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Super Mega Levi Settings Thread (6 threads in one!)

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  • #16
    i found time to try them both out

    Levis aren't as bad as you think, but they require a bit more skill to green now. Basically, this is how it should be done. Stay low until u stray bomb someone going through the middle choke point. Second, use each rocket wisely to hunt down someone going after u. U do that twice and you should be greened with 2 portals left. The problem now with Lting surely, is that u no longer depend on the terr for survival, but on yourself, which can be seen as a better thing.

    Weasels are hilarious. The mere pixels that it occupies can really tick off the average player. When i saw the ship for myself, I laughed out hard 5 minutes straight. It hardly fits the fashion line of other trench wars ships :? Also, you'd be suprised how long u can last, without even cloaking. So basically the only way u can die cloaked is if u get bomb proxed, because there sure as hell a way for a warbird to stray you. Sneaking into base is always fun.
    Failure teaches success.


    • #17
      Repel = a little extra time to aim or more time for allies to help.

      It's saved my life countless times.

      Being a lev was tough enough with the old settings - it took me a loooong to to get the hang of that ship!

      Weasels are more penetrating now - I can get halfway into the base no problem now through the little holes. I can see they're more fragile now, so I gotta be more careful. Only time will tell how this affects balance.

      But my opinion is the lev is too crippled now . Rocket does nothing.


      • #18
        yeah, it is pretty defenseless other than the bombs with a blast diameter of my entire 1024x768 screen. o and the bullets and the rockets and the terrier and the portal. poor levis.
        Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
        apt>yes u can wtf
        apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
        apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
        apt>so i dont miss the toilet
        Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
        apt>ill show you pictures
        apt>next time I masturbate


        • #19
          None of which are effective on spawn with warbirds and weasels on tail.

          The warbirds are much more annoying now.


          • #20
            I've got mixed feelings on the changes to the weasel. Can't recharge without turning something off, and a bit more fragile, but that's offset by the small size - I can penetrate anywhere that doesn't have a ship with x-radar! Harder to hit small size also.

            . . . have to remember to remap rocket key - don't want to reach over keyboard to use it . . .
            Last edited by CobraA1; 05-18-2003, 01:00 AM.


            • #21
              I've been using a levi for over a year now, I never attached, not even once. I get picked off easy on the original settings, but since the new settings it gone beyond a joke.

              I can't even make it to the first tunnel without being blown away, If the developers are going to cripple the levi, then atleast increase it's rotation speed so I can launch a bullet in the right direction.

              If you are the person who changed the settings, then please for an hour, use a god dam levi and see how it feels.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Fizban
                I can't even make it to the first tunnel without being blown away...
                WHO is going to throw out a WELCOME HOME mat to an enemy levi? BTW your only purpose of going up main tunnel is to bomb people who are actually using pub to base, let them have it and stop posting thx.


                • #23
                  Levis just suck, they are not useful for ANYTHING. Especially when TW is about basing.

                  *kills a levi*
                  Levifreak> LAMER
                  me> am I?
                  Levifreak> yes u killed me n00b
                  me> so I should let you go along, so that you can bomb my ass in base?
                  Levifreak> yes!1
                  me> and that wouldn't be lame?
                  Levifreak> no

                  Fuck levis.
                  Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                  You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                  There wont be another election for president.
                  Obama is the Omega President.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Da1andonly

                    *kills a levi*
                    Levifreak> LAMER
                    me> am I?

                    Fuck levis.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Fizban
                      If you are the person who changed the settings, then please for an hour, use a god dam levi and see how it feels.
                      If you are the person who uses levis, please get killed from off radar by something undodgeable and see how it feels.


                      • #26
                        I tried the levi, and it's more powerfull than it ever been. I did this:
                        1. I spawn
                        2. I afterburn to upper-spawn
                        3. Almost every second green is a Full Charge
                        4. I afterburn further up
                        5. At bottom of base I lay portal and rocket up
                        6. I used my rockets and I am in lower
                        7. I shoot at flagroom and I am greened faster than ever before.
                        You ate some priest porridge


                        • #27
                          Man digger owns SS


                          • #28
                            The Lev has died

                            This use to be the perfect game with the perfect balance. It seems like it's being geared closer to EG. Why not remove the lev completely? One thing i use to like about TW is how different it is. Now i feel basers are taking the game over. You shouldnt make the lev weaker, just harder to attach.. why not raise the bounty to 25 or 30?

                            Anyways if settings stay the way they are I doubt I'll be returning.


                            PS Why have I been locked out from posting.. I had to make another nick just to post??


                            • #29
                              speaking of something dying, i think something crawled up me and died... whew, someone open a fucken window for crying out loud...

                              oh yeah, now i remember, beer farts... lovely beer, orrible farts.

                              oh yeah, and you whiny ass bitch face cock monkies ought to jump out of a moving nissan altima naked.
                              My god, someone shoot me me in the
                              face before I watch another episode of
                              Will and Grace.


                              • #30
                                you want to know what else is defenseless but i still drive over with my car?
                                here is a short list:

                                1. hippies
                                2. dirty hippies
                                3. cats
                                4. dogs smaller than children
                                5. children
                                6. old people who walk slowly
                                6. old people who don't walk
                                7. old people in general
                                4. hippies that piss me off
                                8. fat people
                                9. frogs
                                10. childrens toys
                                11. side mirrors
                                12. feet
                                13. people who wear too much black
                                14. people who wear black jeans
                                15. people who dye their hair black
                                13. people who talk about despair and angst
                                16. hippies
                                17. art majors
                                18. people who think a business degree is as hard as an engineering degree
                                19. some other people
                                20. those guys over there
                                21. most of the people i work with
                                22. teachers who can't speak english.

                                god i fuckin rule.
                                My god, someone shoot me me in the
                                face before I watch another episode of
                                Will and Grace.

