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NO ?go base fridays????????

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  • #46
    Originally posted by stargazer. View Post
    That said. The original idea of shutting down base for a extended length of time is...

    ^ ^

    Originally posted by Doc Flabby View Post
    im just banging my head against a brick wall..
    Last edited by Maverick; 10-16-2008, 09:11 AM.
    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
    Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
    Subspace Statistics Administrator
    Former Mervbot plugin developer


    • #47
      Originally posted by Dabram View Post

      1) These are the first arenas a lot of newbies end up, as these 'event' arenas, get the most attention with the retarded zoners all day through..
      2) These events aren't AT ALL about skill.
      3) These events may be fun for a little while, but get extremely boring quickly because of the lack of a competitive factor
      4) No competitive factor = people won't play this game for very long.
      5) Leagues / elim / deathmatch / tourny etc. and a couple of events DO have a competitive factor.
      6) Events should always STAY CLOSE TO TRENCHWARS SHIPSETTINGS. Every event that messes around with shipsettings should FUCK OFF.
      7) In conclusion: newbies don't know what this game is about; think it's boring quickly and leave quickly.

      So yes, go away with your retarded events. Have a few normal events like deathmatch for wbs/javs, maybe an occasional hunt/rabbits/zombies i don't know, fuck off with things like fishies, retarded basing maps etc.
      pretty much


      • #48
        I agree with the majority of players here. I dont even like playing hosted ?go base events very much, exactly for the reasons dabram mentioned. It's uncompetitive, usually one-sided, and a giant clusterfuck with few people working together. If I fee like mining everyone in sight, I'll ?go boki. But when I actually want to play a real game, I'm not gonna go. I would be very upset if ?go base was shut down for a hosted base game, especially since it is hard enough to find players for ?go base lately.

        I've never liked the idea of shutting things down in order to force players to play whatever we want.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Dabram View Post

          1) These are the first arenas a lot of newbies end up, as these 'event' arenas, get the most attention with the retarded zoners all day through..
          2) These events aren't AT ALL about skill.
          3) These events may be fun for a little while, but get extremely boring quickly because of the lack of a competitive factor
          4) No competitive factor = people won't play this game for very long.
          5) Leagues / elim / deathmatch / tourny etc. and a couple of events DO have a competitive factor.
          6) Events should always STAY CLOSE TO TRENCHWARS SHIPSETTINGS. Every event that messes around with shipsettings should FUCK OFF.
          7) In conclusion: newbies don't know what this game is about; think it's boring quickly and leave quickly.

          So yes, go away with your retarded events. Have a few normal events like deathmatch for wbs/javs, maybe an occasional hunt/rabbits/zombies i don't know, fuck off with things like fishies, retarded basing maps etc.
          ive made a post like this before. its still pretty much true.

          if you want to get people to play on a long term scale, make it competitive.

          thats why many of the people that believe this get so frustrated when events that change shipsettings and give super get hosted.

          a couple events that really are not fun to me:
          zombies, anything with super, golden gun, octabase (the one with the really stupid basing settings, i think its this one)

          things that are fun:
          deathmatch (2 team or multi team, squad vs world, staff vs world: all those are great unless someone screwes with ship settings or prizes something)

          deathmatch holds true for javs or wbs.

          anyone remember when tournaments got hosted? those were great. youd get giant turnouts and the winner actually felt like they accomplished something. of course you could host a supershark tournament and completely ruin it.

          i guess the basic idea of it all is: if the skillset you use in the event doesnt directly relate to the skillset for some league in twl, it isnt as good as an event that does.

          1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


          • #50
            I for one like the fact it was brought to the public. Its just an idea and was looking for feedback. Noone should be acting like a 5 year old crying about it, when all Hms was doing was looking for feedback. Take a chill pill and be happy he hasnt done what others have in his position in the past, they would have implemented the idea and see a pissed off thread afterwords.

            To sum up: Hms was looking for feedback, No need to piss and moan. Give opinion and thats it.

            2:Lance> OMG
            2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
            2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

            Creator/Co-Creator of:

            ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

            New Maps are in production...


            • #51
              Originally posted by Doc Flabby View Post
              This new <er> system is not working in its current form.
              Originally posted by Tone
              It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
              Originally posted by the_paul
              Gargle battery acid fuckface
              Originally posted by Material Girl
              I tried downloading a soundcard


              • #52
                Instead of shutting down base, how about shutting down ?go tourny...?go tournament was my favourite event and it drawed in like 100 people trying to be the first 16 to pm the host.
                Each time i play ?go tourny there's about 8 people playing it...Can we just give this a try and see how it is? It's like any event, host it too much people get bored of it. Just a thought :/
                Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                • #53
                  Please don't do this. ?go base is no longer running at all times which gives plenty of oppritunity to host a basing map. I mentioned this in another thread, but a host should just look to see if a base game is going on, and if there isn't, feel free to host one.

                  Also, Doc Flabby made a good point, stop fucking up the settings every weekend. It deters most players. Yes there are people who say it's fun and blah blah blah, and maybe it is. But the fact is that the weekend is when we have our most players and is when we're most likely to atrract new ones. Leave the settings alone.

                  If you really want to fuck around with the pub and encourage basing: change the pub map during the weekends. Obviously the first choice here is boki, but I would reccomend a base like AltBase or another one that deters levi's and, in turn, encourages basing.
                  Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                  Message has been sent to online moderators
                  2:BLeeN> veh yes
                  2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                  2:BLeeN> ok then no
                  :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                  (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                  • #54
                    This wasn't a bad idea, and people are blowing it out of proportion!

                    If you don't read anything else read this at least.

                    1) There's no reason to not close down ?go base when a basing event is hosted. 5 times in 15 days. That's not even close to an inconveince, it would encompass 0.69% to 1.4% of the total ?go base time at the current rate of hosting. We'd be talking about less than 1 out of a hundred games being affected.

                    2) Even with mandatory hosting of basing events on Fridays, like you guys have said, it wouldn't be hosted 24 hrs straight. An honest estimate might be around 50% of the time being hosted events (at 24 hrs, even basing arenas would get old after a few weeks). That brings the total time spent away from ?go base to a whopping 7.1% of the possible time in a given week. That's losing out on 1 in 14 ?go base games. A bigger chunk than 1%, but by no means an end to basing or even a noticible amount unless you play 15 games in a row anyway.

                    3) If Friday's a popular day for squads to get together to practice (why aren't they practicing in TWBD - I don't really buy this practice argument anyway) than it could be moved to a different, less popular day.


                    For what it's worth here's the rest of what i wrote originally. it's probably tl;dr, but w/e

                    how does this force anyone to play an event? Of course forcing people to play something is bad, too bad it's also impossible since they can ?go, or esc+q if they feel they're being "forced".

                    if ?go base shuts down for 24 hrs, that's only 14% of the time, it's still up THE OTHER 86% Tourny's only up for 35-45% of the time, but no one's really complaining about reducing that.

                    So you can't play for one day, you'll quit all together, and not play the other six days? Do you need to play ?go base 7 days a week? Would a different day besides Friday work better for you guys, ie. do you practice with your team on Fridays?


                    This isn't an attempt to ruin basing - there are always people who will only play one arena: whether it be pub, javs, elim, or base. This is why it's only being suggested that it be taken down for one day, or not even the whole day, just when events are hosted.

                    8v8 basing caters to a small base of players (16 at max) while basing events allow a lot more people to play. I get frustrated if I ?go base after seeing it's starting and not getting to play. There'll be like 10 ppl in the arena, and instead of picking the few people in spec, the captains just wait for their friends to show up. Fuck, just because I'm not on a basing squad or buttbuddies with the captains, I never get to play. In basing events, I almost always to get play. There's virtually no other option if I want to play besides purepub. 5 hosted events in 15 days, and I wasn't on for any of them. At least with mandatory hosting on Fridays, I'd know when to try to play.

                    i don't think its a problem to incovience one sect of the game that plays ONLY ONE ARENA/EVENT PERIOD. I'm so sorry that what you're doing consists of only 1 game type in 1 arena in 1 zone of the game. Especially when it still allows them to play the same gametype, just in a different arena and at the same time allows a lot more people to play and adds variety.


                    Who are all these "new" players we're hating on? There can't possibly be that big of an influx of new people. Get over the fact that you're the "oldest" players because when it comes down to it new players make up a VERY VERY SMALL % of the population. The people aren't newbs trying to play ?go base or events... trust me when i first played I had no idea about these arenas for at least a year... and if you've played for a year, you're not "new" in the sense you guys are talking about.
                    .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                    .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                    • #55
                      Everything flabby says i respect (bram too ). Flabby for Smod or something now please.

                      1:Wah!!>THE WAY I FEEL FOR YOUUU HOHOHOHOOH OHOHO
                      1:Wah!!>OH OH OH OH OH OH OOOHH
                      1:Wah!!>I dont worry cause
                      1:soild <ZH>>EVERYHTINGS GONNA BE ARLIGFHT
                      1:Wah!!>people keep on talking
                      1:soild>they can say what they like
                      1:Wah!!>ALL I know is:
                      1:soild>EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE ALRIGHT


                      • #56
                        HMS please never, ever come with an idea like this ever again. You deserve every bit of flame gotten from actually posting something like this. Do not force players to do what hosts wants to do. I can't believe that this actually went far enough to be posted on forums. You should seriously be ashamed of yourself.
                        Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                        5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                        • #57
                          ?go base is not as active as it used to be anyways, so why take it away on Friday if people want to play a game or two?

                          You could simply just look at the population of ?go base before you host and if noone is doing anything, host a basing event.
                          duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

                          Mattey> put me in corch

                          zidane> go kf urself pork


                          • #58
                            China Town

                            Bring it down, take it down, all the way to china town. So rises a new era of basing. An era dedicated to the player's voice, guided by the authoritative hand of staff, will rise if and only if the zone doesn't lose the dedication of it's beloved. The good events of this zone are rooted in skill; that is what makes them fun.

                            Don't let the vile and ignorant fools that plague this forum get you down, staff. Events are what keep this zone alive because they are the bridge between pub and leagues. Break free from your standstill and try something new. My suggestion is to enhance MatchBot. MatchBot should be like a standard TWBot but highly moveable and adaptable. By this, I mean it should accomodate any basing arena and recognize when to adjust itself if in a non-standard base arena. That way, the bot won't warp both teams into the flagroom like it does in ?go base. I think minimal commands is key to it's success otherwise the transition between a ?go base game and a ?go <insert badass basing arena here> will turn some players away. Now for non-standard base games (games involving more than 16 players) the host should be able to issue a command to the bot to raise the player limit as well as setting a ship limit.

                            If the bot is made to be so adaptable, then ?go base can essentially be hosted anywhere. That means that a host will have to wait until a ?go base game ends in order to move it to a new arena. As soon as the event is over, MatchBot can be returned to it's home and resume standard go base play.

                            Not only would this give HMS the ability to draw larger crowds to basing events but it would also give less popular folks an oppurtunity to play with vets, if they are so willing. ?go base might be a shit ton of fun, but it is a sickness. The only prescription is moar cowbell.


                            • #59
                              You're welcome to make such a bot, WingZero :P
                              Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                              Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
                              Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
                              Subspace Statistics Administrator
                              Former Mervbot plugin developer


                              • #60
                                Someone please tell me that WZ is just trolling, PLEASE.
                                Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                                5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it

