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Re: pathetic...
Originally posted by Downdraft
i'm quitting this crap. once my own squad cap, who i admire a lot for keepin the squad together for a long time, belives more in a fucking newbie that joined a squad 1 week ago then in me, who have been in sk8 for quite some time and wanted the best and only the best for the squad, its basically over. sure it may not mean much to u but it sure does to me.
and since im leaving i might aswell say what goes on my mind about tw, since i dont care anymore about the so called reputation that ppl need to have in order to get staff:
-tw is full of arrogants assholes who think way too much of them and when the time comes to prove their skill, they choke and come up with the "i wasnt trying" talk. amusing to say at least;
-staff is full of crap (yea crazi im 100% with u), since i see lots and lots of crap there that should have got the place, just ppl who are staff because they are either in paladen or suck up on staffers. disgusting
-the way staff recrutes is simply pathetic, basically when KJW says "we recruit ppl who we know better" (meaning his own squad members and friends), this excludes completly the possibility of a player like me that could actually be a fine staff member ( say what u want, i think its true ) to get in staff, cause i wanted to get in for almost 1 year and a half, but since i dont suck up staffers i never got the place, while seeing players that very honestly arent staff material getting the place.
so think about it or not, couldnt care less now, this is just what i belive its true.
thanks to postzegel, real, abyss and fruitang <ER> for being by far the best ppl i've know in the game.
cya all ppl(there we go)
Erathia> If you're going to lie please, look into it, staff isn't stupid
Roxy seems pretty mad, I wonder if that pic embarreses him? =(RaCka> how can i get you here
death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
Haha zeus, that was the best pic he could find of himself, he just got uglier over the years. and his pic's were even dumber, like him jumping out of a window stuff like that.Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
You have to realize, him jumping out of a window = party time for us all, because he might break his scrawny fucking neck.
Really, in a more serious manner, staff is complete bullshit , but there is little we can do about it, other than try and fix it ourselves, which with bullshit staff, is hard, so its a continuous cycle of bullshit untill we finally get lucky. I wont deny, yes , i'd absolutely love being staff, but i'd also absolutely hate putting up with the dipshits that make up most of it. Hell, ive seen someone ask a staff member how to make pings visable by names and he replied " Uhm, you have to be a mod, i think..." . I think some computing knowledge should be a requirement, or at least know your subspace shit... Meh, im ranting again, have fun kids...Robo Ref> Hey de 1 lets get it on in the back of #sex, unf unf unf
MariusTheRed> im jealous :(
MariusTheRed> robo ref has always got me going...
Re: Re: pathetic...
Originally posted by KJW
Let's see, when was the last time I hired anyone..... about a year or more ago? DUH! I try not to get involved with staff hiring at all if I can. Just ask Flabin, Mr. Spam (who are not in staff now, so you can believe what they say) about how they used to bug me about the who to hire stuff. I do NOT get involved.
The Paladen = staff thing is simple. Paladen members share a lot of the same basic qualities. They are young (not alot of time eating responsibilities), they are very active, they show a lot of interest in the game (probably due to age + free time), they stay out of trouble in the zone (don't get banned for stupid reasons like a lot of players), and they usually are friends with a lot of staffers to begin with (and unavoidely this factors into them being noticed by the recruiters.. most people don't know joenew7337 who plays pub but really would like to be staff and would do an excellent job, but probably won't because he doesn't know anyone. And if he was recuited would be made fun of by the general public because they are unaware of who he is). The main factor here is they are active, stay out of trouble, aren't flaming idiots, and most people know who they are. Most squads don't have very many members like that.
As for downdraft, dude you are seriously doing yourself a favor here by leaving. If being on staff is the only reason for staying in the game, you would end up quitting anyway and would probably get pissed off along the way. It's great to be able to help, and I enjoyed my time there and felt I was able to give back to the zone. But staff can't be your only reason or you will end up dissapointed. I've only seen a few people who are an exception to what I just said.
edit: i don't speel goodLast edited by Mr. Spam; 04-21-2003, 02:34 PM.
Who got the boombeef?
Originally posted by Necrogen
You're an idiot. I can tell you've only had a computer for 2 months. Good job.Originally posted by Facetiousedit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)
Originally posted by Roxy
Or maybe you and downdraft can throw around a high-five and practice tossing donuts around each other's cocks and then see who can eat the other guy's donut-cock-ring-thing the fastest.5:gen> man
5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady
Re: Re: Re: pathetic...
Originally posted by Mr. Spam
most people don't know joenew7337 who plays pub but really would like to be staff and would do an excellent job(¯`*•.¸,¤°´'`°¤,¸.•*´¯)
<< evoce >>
TWLJ Season 10 Champion (Thunder)
TWLD Season 9 Champion (Sk8)
TWLD Season 8 Runner up (Pirates)
wow, this is allmost as pathetic as kicking me for:
playing elim while a squaddie played it too when there was no truce(this is a bad thing, mainly used by cripples). When i kill him, he spawns whole squadchat with lamer 'n stuff. Then he kills me back, and laughs at me hard, so ill kill him a number of times and laugh back. The squaddie leaves the squad cause i am such a lamer/talker in (base)elim, what gets me kicked. Cause there where a lot of ppl who left the squad cause of me, maybe one of the guys he named then left cause of me.
This together shows how pathetic some ppl are just over (base)elim, while just being FAIR!!!!!!!(not wanting to call names, cripples)
P.S. Cripples i hope ya dont see this post as an accusations of ur teamings in (base)elim,
while it is, but you can allways hope.TWLM-J Champion Season 8 :wub:
TWLM-D Champion Season 9 <_<
TWLM-B Champion Season 10 :pirate2:
First person to win all different TWLM'ers :greedy: