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new idea for leagues

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  • new idea for leagues

    well we all know that tw's leagues are going downhill. maybe because its stale or maybe because the pop is just decreasing in general. who knows.. but i do have an idea that we may be able to try to spice up leagues. seeing as twld or twdd is the original league that tw was found on? right?? i am not that old to ss.

    idea: TWDD will now be held in a new tileset arena with a bit smaller of an area to fly around on. maybe having a few walls to dodge behind etc.. and in addition to that maybe throw in a lancaster or spider option to play.. maybe have it manditory to have 1 spi 1 lanc and 1 wb in every 5v5 line. maybe throw a 6v6 in there or just make it 4v4 so that u can have 1 of each and a 4th ship as the special.. who knows just an idea... and the first of a few to come.
    Subnova Owner

  • #2
    if im not wrong, the first twl was 5v5 any ship. Some squads tried spider + wb or lanc + wb and the 5 warbirds prevailed
    8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
    8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
    8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
    8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
    8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
    8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...


    • #3
      The very first TWL game -FINAL- ever played, back in Season 1, was against TW ELITES and we used a terr-lanc turret plus other random ships - TWE cheated and used 5 WBs. Inevidably they won, but that didn't stop us from using levs and terriers from there on. We were new.
      Domi> I'll take right one, you take left..truce
      USS Banana> ok
      Domi> on a sidenote Samurai and Strike are hunted
      Get ready. Game will start in 10 seconds
      USS Banana> you arent playing
      Domi> made too many plans and forgot to play

      Nowyoudie> Sika once talked to me
      Nowyoudie> He said !ready


      • #4
        Make league a few weekends.. Not fucking 1251951951 rounds first. Getting boring
        TW Staffer since 3/24/06

        2:Ewan> !dictionary acumo:pornography
        2:RoboHelp> Dictionary definition:
        2:AcidBomber <ER>> LOL
        2:Acumo> lool Ewan


        • #5
          Spid/Lanc would only work agaisnt newbs (Just like in tourny). I think most everyone would still put in 5 wbs too.
          Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
          Kthx> yes it is, newbie.


          • #6
            make it like 3 times a week instead of just sundays


            • #7
              Less teams.
              More competitive.
              Set schedules.
              More than one game per league per weekend.
              Shoot bullets at the bad guys.
              Done in a month.


              • #8
                Why decrease the number of teams? Should just make a smaller roster cap.. That is ALSO in effect for twd. Squads with anywhere over 35 players on twd roster could lose a few. Limit the rosters and people will get more chances to play and will "have" to be active or axed.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Melon View Post
                  Why decrease the number of teams? Should just make a smaller roster cap.. That is ALSO in effect for twd. Squads with anywhere over 35 players on twd roster could lose a few. Limit the rosters and people will get more chances to play and will "have" to be active or axed.
                  It's ideas like these that will bring TW back up.

                  I like you Melon. I like you.
                  (Twerp and Duel Pasta)
                  5:dads revenge> they are both actually my virtual pet salamanders I have to feed them virtual flies 3 times a day

                  1: Pandagirl!> What do I say back to that
                  1: Pandagirl!> How about "lol"
                  1: winipcfg> despite "lol"'s versatility, I don't think that'd be good in the situation

                  If you can't beat them, eat them. ?go zombies3 - Chao <ER>

                  Ricko> mvp gets poppadums from weak's corner shop


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Melon View Post
                    Why decrease the number of teams? Should just make a smaller roster cap.. That is ALSO in effect for twd. Squads with anywhere over 35 players on twd roster could lose a few. Limit the rosters and people will get more chances to play and will "have" to be active or axed.
                    i agree with this, i try to raise this opinion once every few months until the ignorant wisen up.
                    (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
                    (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
                    (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
                    (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Melon View Post
                      Why decrease the number of teams? Should just make a smaller roster cap.. That is ALSO in effect for twd. Squads with anywhere over 35 players on twd roster could lose a few. Limit the rosters and people will get more chances to play and will "have" to be active or axed.
                      That would mean that a squad like Disoblige would have to axe many of their inactive players. Those will not join other squads anyway, and it would just take away any shred of hope at returning to the game again. I'm still up for a random TWD when I'm on, and because of forced rules, I couldn't do that because I failed at being forced to play.

                      Force me to play or let the zone die? Let this game die in a shitfire then.
                      Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                      5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                      • #12
                        i dont think its all that harmful for twd to have a high roster limit, but cutting down drastically on teh twl one isnt a bad idea, if youre inactive anyways, you dont need to be on twl roster.

                        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Noah View Post
                          That would mean that a squad like Disoblige would have to axe many of their inactive players. Those will not join other squads anyway, and it would just take away any shred of hope at returning to the game again. I'm still up for a random TWD when I'm on, and because of forced rules, I couldn't do that because I failed at being forced to play.

                          Force me to play or let the zone die? Let this game die in a shitfire then.
                          the game wont die just because you refuse to play, no one gives a shit honestly if you play or not, you hardly do anyway....your once a month playing time really doesn't help anything anyway

                          the active players keep this game alive, not you
                          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                          RaCka> mad impressive


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Noah View Post
                            That would mean that a squad like Disoblige would have to axe many of their inactive players. Those will not join other squads anyway, and it would just take away any shred of hope at returning to the game again. I'm still up for a random TWD when I'm on, and because of forced rules, I couldn't do that because I failed at being forced to play.

                            Force me to play or let the zone die? Let this game die in a shitfire then.
                            no offense to you noah but that is a horrible excuse. If these people are good but inactive then the captain can afford to use up a roster spot the player(if hes good enough) captains decisions. Diso shouldnt be the thing to stop the zone from growing.
                            4:BigKing> xD
                            4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                            4:BigKing> what did i do???
                            4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                            4:BigKing> ???? why though
                            4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                            4:BigKing> xD


                            • #15
                              TWDD + bouncing bullets + shorter bulletalivetime = whole new era of wb dueling

                              TWJD + rocket + emp level 2 bombs = whole new era of dueling

                              TWBD + new map = recover the entire league from its grave
                              ?find dads revenge

