I received the following through the zone's ban E-mail distribution list this evening. It only took me a glance to realise I was going to have a laugh reading it. Over the years I've seen my share of exceptionally funny attempts at ban appeals, but this one is truly in a class of it's own...
I particularly like the disclaimer at the bottom that I've completely disregarded. I have considered replying to it, but I'm actually more curious to see whether this center and the case number actually exists first. I find it amusing that someone from Sydney, Australia needs to refer to a US law firm and then goes on to talk about "state, federal, and local infringments".
Anyway, this guy will be back in the zone within 24 hours. I'd encourage anyone kind enough to inform him that this game is run by it's playerbase and no one has any legal standing to contest a ban of any sort pertaining to either Trench Wars, or Subspace as a whole. Or just point and laugh at him as I will be sure to do.
Originally posted by 115
Anyway, this guy will be back in the zone within 24 hours. I'd encourage anyone kind enough to inform him that this game is run by it's playerbase and no one has any legal standing to contest a ban of any sort pertaining to either Trench Wars, or Subspace as a whole. Or just point and laugh at him as I will be sure to do.