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Distension discussion

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  • #46
    Double post. Fuck you if you ban me for it. Last posted several hours ago

    Does that stargazer faggot count as a bug? Since when does an event get ended because there is "too many people playing"?? And how are "THE" weekend events any different than "A" weekend event. Both suck, and hardly anyone cares about them. Only the Jabjab's do so they can beat off while looking at their name on the homepage. Get somebody with some balls and half a fucking brain to run ECT/Dist coordination. Fucking ignoramus.


    • #47
      Cheese!> EARLY_RANK_FACTOR = 1.6f; // Factor for rank increases (lvl 1-9)
      Cheese!> LOW_RANK_FACTOR = 1.15f; // Factor for rank increases (lvl 10+)
      Cheese!> NORMAL_RANK_FACTOR = 1.10f; // Factor for rank increases (lvl 25+)
      Cheese!> HIGH_RANK_FACTOR = 1.25f; // Factor for rank increases (lvl 50+)
      Cheese!> STUPIDLY_HIGH_RANK_FACTOR = 1.6f; // Factor for rank increases (lvl 70+)

      According to this, if you start out with rank 1 = 10 rp to achieve, then

      rank 1 = 10 RP
      rank 2 = 16 RP
      rank 3 = 26 RP
      rank 4 = 41 RP
      rank 5 = 66 RP
      rank 6 = 105 RP
      rank 7 = 167 RP
      rank 8 = 268 RP
      rank 9 = 429 RP (1k RP total mark)
      rank 10 = 687 RP
      rank 11 = 790 RP
      rank 12 = 908 RP
      rank 13 = 1045 RP
      rank 14 = 1201 RP
      rank 15 = 1382 RP
      rank 16 = 1590 RP
      rank 17 = 1828 RP
      rank 18 = 2102 RP (10k RP total)
      rank 19 = 2417 RP
      rank 20 = 2780 RP
      rank 21 = 3197 RP
      rank 22 = 3676 RP
      rank 23 = 4288 RP
      rank 24 = 4862 RP
      rank 25 = 5591 RP
      rank 26 = 6150 RP
      rank 27 = 6766 RP (50k rp total)
      rank 28 = 7442 RP
      rank 29 = 8186 RP
      rank 30 = 9006 RP
      rank 31 = 9906 RP
      rank 32 = 10896 RP
      rank 33 = 11986 RP (100k rp total)
      rank 34 = 13185 RP
      rank 35 = 14503 RP
      rank 36 = 15953 RP
      rank 37 = 17549 RP
      rank 38 = 19304 RP
      rank 39 = 21235 RP
      rank 40 = 23358 RP
      rank 41 = 25693 RP
      rank 42 = 28263 RP
      rank 43 = 31089 RP
      rank 44 = 34198 RP
      rank 45 = 37618 RP
      rank 46 = 41380 RP
      rank 47 = 45518 RP
      rank 48 = 50070 RP (500k rp total)
      rank 49 = 55077 RP
      rank 50 = 60584 RP
      rank 51 = 75731 RP
      rank 52 = 94663 RP
      rank 53 = 118329 RP
      rank 54 = 147912 RP (1 mill rp total)
      rank 55 = 184890 RP
      rank 56 = 231113 RP
      rank 57 = 288891 RP
      rank 58 = 361114 RP
      rank 59 = 451392 RP (2 mill rp total)
      rank 60 = 564241 RP
      rank 61 = 705301 RP
      rank 62 = 881627 RP
      rank 63 = 1,102,033 RP
      rank 64 = 1,377,541 RP
      rank 65 = 1,721,927 RP
      rank 66 = 2,152,408 RP
      rank 67 = 2,690,511 RP (10 mill rp total)
      rank 68 = 3,363,138 RP
      rank 69 = 4,203,923 RP
      rank 70 = 5,254,904 RP (20 mill rp total)
      rank 71 = 8,407,847 RP
      rank 72 = 13,452,555 RP
      rank 73 = 21,524,089 RP (50 mill rp total)
      rank 74 = 34,438,542 RP
      rank 75 = 55,101,668 RP (100 mill rp total)
      rank 76 = 88,162,669 RP
      rank 77 = 141,060,272 RP
      rank 78 = 225,696,435 RP
      rank 79 = 361,114,296 RP (1 billion rp total)
      rank 80 = 577,782,874 RP

      Lol. Discuss.
      Cheese!> 13 in base is enough for a 7v7


      • #48
        dakos numbers agree with mine somewhat, even though i told dako i was doing it -__-"

        and mine looks nicer ^^;

        Rank 1: 10              Total: 10
        Rank 2: 16              Total: 26
        Rank 3: 25              Total: 51
        Rank 4: 40              Total: 92
        Rank 5: 65              Total: 158
        Rank 6: 104             Total: 262
        Rank 7: 167             Total: 430
        Rank 8: 268             Total: 699
        Rank 9: 429             Total: 1128
        Rank 10: 493            Total: 1622
        Rank 11: 568            Total: 2190
        Rank 12: 653            Total: 2843
        Rank 13: 751            Total: 3594
        Rank 14: 863            Total: 4458
        Rank 15: 993            Total: 5452
        Rank 16: 1142           Total: 6594
        Rank 17: 1313           Total: 7908
        Rank 18: 1510           Total: 9419
        Rank 19: 1737           Total: 11157
        Rank 20: 1998           Total: 13155
        Rank 21: 2297           Total: 15453
        Rank 22: 2642           Total: 18095
        Rank 23: 3038           Total: 21134
        Rank 24: 3494           Total: 24629
        Rank 25: 4019           Total: 28648
        Rank 26: 4420           Total: 33069
        Rank 27: 4863           Total: 37932
        Rank 28: 5349           Total: 43282
        Rank 29: 5884           Total: 49166
        Rank 30: 6472           Total: 55639
        Rank 31: 7120           Total: 62759
        Rank 32: 7832           Total: 70591
        Rank 33: 8615           Total: 79206
        Rank 34: 9476           Total: 88683
        Rank 35: 10424          Total: 99107
        Rank 36: 11466          Total: 110574
        Rank 37: 12613          Total: 123188
        Rank 38: 13874          Total: 137063
        Rank 39: 15262          Total: 152325
        Rank 40: 16788          Total: 169114
        Rank 41: 18467          Total: 187581
        Rank 42: 20314          Total: 207895
        Rank 43: 22345          Total: 230241
        Rank 44: 24580          Total: 254821
        Rank 45: 27038          Total: 281860
        Rank 46: 29742          Total: 311602
        Rank 47: 32716          Total: 344318
        Rank 48: 35987          Total: 380306
        Rank 49: 39586          Total: 419893
        Rank 50: 43545          Total: 463438
        Rank 51: 54431          Total: 517870
        Rank 52: 68039          Total: 585910
        Rank 53: 85049          Total: 670960
        Rank 54: 106312         Total: 777272
        Rank 55: 132890         Total: 910162
        Rank 56: 166112         Total: 1076274
        Rank 57: 207640         Total: 1283915
        Rank 58: 259551         Total: 1543466
        Rank 59: 324438         Total: 1867905
        Rank 60: 405548         Total: 2273454
        Rank 61: 506935         Total: 2780389
        Rank 62: 633669         Total: 3414059
        Rank 63: 792086         Total: 4206146
        Rank 64: 990108         Total: 5196254
        Rank 65: 1237635        Total: 6433890
        Rank 66: 1547044        Total: 7980935
        Rank 67: 1933806        Total: 9914741
        Rank 68: 2417257        Total: 12331998
        Rank 69: 3021572        Total: 15353570
        Rank 70: 3776965        Total: 19130536
        Rank 71: 6043144        Total: 25173680
        Rank 72: 9669031        Total: 34842712
        Rank 73: 15470450       Total: 50313160
        Rank 74: 24752720       Total: 75065880
        Rank 75: 39604352       Total: 114670232
        Rank 76: 63366964       Total: 178037200
        Rank 77: 101387144      Total: 279424352
        Rank 78: 162219440      Total: 441643776
        Rank 79: 259551104      Total: 701194880
        Rank 80: 415281760      Total: 1116476672
        Last edited by roxxkatt; 11-09-2008, 10:06 PM.
        The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

        SSCJ Distension Owner
        SSCU Trench Wars Developer

        Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


        • #49
          Issues from weekend Distension
          • Frequent complaints about team balance.
          • Problems with number of players exceeding limit and game/bot laggyness.
          • Some players annoyed by ERs decisions.
          • Bot still dies sometimes.
          • Most players still want a proper Distension schedule or 24/7 Distension.
          • Leveling starting to get hard for some.
          • Confusion over defection. Possible bug.
          • Confusion over specialization costs. Possible bug.
          Suggestions for improvement:

          Team balance:
          Alter helpfiles and distensionbot messages to educate players that temporary team imbalances are part of the Distension fun.
          Make it clear that terriers and sharks are often essential for victory but that it is up to the players to make this happen.
          It needs to be made very clear to a new player when they can switch to support ships with no penalties and when they will receive bonuses for doing this.
          Make it very clear when players get bonuses for assisting (including saint bonus if this still exists.)
          Ensure there are plenty of imbalance warnings before allowing any Avarice.
          Make team win/loss and RP stats since last reshuffle time on available on command and make it so anyone can start a team reshuffle vote. If 50% of active playerbase (anyone logged on within a week) agree then the reshuffle happens automatically otherwise the poll expires after a week.

          Player numbers causing laggyness:
          Fix the bot if possible. (Since it wasn't fixed in beta I am guessing it is mostly beyond control.)
          This is only a problem when popular and so the problem should be self-correcting as long as Distension is not strictly rationed.
          I'm not convinced player numbers warrant the additional problems of a second arena right now but we ought to consider it.
          Add an option to only see kill messages when the rearm queue is short and get the RP bonus instead when it is busy (when the FR is about to fall and the battle is at its peak who cares about picking high value targets - you would rather target the main threats and have extra RP and faster rearming right?)
          Double the no kill message bonus.
          If the lag is mainly caused by bot messaging rather than database updates or processing add a :distensionbot:lk command to show a kill message for your last kill even when you have kill messages turned off. Protect this from abuse by disallowing high usage rates of the lk command.

          Staff decisions:
          Making it automated as soon as technically and politically possible should help.
          Remind everyone that Staff may have feelings/a life (even though we know they are all evil no-lifers really).

          Bot deaths:
          Ensure players know to report any repeat crashes that happen when they do something.
          We need enough people trained and able to restart the thing.

          Make it so bot can be left running in refit mode and add commands to set and show time and duration of next Distension event and whether this is 'automated', 'firm' or 'intended'.
          Attempt to get staff to host regularly around the clock and post the schedule here.
          Encourage staff to host additional Distension sessions whenever they can be persuaded.
          When technically and politically possible - switch to 24/7 automated Distension! (Possibly only activated when X number of people are in the arena.)
          Ensure it is possible for staff to temporarily suspend Distension if they ever need to host something so important that they are willing to risk the wrath of the Distension playerbase to steal a player or two.
          When automated 24/7 is running fairly reliably add an automated schedule of RP multiplier events and add capability for staff to host odd RP multiplier events too.

          Leveling difficulty:
          Will continue to be a problem for a few until RP multiplier events are hosted. Good!

          Defect bug:
          Ensure defection help and bot text make it clear what to expect if you defect. If it is supposed to give negative progress it should say so.
          Ensure it is clear to players when team reshuffles are likely to occur.
          Possibly make it so players who spend ranks to defect are immune/resistant to reshuffles?

          Ensure it is clear in helpfiles and bot text when you get free specialization and what it will cost when you don't. Make sure it always warns before deducting any RP so people don't accidentally repeat specialize thinking that it is free when it isn't. If it is supposed to give negative progress it should say so.


          • #50
            list moved to page 6
            Last edited by roxxkatt; 12-04-2008, 07:27 PM.
            The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

            SSCJ Distension Owner
            SSCU Trench Wars Developer

            Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


            • #51
              Ball game:

              Is the ball supposed to randomly warp players as they grab it or is it only supposed to be if they go to far north or south because it sometimes randomly warps players close to goals as it is passed to them.

              Is it possible to change the way the ball is passed so it can not be passed to someone within a ships radius to the ball carrier? A lot of new players do not realize they are preventing a score and once they get the ball they do not know how to pass it or shoot it. The other team quickly takes over the ball and the opportunity is wasted.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Peace_Maker View Post
                Ball game:

                Is the ball supposed to randomly warp players as they grab it or is it only supposed to be if they go to far north or south because it sometimes randomly warps players close to goals as it is passed to them.

                Is it possible to change the way the ball is passed so it can not be passed to someone within a ships radius to the ball carrier? A lot of new players do not realize they are preventing a score and once they get the ball they do not know how to pass it or shoot it. The other team quickly takes over the ball and the opportunity is wasted.
                That was changed due to the fact people kept bringing the ball in bases. The are only warped if the ball is in the bases.

                I agree about the preventitive nature of the ship radius. Will discuss with qan.


                • #53
                  Problem I can see occuring in the future:

                  Javelin1 gets jumpspace, and uses it to jump off of the arena. As long as he moves his ship every minute or so, he cant be killed, and will still reap the RP rewards, and unless an ops is in the arena, the only thing anyone can do is if his terrier uses advanced summon. Has this been considered with jumpspace?
                  Cheese!> 13 in base is enough for a 7v7


                  • #54
                    using jumpspace to escape the arena was disabled as it was implemented, not one single person has used it to escape the arena
                    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                    SSCJ Distension Owner
                    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Lizard Fuel View Post
                      Does that stargazer faggot count as a bug? Since when does an event get ended because there is "too many people playing"?? And how are "THE" weekend events any different than "A" weekend event. Both suck, and hardly anyone cares about them. Only the Jabjab's do so they can beat off while looking at their name on the homepage. Get somebody with some balls and half a fucking brain to run ECT/Dist coordination. Fucking ignoramus.

                      Read this: and stfu.


                      • #56
                        For those of you that do not know how to unlock weasel or lancaster yet:

                        for weasel get a 15 kill streak as an officer (rank 21 and up) and for lancaster get 6 kills per minute in a 10 minute game or longer as an officer.

                        It is only fair that all players know how to get a ship since those that can understand the code and their friends already do.


                        • #57
                          Supposed to be a secret though...


                          • #58

                            I am going to be making the new distension website, and I need your ideas and suggestions!

                            Current ideas:
                            • top 10 on front
                            • news on front
                            • individual ship rank pages
                            • dist staff list
                            • about dist
                            • page showing upgrades for all ships and levels
                            • ship descriptions
                            • web-based lvl/lvz download (incase ingame is too long)

                            im going to make it work first, then worry about how it looks, dont even think about complaining...
                            The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                            SSCJ Distension Owner
                            SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                            Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                            • #59
                              Cheese your website doesnt look good.
                              TWLD CHAMP x1 Fierce (Benched 100%)
                              WORKOUT TITLES:

                              BENCH MAX: I don't sit on benches; I can't get back up
                              CURL MAX: An entire ham
                              SQUAT MAX: 566lbs
                              DEADLIFT MAX: 566lbs
                              WEIGHT: 566lbs HEIGHT: 5'1" (Medically impossible, according to Discovery Channel)
                              TIME SINCE FIRST WORKOUT EVER: Whatout?


                              • #60
                                The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                                SSCJ Distension Owner
                                SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                                Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.

