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Pub Poll

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  • #46
    We've tried maps with multiple fr entrances before. Same result here. It makes rounds long and makes defending fr impossible if you get 2+ teams actually trying. The only way you finish a round is if teams are massively imbalanced (in either numbers, skills, or desire to win).

    I liked the old map better. If this arena does have settings for more players at once (50 vs. 35), then that is one new thing that I would want to keep.


    • #47
      hey everyone, thanks for all your support during this pub experiment. we appreciate everyone's patient in the pub map testing process. we are here to provide for the community and do not want to hurt it in anyway. we hear all your ideas and take them in to full consideration. we have been making edits to the map based on the overall feedback we have heard.

      a few things I have been hearing that people don't like:

      1. flag placement
      2. too many entrances into the fr
      3. not very fond of the lower part of base
      4. the tileset is boring
      5. spawn is messed up
      6. warp is bugged
      7. people want levs back
      8. the roof
      9. settings

      i might be forgetting a couple things but these are the main ones. fortunately these are all aspects of the base we can fix pretty easily.

      1. flag placement - people will hopefully like where the flag currently is after the other edits to base happen.

      2. too many entrances - i added doors on the two top tubes going into fr, and i made the bottom two entrances boki style. i also added doors on the 2 main tubes going up to the fr on the sides of the base. these doors and obstacles will hopefully slow down the enemy when taking the other 4 entrances.

      3. not fond of lower base - this unfortunately might not change, the lower part of base rarely gets used on any base, but we are working to see if we can adjust it so there is more fighting that takes place here. i also heard "let's go back to the old lower part of base" and we have been thinking about something we can do with that. but gonna put this one up on the shelf for right now.

      4. tileset - i polly shouldnt be telling you guys but i will. flared is working on a few *objons which will allow you guys to choose what tileset you want to use when you play. we know the tileset right now is boring but we needed to get something up that everyone could tolerate playing on for now. this is one of the main problems we r working on, and i think you guys are going to like what we came up with.

      5. spawn - the spawn seems to be pretty condensed for some reason and i realized sometimes you spawn into base. this is prolly because i made the base longer and moved it down. once we get some of the layout adjustments in order we will fix the spawn very soon.

      6. warp is bugged - we are going to fix this at the same time we fix the spawn. i think what happens is u warp on new tiles in the base which then warp u outside. we will def have this fixed soon.

      7. levs - im on the fence with this one. i do like levs playing on this map...makes things interesting. but then again if there is a really good few LTs playing at the same time they are going to ruin the basing match, but this is not certain. we are all in disagreement over this one and i think i have a plan. i'm thinking we just have levi weekends where everything is allowed on the weekends.

      8. the roof - there ARE shots on the roof, many shots actually which you can use. alot of them are on the sides too. i decided to add another hole at the top, but i didnt want to make roofing too easy.

      9. settings - wit should be removing the current lvz for the gfx at any time now so you guys can use your own settings. we realized this was a bad idea, so we r going to fix it.

      that is all i can think of right now. our plan is to run with this base for a while because i think there is a great appreciation for it. we will keep making the necessary changes. this has been a learning experience for all of us, and if anything have learned what we need to implement in the future for this base if it stays, or for the old base if it returns.

      thanks everyone,

      Trench Wars Broadcast Revolution (TWBR) - Visit:


      • #48
        My only gripe is the number of FR entrances, perhaps close the top 2 and put a jav shot instead. 3 is enough, and it prevents terr rushes to grab the flag from the 'attic' hole.
        XXX is overrated.


        • #49
          I enjoyed the new map multiple entrances has me running from one side of fr to the other keeps more battles where they count close to flag. The original colors almost gave me headache new colors are so so think we could do better tileset but the idea as a whole is awesome. Thanks Dia $B)
          4:JAMAL> plz learn to spell
          Exalt> bout to go to a boys party
          1:Guero> some hot girls got lot hair in their nipples


          • #50
            Thanks Diakka! Very kick ass job!


            • #51
              My 2 cents

              Most of the gripes I had were with the original LVZ, which is not an issue anymore. Overall I am very pleased with the new layout. I like having 5 entrances, as it keeps the fighting pretty much nonstop. I enjoy that the rounds last a long time. When I play, I play until I win a round (or 3) so having longer rounds keeps people like me playing longer. I also approve of the limited roof functionality. Now we have less (still too many) worthless javs lobbing blind shots in the FR. From my perspective, just about everything on this new map promotes BASING with BASING SHIPS, which is the way I think it should be. I do have just a few small suggestions, and they are:

              1) Increase the mine limit for sharks to adjust for the increased amount of space to defend. +1 would be fine (1 mine @ each entrance)

              2) Perhaps consider 2 flags instead of just the 1. Holding both flags would start the timer for your team, whereas holding 1 flag would keep the timer stationary. Therefore the attacking team would need to capture both flags to reset the timer/prevent a win.

              3) [Bot Issue] Fix the MVP system. If a player misses the first 2 seconds of a round, he/she becomes ineligible for the end of round bonus...or in my case, if I lagout or switch ships for a couple seconds midround, I become ineligible for MVP/end of round bonus. I thoroughly enjoy being hunted in my shark after a really long round because I have 6000 bounty, and think MVP should be based on flag claims ALONE, and not the amount of time a player played that particular round.

              Overall, good job on a project that was long overdue.

              Edit: Since it wasn't one of the options in the poll, my vote is "Enjoyed the pub, keep pvt freqs, levs disabled"
              Last edited by Lizard Fuel; 09-17-2010, 04:10 AM. Reason: Poll Suggestion


              • #52
                Bot Issues:

                i'd like to address this issue again and update you guys on the current state of the bots. Arobas is still working on the bot (money system) and will fix the warp coords when he updates the bot again. the warping issue should be fixed within the next 5 days. we are going to fix the spawn as soon as possible. thanks for your patience!

                Trench Wars Broadcast Revolution (TWBR) - Visit:


                • #53

                  How bout instead of warping everyone into the flag room at round start, warp everyone out into spawn and make it so warp cannot be turned off. That would make it a sweet battle/race to the flag, and maybe lower base would get used a bit more.


                  • #54
                    the new pub is up for testing in ?go pubtest
                    Trench Wars Broadcast Revolution (TWBR) - Visit:


                    • #55

                      The new map is really great. I love the colors, new shapes and especially the tileset ''monolith''. Boki is also good. So good job guys, keep it up.
                      "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
                      Napoleon Hill

                      wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
                      Dral>I can get implants


                      • #56
                        pubtest map

                        The new map in ?go pubtest is good.

                        I like the monolith tileset, except the antennae and pipe stuff.
                        Boki tileset still gets my vote, classic and no jitters.
                        The hole in the roof is excellent, it makes me want to fire lev bombs through it.
                        The new maze stuff and bricks on the side entries may work to improve basing.
                        The store is also excellent, an idea though...
                        Sell thor for about 10k?

                        I still feel x and lev need settings fixed.

                        Small x with toned down settings, the old 1/2 tile weasel was a little too powerful.
                        Lev at all, I don't care if you need to de-ball it to keep wimps happy.
                        No lev removes 1/8th of the gameplay. <_<
                        Last edited by de Sade; 09-19-2010, 10:16 PM.
                        sepetaiya> if your bored on continuum your very unsmart

                        (Ominous Blue Dot)> Toes are most precious, yes.

                        Violence> do u eefin no how 2 read?


                        • #57
                          My 2 cents on the pubtest map.

                          The maze on the sides are over kill in my opinion, but generically the new pub is biased for multi terr freqs which I supposed is natural. I still think the ear tunnels should be closed off, making that door there a tile for jav shots. With that in place, removal of the 'side mazes' (but keeping the side tunnel doors) should be enough.

                          The hole over the flag is over kill, I'd much prefer off center shots for javs

                          Ms paint skills

                          XXX is overrated.


                          • #58

                            The pubtest map looks great, I love the tileset. It should make holding the base a little easier since it takes a while longer to reach the flag from the side tubes. I still like the original map better, but I realize we need a change to keep new players playing. I like the increased player limits as well. I want to see levs on this map, I think that'd be super sweet!


                            • #59
                              pubtest is damn near perfect. i could sit and nitpick at a tile here and there (which i did last night, sorry diakka!) but overall i love it.

                              just make sure we're able to set a default tileset. i don't want to have to type !tileset boki every time i enter pub. or better yet, make boki the default instead of bluetech.
                              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                              • #60
                                anyone care to comment on the playability of the map?

                                only thing that bothers me is the flag placement. maybe i'm just too used to the idea of a flag platform, but i don't like how boxed in the flag is right now. it's too easy to get bogged down in mine/bomb clusterfucks.

                                one of the nice things about a platform that you can quickly bounce on/off of is that it allows for those last second saves that prolong the overall fr battle.
                                jasonofabitch loves!!!!

