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Public Committee 2.0

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  • #61
    Well i was asked by Capt and i answered the call to become apart of the committee, 12pm EST is a bit of a stretch for me but Capt did say he'd post a log of it so if i cannot attend, i can post my opinions once i get home tomorrow evening.


    • #62
      First Meeting

      Low turnout (Liquid Blue, TagMor, Maverick X+, me) but a decent discussion.

      Before we actually change anything, we should have a forum or subforum where we can post all these logs, and where other players can post feedback.

      Quick summary:
      Remember that any proposed changes would be tested temporarily (a week or so), then reverted until we can determine what people prefer.

      We talked about the order of pubs, including
      • Making purepub the first pub that fills, followed by free pub (levs allowed). Several people suggested this in the surveys.
      • Automatically dividing players between the two pubs as they enter TW (Pure_Luck or Bot Dev, is this feasible?)
      • Putting players in a default spectator arena, so that they must type ?go purepub or ?go freepub to choose what pub to play in. Instructions for this would be in the arena entrance message, A1 instructions, and possibly an arena entrance LVZ image.
      We also talked about possible changes to ship 4 to make it more self reliant (more maneuverable), possibly compatible with basing, and requiring more effort to become what is the current L3 bomb LT (higher attach bounty, start with L2 bombs and buy L3, attach limit for terrier or freq limit for ship 4...). Only one lev was present and has an unusual style among levs. Lev changes are also potentially complex. We should involve more ship 4 players before deciding.

      Here is a log for those who could not attend.

      PHP Code:
      Liquid Blue>  sooo how many do we have23?
      CaptainPoopfacejust you me and tag so far 
      Liquid Blue
      i guess people will just view the log later?
      TagMorwait is that meeting now?
      CaptainPoopfaceseveral ppl said they wanted to be in on it... guess we can go ahead though
      Liquid Blue
      yeah Tag12 PM EST
      yeh ok
      Liquid Blue
      so what were the results you and Dank hadCpt?
      Maverick X+> kk
      okhere is a list of the things people suggested
      which pub comes firsthow players are distributed between pubs (vsdumping everyone in one pub until it fills), small weasel...
      CaptainPoopfaceteamkilling (javlevshark)
      CaptainPoopfacespawnkilling safe spawn
      some concession to spawn duelers
      > new maps "but keep it simple"
      CaptainPoopfaceseveral ppl hate the holiday mapsparticularly the asteroids thing recently
      Liquid Blue
      want privfreqs in pubspectators should be booted faster or not count toward arena limitcrackdown on cheating
      teams scrambled after best of 3 victory (purepub), more ship restrictions (probably purepub), improvements in voting system (very mixed opinions on that), some penalty for LT handling abilities, and a tutorial
      that's it
      Liquid Blue> wow nice list
      Maverick X+> well i threw out my ideas for levs and lt'
      s in general and thats up on the forums
      yeaha lot of those are not workable without bots though. and when anything involves botsyou must assume the bot will break a lot, and how that will affect the game
      kontrolz and i were discussing maybe taking away lev prox
      Liquid Blue
      well which of those do you think would be easy to tackle first off
      > and prizing it for flag winsbuying it at high price
      Liquid Blue
      hmm i think its a good idea
      Liquid Blue
      dunno how levi players will feel about it
      blast radius cannot be adjusted easily on the fly
      Liquid Blue
      its obvious we can't work on the bot stuff right away
      CaptainPoopface> if that'
      s what you mean
      Liquid Blue
      like cp.t was saying
      Liquid Blue
      no i think he means making the bombs for levilike xradar is for spider
      all bomb blast radii are linked
      oh I see
      well we should discuss that with more levs presentalthough I'm happy to go into it now
      TagMor> well levs would need to spawn with some kind of bomb
      Liquid Blue> oh they do? i didn'
      t know that
      getting back to LB's point, the easiest to tackle first would be which pub comes first, and how players fill them in
      Maverick X+> wait what?
      Liquid Blue> yea the levi issue can wait until we have input from levi players
      Maverick X+> well the suggestions i made for levs are well within reason and do not need a bot to manage
      CaptainPoopface> L1 bomb blast radius (jav bomb) is X. L2 bombs automatically have 2X that blast radius, and L3 bombs have 3X that blast radius
      Maverick X+> well you'
      re talking to practically the main lev player that doesnt lt lol
      Liquid Blue
      oh my bad
      Liquid Blue
      i didnt know you played levi
      Maverick X
      +> you dont play in pub 0 a lot do you liquid?
      Liquid Bluehow would you feel about tag/kontrolz's idea?
      CaptainPoopface> I would like to make the lev more independent and less spammy
      CaptainPoopface> but I base 
      Liquid Blue> i play at random times 
      Liquid Blue> i would as well cpt.
      Maverick X+> which ideas did he have, i musta overlooked something
      CaptainPoopface> but I don'
      t see ship 4 players willing to compromise their devastating L3 bombs for anythingWould like to hear more of their opinions
      Liquid Blue
      the idea of taking the levi bomb and making it a high priced item to buy
      Liquid Blue
      like xradar for spiders
      Maverick X
      +> you mean anti
      Liquid Blue
      my badyea anti 
      Maverick X
      +> welllev is ment to be a heavy bomber
      well, if we try thatlike Tag saysthen that means ship 4 spawns fat and slow with crappy bombsHow does it get points to buy bombs?
      Liquid Blueyou're right cpt, I think alot of levi players will be upset
      Liquid Blue> true
      Maverick X+> and the level 3 bombs arent really that much of an issue, its the fact that every lev thinks that the only way they can have fun is to LT
      CaptainPoopface> we would have to change its handling to give it more advnatage, which I wouldn'
      t mind doing.
      Liquid Bluewould that be an easy task to do though?
      TagMorhow much different are l3 bombs from l2?
      Maverick X+> its LT that really ruin flag gamesnot levs alone in general... though i've been known to wreak havok on FR's countless times =P
      > if the lev has faster speedfaster turningspawns with L2 bombsslower than jav, and higher attach bountyit might be an awesome ship
      Maverick X
      +> no ideanever seen L2's
      CaptainPoopface> buy L3s for 10K
      CaptainPoopface> L2 bomb would be twice the radius of a jav bomb, 2/3 the radius of a lev bomb
      Liquid Blue> to discourage LT'
      scouldn't we just set the attach amount super high?
      CaptainPoopface> that'
      s one way
      Maverick X
      +> i'm willing to accept a downgraded bomb if it came down to the cost of lev having better movements
      Liquid Blue> definitely
      CaptainPoopface> I think you'
      re rare though mav
      Liquid Blue
      then levs wouldn't have to worry about getting spawn killed as much
      CaptainPoopface> yes
      Liquid Blue> well alot of people hop into lev because it'
      s so destructive with the l3 bomb
      Maverick X
      +> I am Capthow often do you see a lev actually NOT lt'ing and having fun?
      Maverick X+> i'
      ve yet to see a lev play it the way it was intially designed.
      CaptainPoopfacewhich was?
      Maverick X+> no one really expected way back that levs on a terr would be such a menacing force
      there are other ways to limit the devastation of LTs
      Maverick X
      +> it was designed to bombard walls to clear a path for other ships to take the FR
      Maverick X
      +> has anyone read my long post in the pub sticky?
      CaptainPoopfaceI did
      Liquid Blue
      not yet
      Maverick X
      +> you should liquidi broke down most of the ships
      Liquid Blue
      definitely plan to
      Liquid Blue
      probably going to be expensive to live around there
      Maverick X
      +> but one thing i do need to say that i'm sure EVERY lev would agree on, that delay on using a rep and being able to use something else, guns/bombs/rocket needs to be fixed
      CaptainPoopface> that'
      s easy to fixbut it is linked to other things
      Maverick X
      +> its so damn annoying that a spider can charge a lev and 99of the time be able to kill it without any worry
      Liquid Blue
      that is an annoying problemfrom when ive been in lev
      Maverick X
      +> yeah i know captits linked with the refire rate of bombs themselfs for one thing
      I think the rep delay is the same as the bomb fire delay
      Liquid Blue
      what is it tied into cpt?
      CaptainPoopfacemeaning you can't change one without also changing the other
      Liquid Blue> ohh
      Liquid Blue> yea
      Maverick X+> its not like thats a big deal for levs anyways, it takes 1100nrg to even fire the damn thing and the recharge rate is so damn slow
      Maverick X+> which i dont mind because THAT balances it
      Liquid Blue> Maverick which would you rather have
      Liquid Blue> more manuverbility, or faster recharge?
      Maverick X+> i'
      d take manuverability over any other change for one thing
      Liquid Blue
      I think that would be an easier fix for levs to start out withthan messing with the recharge rate 
      Liquid Blue
      > and the bombs idea
      Maverick X
      +> because thats the #1 reason why people dont like lev, slower than a damn snail
      Liquid Blueyea def
      Liquid Blue
      > and I think alot more lev players would go for it 
      all the ship settings can be changed very quickly and easily
      Maverick X
      +> yep
      Liquid Blue
      oh thats good to know
      Liquid Blue
      > and it will also show that the pub committee isnt trying to exclude levs or donwplay them in pubs
      I suspect ship 4 players will view it as a downgrade
      but it's hard to know
      Liquid Blue> more manuverability?
      Liquid Blue> really?
      CaptainPoopface> would you be taking anything away?
      Maverick X+> in all honesty, a higher bounty attach, higher team green count and getting rid of that rep delay are the main concerns that lev players worry about 
      Liquid Blue> we'
      d have to adjust the domb damage eventually
      Liquid Blue
      i wonder if more manuverability would lower the amount of LT's
      Maverick X+> if you make it more manuverable, you would have no choice but to up the attach bounty
      Liquid Blue> for instance if we gave a higher bounty attach, but gave them more manuverbility
      CaptainPoopface> if you give them somthing, you have to take away something at the same time I think. Higher attach bounty might do it
      Liquid Blue> yea
      Maverick X+> 50 attach with team greens up to 35
      CaptainPoopface> so you guys are not familiar with the server config file for ship settings?
      Liquid Blue> i dont think they would mind the higher attach bounty anyway since they can survive a bit better on their own
      Liquid Blue> i'
      m not
      Maverick X
      +> i'm not but i've played for so long that i know how they work
      wellmaneuverability involvesrotation speedthrustmax speedafterburn accelafterburn energy penalty... I think that's all
      Maverick X+> heh, another lev begging for lt'
      Maverick X+> you can leave the afterburner alone really
      Maverick X
      +> just a touch more max speed and rotation upgrade only
      Maverick X
      +> because 9 seconds to turn a full 360 is way too much... even tanks dont take that long
      but without more accelerationyour trajectory becomes very predictablelike a terrier
      i dont think more manouverability will work
      > ^ at high speed
      Liquid Blue
      why nottag?
      TagMorunless its increased to a comparable rate to other ships
      people will continue to lt
      Liquid Blue
      well that's why we're saying up the bounty attach
      > and monouverability will be insignificant
      not true
      more turn speed will make a LT much more deadly
      so it will be still slower but unable to tach to terrs?
      Liquid Bluenot if they would need 50 bty to attach
      then it will just be a spawn fest
      not necessarily
      then there could be more incentive to play solo or more strategically
      Liquid Blue
      we're not sure how much the change might be
      Maverick X+> well aside from that, my post also covered attach limits for Terriers
      Maverick X+> one lev on a LT
      CaptainPoopface> that requires a bot
      Maverick X+> no it doesnt
      TagMor> the sad fact is lev culture is solidified with lt'
      Maverick X
      +> there's settings that cover that
      TagMor> a large number of people log into the game just to lt
      CaptainPoopface> I agree Tag
      TagMor> take that away and we most likely lose those players
      Maverick X+> thats so true Tag... 
      Liquid Blue> they LT because they haven'
      t had a chance to use a mamnuverable levi in a long time
      Maverick X
      +> I'm not suggesting taking away LT's
      but we could allow LT in much the same formjust make it more effort to get there
      Liquid Blue
      Maverick X
      +> I'm just suggesting messures to help calm down their population
      Liquid Blue> and while it would take longer to get the bty, it would be easier since they can survive longer
      Maverick X+> because when a LT dies, they are right back at it about 1 minute later
      TagMor> true
      CaptainPoopface> ship limits are one way. teamkilling measures are another way. the map could also be designed so that a terrier cannot fly quickly over the roof
      CaptainPoopface> by adding bottlenecks
      Maverick X+> well we'
      ll see what these new pub maps add from this contest
      Liquid Blue
      well map changes should come before or after the levi changes
      Maverick X
      +> but mostly we should focus on the ship changes
      Liquid Blue
      i dont think it would be wise to do both at the same time
      Liquid Blue
      you may be right
      but I've heard nothing from dads about hte map contest lately
      Liquid Blue> the initial point that you said we could work on cpt.
      Liquid Blue> was which pub should come first
      Liquid Blue> what is everyones thoughts on that?
      Maverick X+> but going back to the issues of attach limits, that does not require a bot, they are in the settings for terr itself
      Maverick X+> well obviously pub0 since this is where levs play 
      TagMor> yeh
      CaptainPoopface> yes. there are many different opinions about the availablity of levs. the take home point is that there needs to be at least one arena where they can play, and at least one arena where they cannot play
      Maverick X+> wouldnt make any sense to make changes to lev in pure pub lol
      TagMor> just as long as it has timer turned on
      TagMor> so people can base
      TagMor> and the pub doesnt turn into a spawn fest
      TagMor> which discourages new players
      CaptainPoopface> remember, there are players who love the spawnfest 
      Maverick X+> one thing i must say, i'
      ve been happier playing lev ever since timers here in pub0 were turned on a few weeks ago
      Liquid Blue
      but where do players go first
      Liquid Blue
      what if new player get put in pub 0
      yeh poopbut timer doesnt take it away
      Liquid Blue
      > and they get spawned
      Maverick X
      +> that happens
      Maverick X
      +> but the same can hold true to purepub where all the pro flaggers play
      Maverick X
      +> and they get stuck on the losing team 
      Liquid Blue
      yeahreally obnoxious when a non-baser just trolls spawn picking people off
      Liquid Blue
      so how do we decide where players get dumped
      it isnt difficult for new player to figure out there are different arenas anyway
      Maverick X
      +> the system thats in place for which arena people play in is fine..
      the easiest thing would be to make purepub the first pub. as for how entering players are put in the arenasI don't know. Might not be possible right now without more trickery
      Maverick X+> although i would'
      nt mind seeing arena limits being upped to 50
      the only problem with that poop is it stops late night levs
      due to the second pub dying
      it took me a few weeks at least before I realized that one pub was a lot of fun and the other really not (For me). probably would not have stuck with TW if I hadn't randomly been thrown in the basing until I figured it out
      Maverick X+> lol
      Liquid Blue> hmmm
      CaptainPoopface> yes, well the late night levs stop the basing
      TagMor> not really
      CaptainPoopface> right now, the variables are too tangled for us to know what players really want
      Maverick X+> you mean late night LT'
      s stop the basing
      Maverick X
      +> its never a lone levkeep that in mind lol
      ive seen some awesome basing in open pub
      Liquid Blue
      so maybe a question we can toss PL is how difficult it would be to adjust which pub players land in
      with timer and lt's
      TagMor> the lt'
      s joining in on basing
      I mean, as the population of an arena approaches 40 (or whatever the max is) and another dwindlespeople pile into the only populated arenawhether it's what they want to do or not
      Liquid Blue> true but on the other hand tag there are times when you have everyone LT'
      ing and spawning
      Liquid Blue
      > and no one trying to base
      Maverick X
      +> i have as well which is why i've had fun as lev
      Maverick X+> well that is kinda in place already cap
      TagMor> which is why forcing levs to be more involved in basing is an important issue
      Maverick X+> if pub0 is at 35+ it throws you into pure from what i noticed
      CaptainPoopface> yes, where usually late at night (USA) there are not enough people to actually play, and you just wait for a space in pub 0
      Maverick X+> I think it would be funny to see the reaction of taking away LT'
      for a week lol
      we don't want to do that
      TagMor> no
      Maverick X+> i know 
      TagMor> lt'
      s d/l another game and never come back
      Liquid Blue
      yea exactly
      Maverick X
      +> I just ment it as a joke just to see the reaction of lev players
      especially in the beginningwe need to maintain that we are fair and have all players' interests in mind. that would create a conspiracy theory that we are out to get them
      Maverick X+> because most levs do play other ships anyways lol
      Liquid Blue> tag you definitely had a point with involving the lev more with basing
      CaptainPoopface> I don'
      t think they are compatible... what did you mean Tag?
      Maverick X+> well i'm living proof of having lev more involved with basing.... when i play thats what i go for, FR
      TagMor> like maybe prizing l3s for flag wins
      TagMor> or something similair
      TagMor> maybe not so drastic as that
      TagMor> shrap for team leader levs? 
      CaptainPoopface> it'
      s very compromising to the other ships defending FR to have a lev in baseThe lev can't fire without killing teammates if they are actively defending. There is no cram with a lev in base
      TagMor> yeh i think they would still need to lt
      CaptainPoopface> for lev to be more involved with basing, there would have to be auto TK rules in place
      TagMor> with the odd fr lev
      Liquid Blue> do you guys think it would be more intense, or less intense with a bigger fr
      Maverick X+> well TK'
      s in FR are common i'll give it that
      Maverick X+> but for the most part, people who are getting TK'
      ed are reckless...
      CaptainPoopfaceit depends on what obstacles are in it, and how big and how many entrances there are
      Maverick X
      +> like they sit right near where a lev is aiming
      bigger fr could work for lev-friendly basing
      usually the entrancewhere all the enemies are...
      Liquid Bluebecause I'm just thinking about my old zone, SWR Realm
      Maverick X+> bigger FR also makes it a pain for LT'
      s though
      Liquid Blue
      we had a multitude of huge basesabout twice the size of TW base
      true mav
      Maverick X
      +> more space more room to move out of blast range
      Liquid Blue
      > and the settings had the sharks with the l3 bombs
      Liquid Blue
      but it wasn't a pain in regards to tk because of how much space you had in the bases- and the fighting was still intense
      CaptainPoopface> I'
      d say it depends on too many variables to be workable right nowmaybe a bigger FR with 2 main entrances, and a lev could stake out one of them
      Liquid Blue
      yea we didn't have LT's so i have no experience with big bases and lt's
      Maverick X+> anyways going back on issue, when i'
      m sitting in FRi tyically dont fire when i know its going to tk someone unless in extream circumstances where it would be collateral damage to save the day
      Liquid Blue
      fr is so small though
      Liquid Blue
      there's almost always going to be collateral damage
      CaptainPoopface> teammates cannot fight the enemy without being in your shot
      Liquid Blue> yea
      Maverick X+> true
      TagMor> especially with other levs in fr
      Liquid Blue> 2 levs in fr and its gg
      Maverick X+> but thats the quirk of telling a good lev from a bad lev, knowing when to fire
      Liquid Blue> well alot of lev'
      s dont care about being good
      Liquid Blue
      thats the bad thing
      > if a basing team is halfway dcentyou will never have a clear shot ;)
      Liquid Blueits actually true with all the ships
      Maverick X
      +> that is true...
      Liquid Bluetheres a huge difference in the number of people that play, and the number of people that try to be good 
      Maverick X
      +> anywaysits getting very late for mei need to jeti'm going to leave cont open, for whatever reason it doesnt always kick me lol
      CaptainPoopface> changes to the map could make lev/LT basing possible
      Liquid Blue> ok thanks for coming Maverick
      Liquid Blue> it was nice talking to you
      CaptainPoopface> .?go afk to stay logged in
      Maverick X+> likewise
      CaptainPoopface> tag you still here?
      Maverick X+> i know capt, i'
      m just saying that the game doesnt always kick me off when i idlestayed logged on for 5 hours once
      Maverick X
      +> here in pub
      it should auto-log off after X number of deaths without firing a shotusually 10 or so
      MrArrogant will boot you out of spec eventually, and safe zone kicks you after 30 mins
      you still here LB?
      Liquid Blueyea
      ok how about this
      when people log in and get dumped in the default arenait's the afk arena. They must type ?go purepub or ?go freepub to choose the pub they want
      CaptainPoopface> (freepub has no ship restrictions)
      TagMor> could work
      Liquid Blue> you'
      ll need to let the players know in big letters to type either
      Liquid Blue
      otherwise its a good idea
      there is a way to display a big graphic when people enter
      Liquid Blue
      that way newbs wont think they're in a broken part of the zone
      CaptainPoopface> used in EG very well
      Liquid Blue> good but i think it should also be somewhere in the arena
      CaptainPoopface> right now, there is some number of players who play pub 0 late at night but would rather base, and some number of players who simply don'
      t play at all because they would rather base
      Liquid Blue
      like the rules are in the upper corner of the map
      Liquid Blue
      yea def
      iunno if splitting the late night pop is a good idea
      like 10 people in each pub
      yeahit could be in the A1 rulesit could be in the entrance message, and in the entrance LVZ
      Liquid Blue
      i would just want to give the newbies as easy of a way as possible to understand what they have to do to go to play
      yeahI'd prefer an auto random thing that would shuffle players between the pubs as they enter
      CaptainPoopface> Tag, if there are 20 ppl in each pub actively playing ,that is enough to sustain both pubs
      TagMor> pup pop can get down to under 10
      Liquid Blue> it'
      s usually more skweded than that tho
      Liquid Blueaka what tag just said
      but for mixed reasons LBwe don't know
      TagMor> and is it really that big of an issue?
      Liquid Blue> this is true
      TagMor> if timer is on in pub0, there is usually some form of basing
      CaptainPoopface> several ppl said they want purepub to be the first pub that fills, followed by LTs. IT was like that a few years ago, from what I gather
      Liquid Blue> yes it was like that
      Liquid Blue> but LT'
      ing wasn't as big even 3 years ago
      TagMor> yeh but lt'
      s can survive in a pub of less than 20 people
      TagMorso that means a good percentage of the day when they are put in second pub
      sorry for typos
      Liquid Blue
      > if LT's can survive in lower pubs, that means priority of initial placement, should go to pure pub
      Liquid Blue> oh you meant can'
      Liquid Blue
      well nm then
      I think it's still sustainable
      CaptainPoopface> it'
      s like having no private freqsso you can only kill half the arena instead of all of it
      well not quite
      > for nowwe have no clear sense of the number of players who want LTs vsthose who don't. Closest thing was the voting bot, in which I saw LTs voted down a lot of the time (which was not a good solution)
      TagMor> and people often voted against levis just to see them get specd with high bty
      TagMor> out of spite or w/e
      TagMor> or cus it was funny
      TagMor> to hear them bitch
      CaptainPoopface> the argument for putting purepub second at the time, I think, was that if people really wanted to base, then they would leave pub 0 and go to purepub. But that assumption is flawed and has not been borne out. Why not test the other conf
      Liquid Blue> ok I'
      m going to have to head out guys
      Liquid Blue
      yea i would like to see people go to pure pub first
      Liquid Blue
      thinking that if they wanted to LT they would just leave
      Liquid Blue
      it seems like alot of people just go to whichever pub is more full though
      > ...for the other pub
      Liquid Blue
      > and if pure pub is lowpeople will leave
      Liquid Blue
      which means even less people will go to it
      Liquid Blue
      never ending cycle
      we'll have to schedule another meeting
      CaptainPoopface> that'
      s what happens right now anyway
      Liquid Blue
      yea Tag let us know what is a good time for you
      the more ppl leavethe faster more ppl leave
      Liquid Blue
      since you stayed up for usthe least we can do is do the same for you
      I was expecting more ppl to showprobably Americans
      its oki thought it was tomorrow night
      Liquid Blue
      Liquid Blue
      yea i was expecting more people as well
      Liquid Blue
      no worries we'll get a few more after the results of this go uo
      CaptainPoopface> well, throwing a switch and testing for a week would get some attention
      Liquid Blue> Cpt. would you mind making a nice post for us on the forum? since you kept the log
      Liquid Blue> yea i def agree with you
      Liquid Blue> maybe a good switch would be the levi manuverbility
      CaptainPoopface> I was thinking just the pub switch for a week
      Liquid Blue> we dont need bots or a new pub map for it
      Liquid Blue> oh that works too
      Liquid Blue> both are simple and dont need external stuff
      CaptainPoopface> lev maneuverability is complex but we could try it
      TagMor> and l2 bombs
      Liquid Blue> im fine with your idea first
      TagMor> with option of l3
      Liquid Blue> that way we can refine the levi idea
      Liquid Blue> yea
      CaptainPoopface> L2 to L3 is a big step, will be controversial, but should be tried in some fashion
      Liquid Blue> ok i have to jet
      Liquid Blue> thanks again tag and cpt.
      CaptainPoopface> alright, until next time
      Liquid Blue> it was nice talking to you two
      Liquid Blue> cya later
      TagMor> k pce 
      Originally posted by Crunchy Nut
      2d spaceships nobody gives a shit


      • #63
        First off, sorry for missing the meeting, it's been a giant pain in the ass trying to get moved and clean up the old apt.

        I read the log, and most of it hits on stuff we've sorta discussed before, just not in a large group.

        higher attach bounty: I think this is a good idea, as long as we keep team greens as a similar % of the needed attach bounty. I'm not sure we want to go as high as 35/50 (starting at 15/20) but it's a step in the right direction. Just going to 15/30 would increase the gap to two kills (IMO it shouldn't be more than 12 bty difference unless we do some major tweaking with the lev movements and weapons). One good point about the 35/50 is that it will allow a lev to get a few kills, but still green another rep/port/rocket to help with getting more kills. It's pretty annoying to use up all your items on one kill, then not be able to green anything else and still need bty to attach. Pretty much have to buy it then, or shoot blindly and hope not to TK. Maybe somewhere in the middle with 23/35?

        changes to lev settings:
        these will be met with a wall of opposition, so it would be wise to dev test these as well as the standard pub testing. I think it could work with level two's and increased manoverability. The problem is that people like maverick who don't LT will be at a disadvantage with the decrease bomb radius. Aside from a total rehaul on the speed/thrust/rotation, a little extra isn't going to compensate for the decreased firepower. Would also change the dynamic of it being a tank. It is a good way to reduce the potentcy of LTs though (also would be a good idea to look into maverick's idea of changing terr settings to only allow 1-2 levs if possible). I wouldn't know where to start with chaning thrust and top speed, it would definitely need to be dev tested thorougly to balance it.

        Bigger Flag Room: I think the big obstacle to this is keeping the pubs in line with TWD/L bases. We want people to know how it's going to be down the line so they can get good at it, but I'm not sure we have to follow the wark mantra of "everything must mirrror TWL". Roof shots are a part of the game, and it's a big part for LTs (javs too). At the same time, they should require a little more skill to use than just lining up with a rock. Maybe with a few MORE holes, people in the flagroom could better fight back (LTs would never be safe to sit still and line up). More cover would help with in-fr fighting, but would also make the bombs a little more dangerous. I've been thinking about some sort of "thick" or double layered wall that would negate some of the blast radius of the LTs, and force them to perfectly line up a shot. Maybe even a base entrance close to the midbase ears, so it would alllow people and LTs to access roof easier, but not make it easier to get in the base necessarily, since everyone still spawns below the base. I think we should probably hold off on this until after the new pub maps are presented, and see what we have to work with.

        Default pubs: I wish i was there to talk to you guys about this. This was the whole reason for the voting and most of the pub changes. You restated the problem pretty well: late at night, there's only one pub open- so who get's it? It WAS the other way, and I personally remember doing ?help calls to get a bot in a pub with levs because they were all down. While I hesitate to put one pub over the other in terms of importance, I can safely put one over the other in terms of freedom of options on playing style. That being said, as long as there's a timer in all pubs, and there are situations where only one pub will be open, it should be the free-for-all pub. Now onto the solutions. I like the idea of sending everyone to ?afk when they log in, with large and simle A1 text, and possibly even lvz graphics that say something along the lines of
        "Pub 0 - free for all; no restrictions"
        "Pub 1 - purepub; no levis and no private frequencies"
        "All other pubs free for all [note: could say w/e]"
        "Elimbeta - elimination games with no teams"
        "base - structured basing with team and ship limits"
        I think that would be pretty selfexplanitory (if we even include "type ?go [arena name]" above it). It would require botwork, though i'm not sure it'd be too complicated just to make the graphic pop up. Would be a good place to keep a moderator too. A simplier solution (maybe?) is to alternate pubs when inserting people into the game. That might not be doable though, if memory serves me correctly.

        Looks like there's not going to be a lot of input besides people we drag into this. Maybe when we get some plans together, test it for a week, then get Pure_Luck to host a townhall meeting where we can have a discussion about the changes with people currenlty online (got several hundred people last time IRCC)
        .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
        .ffffff|ff __fffff|


        • #64
          I don't think we want to put players in a blank arena, new players won't know what to do at all.


          • #65
            About dividing players between the two pubs as they enter TW:
            This is not doable. The server basically always put players in the first pub and starts filling a new pub once the first is 90% filled - same goes for the 2nd, 3rd, and so on. (There is no setting to change this.)
            It's possible to move players entering Trench Wars to a different public but this is not practical. Bots are only meant to advance the gameplay, not be the only reason or way the zone works.

            About putting entering players to a subarena:
            Not doable and not practical - see above.

            No bot is needed for having a lvz image pop up on entering an arena.

            P.S. We've had the first pub as the pure public and the second as the "free for all" public for a long time. Weaver (forgive me if I'm wrong) changed this around as a lot of players were having problems getting in the first public (mainly because everybody started playing there after logging in).
            Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
            Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
            Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
            Subspace Statistics Administrator
            Former Mervbot plugin developer


            • #66
              Wow I didnt know Pure luck was from LI... spiffy...

              Anyways I did rethink the attach bounty just a bit because 35/50 is a big margin but I do still believe that it should be higher just for the sake of team greening, even though that rarely happens anymore... Lord knows how many times i'm flying around and not get a single team green for at least a minute... rather annoying. And of course the more annoying "repel" delay issue needs addressing even though we barely touched base on it in the first meeting.

              Anyways, for settings and such, why not make a private arena where we can actually test changes so this way we can actually try out the adjustments? Even though it would be funny to do it straight in the pubs, it obviously would serve better purpose if we were to make an arena where we can try out the changes for ourselves.


              • #67
                In an effort to keep the committee alive, I'm bumping this tread and also trying to spark something from the other members.

                Is there any plans on implementing some of the changes discussed any time soon? I do understand the pub test maps are uploaded in which some of us were waiting for and test before we put in the changes but for whatever reason ?go #pub(whatever number) keeps leading to just a regular pub map for me anyways... After speaking to Kontrolz he did bring up the point of people on the committee keeps letting it die before anything gets done but I for one would like to see some changes and keep this going.


                • #68
                  Is it possible to have different ship settings in the two pubs?..
                  Like Lev with l2 bombs in pure pub, and l3 bombs in open pub?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by TagMor View Post
                    Is it possible to have different ship settings in the two pubs?..
                    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
                    Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
                    Subspace Statistics Administrator
                    Former Mervbot plugin developer


                    • #70
                      With that in mind, a new idea has popped into my head. It would require players do do a slight bit of work when logging in but how about making pure pub (or regular pub) into a sub-arena this way new settings can indeed be created and separated between the 2?


                      • #71
                        I don't like to break your ideas but newbies won't understand that plus it's not how the server is supposed to work (not to mention that it may cause numerous problems that are not anticipated right now).
                        Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                        Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
                        Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
                        Subspace Statistics Administrator
                        Former Mervbot plugin developer


                        • #72
                          It was just a thought and as i said it would take a bit of work but I guess you're right about newbies not knowing how things work...

                          Also MMav whats up with the pub contest arenas, i'm still getting the regular pub maps in each one or am i missing something when i use ?go #pub(#)


                          • #73

                            They are there but after the weekend I take down the ones that have been tested and put up the new ones.
                            ?find dads revenge


                            • #74
                              Sorry, I've been pretty busy with work and haven't had the time to keep kicking this in the ass. I'd like to have another meeting. How is Saturday 12 noon EST (US) again? This is the same time as the last meeting. TagMor & other Aussies, this will be 2 A.M. Sunday for you, meaning 2 hours and 1 minute after 11:59 PM on Saturday.

                              Here is a list of the things players suggested for changes, from the interviews that DankNuggets and I did awhile ago:

                              - Bring back small weasel (21 in favor, 2 opposed, 2-3 noncommittal); a couple of different opinions about other weasel settings
                              - Safe spawn / reduce spawnkilling
                              - Reduce teamkilling (jav, lev, shark)
                              - Some kind of handicap for LTs
                              - Make spectators not count toward arena capacity, or boot them sooner
                              - Crackdown on cheating
                              - Map changes: make a "south base" (no flag) or other structure for spawn duelers to run around in; several players commented specifically on how they hated the asteroids map, and a couple of people hate the holiday maps
                              - Streak bot (Player X is on a 5-kill spree!) / bounty bot (Player X has 100 bounty!)
                              - King of the hill / king of the ring mode for non-pure pub - a circle or square sits in some part of the map for a short time, and players get extra points for kills from inside the circle, or spending a certain amount of time there. Then the ring moves to some other part of the map.
                              - Tutorial of some kind

                              I think that's all. Since turnout was so low the first time, I'm thinking we should throw the switch on one of these and see what happens. Controversy? Everlasting happiness? More involvement? Let's find out. The weasel is probably the easiest change to make, but we can discuss it Saturday. Pure_Luck or Dads, if you no longer have the settings for the small weasel (ship speed, bullet speed, recharge rate, energy penalties for the items), let me know and I can calculate them pretty close.

                              Post here if the proposed meeting time is not acceptable, and make another suggestion.
                              Originally posted by Crunchy Nut
                              2d spaceships nobody gives a shit


                              • #75
                                I was fortunate to stay for that first meeting on that saturday but i doubt i would be able to do it again.

