. (If you are staff you can see all the subarenas and let me tell you, there are loads of them and loads of afk players that don't need to be online.)
I will change Mr. Arrogant so that he PMs the player before he kicks him/her off which will solve any problems of unknown disconnects.
(Note; we don't have any extra server capacity on the game server at all, it's all Priitk's.)
Once I pm'd Mr. Arrogant and told him i would body slam him if he dc'd me :P and he answered back ..."bring it" LMAO!
i've spoken to several of his identitys before
Ill-timed force will be ineffective; act with precision; timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength; misapplied ability is disability. Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself
1:money> i need a loose-meat butthole
Evasive <E> wtf
Evasive <E> GIMME MY BOT
caco <ER>> )Oo
caco <ER>> bot thief!
caco <ER>> duel me for it
Evasive <E> no!
Cigarettes> wunderbar?
Not that I play that much anyway, but lately I will get kicked for Alt-tabbing and doing something else for 10 minutes (no exaggeration). And I can see how it could cost a new player, but you know what costs new players? Stupid fucking assholes. And other stuff too.
My room mate used to pub around a few years ago, and how he's been more interested in basing...a league that desperately needs players. But where is he supposed to play? ?Go base? Nobody there wants to pick someone who goes 40-57 all the time. Which is why I never get picked.
But yeah, this Mr. Arrogant guy is getting on my goddamn cocksucking shitkicking nerves.
And I agree with Lem: Newbies are going to be puzzled as to why the sudden "WARNING: Disconnected" message has appeared. Ultimately it will cost TW a potential new player if they get too bored / frustrated to learn about it, which quite frankly they should never have to do. A friendly explanation sent by PM or otherwise would go some way to avoid this.
Not that I play that much anyway, but lately I will get kicked for Alt-tabbing and doing something else for 10 minutes (no exaggeration). And I can see how it could cost a new player, but you know what costs new players? Stupid fucking assholes. And other stuff too.
My room mate used to pub around a few years ago, and how he's been more interested in basing...a league that desperately needs players. But where is he supposed to play? ?Go base? Nobody there wants to pick someone who goes 40-57 all the time. Which is why I never get picked.
But yeah, this Mr. Arrogant guy is getting on my goddamn cocksucking shitkicking nerves.
Maybe we can solve most of these problems with the following idea;
If you need to go afk you can ?go afk and you won't be disconnected. However, if you are afk in a different subarena then you can and will be kicked if you are idle for too long.
This will at least help prevent the too-much-arenas-open problem.
As I already said, I will modify Mr. Arrogant so it sends you a PM with information that you got kicked for idleness and you can ?go afk to prevent this from happening.
Note; I have to check this idea with the sysops of Trench Wars. If they agree, it can be quickly implemented.
Maybe we can solve most of these problems with the following idea;
If you need to go afk you can ?go afk and you won't be disconnected. However, if you are afk in a different subarena then you can and will be kicked if you are idle for too long.
This will at least help prevent the too-much-arenas-open problem.
As I already said, I will modify Mr. Arrogant so it sends you a PM with information that you got kicked for idleness and you can ?go afk to prevent this from happening.
Note; I have to check this idea with the sysops of Trench Wars. If they agree, it can be quickly implemented.
I think everyone is capable of assuming that if they get d/ced it would be by Mr. Arrogant, for idleness.
Also, an away message would probably confuse any bot coding you set up.
Originally posted by paradise!
pretty sure the flu is just bacteria found everywhere, just during the winter our immune systems are at its lowest, thus the bacteria aren't exactly killed off.
1:Reaver> HALP
1:Reaver> HELELP