A lot of ideas are being thrown out to increase the population of TW, and I've been accumulating some of my own ideas for a while, so just lemme know what you guys think, hell it might mean you get your own ideas..
TWD - Multiple modes of play:
I suggested one idea before a long time ago for TWDD, which was pretty much shot down, and for those of you that don't know, it was to introduce another mode, in which people would race for points instead of kill to 50...Although this may look like a bad idea now, it had the potential to give TWD a new dimension, another way of gaming, and as of recently, I came across another idea, inspired mainly from Dameon Angell.
The plan was to have another game mode that players could choose from when challenging other TWD squads, basically setting up a 4/5-man lineup in TWD matches, but 1v1 gameplay, so essentially an automatically run UFC faceoff against squads. Same deaths, same time, etc.
What's the point? Well, it would mean that players had to improve their 1v1 skills for squadmatches, putting ?go duel into more use as a practice arena for players. The mode would be more useful to top squads who are against each other, one squad may have great teamers, but how would they stand alone? Just think about it, it encourages competition at a different level.
Elim/Baseelim Merge:
I've seen a couple of people who have already favoured the idea, however I feel that maybe we can collect more opinions and see what we can do about it. Personally, I think the two arenas should be merged, here's why:
- The arena would have a higher concentration of players, LOTS more javs and warbirds learning how to play both ships, meaning both warbird and javelin divisions become more active with more capable players who are confident after a lot of practice. The amount of warbird games to javelin games would be unbalanced, this is why the bot COULD be edited to accommodate an EVEN number (Possibly alternating) of warbird:javelin games, meaning that there would be less voting, because the distribution of games would be fair. For those who don't see my reasoning, think about this, how many times have you been in tourny when voting for 2v2 javs and got 2v2 warbirds? (Or vice versa in my case)
- Competition would increase drastically if we had a lot of jav players in elim, trying their absolute hardest to rip the warbirds apart and vice versa, so many more to kill, it would pretty much bring back elim.
Killing ?go javs:
Again, I've seen a lot of people who would favour the change, by introducing ?go javs you killed ?go baseelim, if the above idea of merging elims wouldn't work, at least kill ?go javs so that baseelim becomes more populated. ?go javs is pointless, and if you value barwarp so much, just put barwarp in baseelim or something...
Continuum away from home:
I was with a couple of friends once, the other week actually, and I started telling them about what Continuum was, and to my surprise, one of my friends actually knew what on earth I was talking about.
Me: "You guys ever played Continuum?"
Friend: "Ohhh that one with the little spaceships!! Yeah that was awesome, they had that in school!"
It made me think, that a school would have had Continuum sitting in their network, and kids would log on and play, kill each other, whatever, but it would bring a lot more players. If something like this happened, and Continuum is really as addictive as we say it is, then spreading Continuum would be easy, almost viral. Don't look at me for ideas as to how such a thing would ever come into effect, but it would be damn good if it did, the only reason I have said this is because I don't think it's actually that absurd. You may not agree with me though.
Don't think these ideas are completely 100% stable, hell, some of these are only a starting point for things that could be big... they're ALL subject to change, and if you can think of ways of improving on them let us know, post here, let me know what you think and why you think it, otherwise there's no point in replying.
Thanks for reading.
TWD - Multiple modes of play:
I suggested one idea before a long time ago for TWDD, which was pretty much shot down, and for those of you that don't know, it was to introduce another mode, in which people would race for points instead of kill to 50...Although this may look like a bad idea now, it had the potential to give TWD a new dimension, another way of gaming, and as of recently, I came across another idea, inspired mainly from Dameon Angell.
The plan was to have another game mode that players could choose from when challenging other TWD squads, basically setting up a 4/5-man lineup in TWD matches, but 1v1 gameplay, so essentially an automatically run UFC faceoff against squads. Same deaths, same time, etc.
What's the point? Well, it would mean that players had to improve their 1v1 skills for squadmatches, putting ?go duel into more use as a practice arena for players. The mode would be more useful to top squads who are against each other, one squad may have great teamers, but how would they stand alone? Just think about it, it encourages competition at a different level.
Elim/Baseelim Merge:
I've seen a couple of people who have already favoured the idea, however I feel that maybe we can collect more opinions and see what we can do about it. Personally, I think the two arenas should be merged, here's why:
- The arena would have a higher concentration of players, LOTS more javs and warbirds learning how to play both ships, meaning both warbird and javelin divisions become more active with more capable players who are confident after a lot of practice. The amount of warbird games to javelin games would be unbalanced, this is why the bot COULD be edited to accommodate an EVEN number (Possibly alternating) of warbird:javelin games, meaning that there would be less voting, because the distribution of games would be fair. For those who don't see my reasoning, think about this, how many times have you been in tourny when voting for 2v2 javs and got 2v2 warbirds? (Or vice versa in my case)
- Competition would increase drastically if we had a lot of jav players in elim, trying their absolute hardest to rip the warbirds apart and vice versa, so many more to kill, it would pretty much bring back elim.
Killing ?go javs:
Again, I've seen a lot of people who would favour the change, by introducing ?go javs you killed ?go baseelim, if the above idea of merging elims wouldn't work, at least kill ?go javs so that baseelim becomes more populated. ?go javs is pointless, and if you value barwarp so much, just put barwarp in baseelim or something...
Continuum away from home:
I was with a couple of friends once, the other week actually, and I started telling them about what Continuum was, and to my surprise, one of my friends actually knew what on earth I was talking about.
Me: "You guys ever played Continuum?"
Friend: "Ohhh that one with the little spaceships!! Yeah that was awesome, they had that in school!"
It made me think, that a school would have had Continuum sitting in their network, and kids would log on and play, kill each other, whatever, but it would bring a lot more players. If something like this happened, and Continuum is really as addictive as we say it is, then spreading Continuum would be easy, almost viral. Don't look at me for ideas as to how such a thing would ever come into effect, but it would be damn good if it did, the only reason I have said this is because I don't think it's actually that absurd. You may not agree with me though.
Don't think these ideas are completely 100% stable, hell, some of these are only a starting point for things that could be big... they're ALL subject to change, and if you can think of ways of improving on them let us know, post here, let me know what you think and why you think it, otherwise there's no point in replying.
Thanks for reading.