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TW Skillz Guide?

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  • #31
    Read up TK, this is specifically a dueling guide.

    The ettiquete guide got fragged along with my old hard drive, but the drafts are lying around somewhere. The idea was to spell out in some more substatial terms how to be civil in ?go base, and in twb matches. I pretty much gave up when I realized no one would read it, or if they did apply it, and go on being the same bastards they usually are.

    I couldn't get it to the people who needed it most.


    • #32
      What would be more helpful is a guide to get the highest resolution you can out of your cpu. A lot of times newbies message me and ask "Burnt, how are you so damn good??" Well, often I ask them what resolution they have and often they aren't using the highest their cpu can handle. Then I try to walk them through the painstaking process of getting higher res when I know little about the subject... someone with good cpu knowledge right a guide to help all those poor low res newbies out...because last time I checked, the "leetest" players I know have the max res the zone allows (1280x1024)..not saying having the max res makes you good but without it your virtually hopeless.

      Also in elim although dodging and aiming strategy may be important..I believe it is secondary to strategies such as ones that help you avoid getting spawned, teamed and one of my personal favorites, speccing for rec :P And topgod..maybe I have been gone too long but what qualifies you to write any sort of guide? (just curious no insult intended) What qualifies me? Well I'll refer you to my elim aliases Repulse, Coy, Kold and Afraid.
      Last edited by Burnt; 04-09-2003, 01:04 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by wadi
        Read up TK, this is specifically a dueling guide.
        Not if it's going to be called a "TW Skillz Guide". Just want to remind people that this doesn't have to mean just warbirds and javs.


        • #34
          Kim - Nowhere did I mention more than these "theories" applied in more than 1v1. Generally, they work only in duels because those are the only places you can run around without worry about running into other people. These theories do work in 2v1s and such, but they become horribly twisted. You're running one set of 'theories' against one guy, another set of 'theories' against the other, trying to manipulate both of them together.

          As for the hiding thing... Sure, you can hide. Does that mean you're applying "level 3" theory? Maybe. Generally, leets dont hide because they can achieve the same effect at much closer range. They read all the possible shots/angles you can take and they "hide" in your blind zones. As soon as you adjust and try to take another shot, they avoid that one as well.

          Troll - I can only comment on ships that I have mastered completely :P


          • #35
            Burnt, maxing out your resolution may bump you up from sucky to mid-level playing. This guide is more or less aimed for people who have gotten as good as they can with their current conditions and they need some "guidance" on how to get to the next level.


            • #36
              Topgod, please elaborate on this mysterious "next level" you speak of :P and read my edit to my previous post I submitted before I wanted to by mistake because I am a message board newbie.


              • #37
                We are talking about different things. You are talking about strategies that increase RESULTS. (Elim wins, more kills, less deaths). I'm talking about theories that increase SKILL.

                I don't really know what you mean by me saying 'next level'. IMHO, the jav/wb skill trees (most skilled player on top, sucky guys on bottom) is just a series of plateaus. There is the very top, a small, but roughly equally skilled group of players (maybe 10-20 people) who can beat anyone under them. Anything on their 'level' is an incredible fight worth watching. Under them, theres another such plateau. These are the guys who beat everyone under them, fight evenly with the guys on their level, and generally lose to the guys above. Generally, these plateaus go all the way down. I consider myself to the on the top of the 2nd plateau. I put up a good fight against the top guys (banzi, dyst, bbz, pod, scuzzy, etc), but I generally they are better than I am. However, anyone off that top plateau, I can beat, or atleast fight evenly with. Oh yeah, one thing to mention, this plateau/ladder is based on SKILL, and SKILL doesn't always corelate to winning a duel.

                Does that answer your question about the 'next level' and about my "credentials".


                • #38
                  I'd rather make a guide more based on overall strategy and situation tactics, than a what-buttons-to-press-when-in-that-situation-guide. I've wrote a sort of newbie guide once, but it was only a newbie guide and didn't handle playing tactics at all really. I think I still have it somewhere, a lot of the info is propably outdated though.


                  • #39
                    Burnt : I think you're forgetting one skill. Radar shooting.

                    Be a good radar shooter and you can control a duel long range, and overcome res disadvantages.
                    gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                    gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                    gravy_: round the nurburgring

                    XBL: VodkaSurprise


                    • #40
                      Props to the PotGod for such an undertaking.
                      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                      • #41
                        most likely i'd read the guide, and then get lost somewhere in section 1..

                        and epi, very good history you have.. max props for that
                        Long range scanners indicate enemy activity in another quadrant, type ?GO to warp.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Zerzera
                          You need to write a whole book? Wont it just come down to:

                          play, play alot?
                          Yeah ok, but by play alot I didn't mean doing the same stupid things over and over again.
                          Still reading won't do as much as playing and being coached does.
                          You ate some priest porridge


                          • #43
                            I agree with Zerz. The more you play (play smartly) the more you learn yourself what you should do and what you should not do. It's not that difficult to see that you should've close-bomb because you lose a lot of nrg from the self-inflicted damage. Reading about strat usually is within squads and at least for me only helps a little compared to playing by yourself and with someone who is willing to give you tips.


                            • #44
                              I think it would be of great value to the n00bs, but I also wonder how may will find it. I've wished for better 'net integration in Continuum for a long time but I admit it would be hard to do it in a way that doesn't interfere with gameplay. Maybe an expanded interface in the opening screen... ok, I'll STFU before the thread get's hijacked again.

                              I know I'd read it myself. Some of us have been around forever ('96) but are still n00bs. I wouldn't mind seeing a good one for the "VIE" zones too, since I can't remember how to play in those zones :doh:. Last time I went into Alpha I shot someone one time with a WB and sat there with a puzzled look on my face as I exploded in an avalance of bullets...

                              I'm not sure the other ships need a guide that bad, since most n00bs seem to stick with 1,2 or 3... I wouldn't want to help the n00b Spiders out either :eek:. Maybe a (/me puts flame suit on) Lev guide would be useful too?
                              Chazz Layne
                              [ Web | Email | OverTorqued ]


                              • #45
                                I agree with Guru. Once you can learn to radar shoot (successfully) without solely relying on luck, you can really be counted as an "elite" player so to speak. I'm still working on it though. I'd say I'm in TopGod's so-called "vet" phase.
                                5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                                5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                                5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                                1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                                1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead

