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Beam y u killing pub fool

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  • #16
    or just get rid of spheres of seclusion? has anyone else ever even used it?

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #17
      beam, it's not that you're spending the money. and you're right, someone else will come along and spend a bunch of money and be annoying too.

      the thing is, you seem to be making a habit of being continually annoying. this unrest over you fucking up pub has been dragging on for awhile, and it's time to cut the shit man. as a staffer, you should hold yourself to a higher standard. wanting to hog all the fun for yourself at the expense of others' fun simply isn't cool.

      i also agree with the removal of some of the items. either that or make them insanely expensive so you have to save up forever between uses.
      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


      • #18
        Yeah, I've seen a lot of players use it. I think a better solution than making the purchasing options even more limited is to think of some new ideas for items. As is there's not really a good money sink with everything having such long cooldowns.
        Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

        Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

        Don't Poke the Bear.


        • #19
          Cap the money to 10-50k


          • #20
            I asked Beam and he told me that he does it b/c 'its fun'. I said that its fun for him at the expensive of all others (he does it form a single person freq), he acknowledged that and said about buying things, "that's what all of the items do, they give one player fun at the expense of others". I guess a case could be made that when a staffer plays, he can do w/e he wants as long as it is within the rules independent from what most consider 'good for the game'. On the other hand when people wonder why the zone doesn't attract new players or can't seem to raise any real donations, perhaps things like this are part of the answer. What is the point of coming up with creative marketing ways to attract new players when they come into zone and are greeted with endless lame kill macros and staffers who sit in a private freq ruining the pub game for their own personal satisfaction?


            • #21
              I think this is a great idea, I love ?go enigma
              All good things must come to an end.


              • #22
                You guys are ignoring the real issue. Whether I'm an asshole is irrelevant. My money will run out if I keep spending it. What I view as people's main concern is that it's taking so long for that to happen. I think it's very clear the solution to the issue is create more money sinks.
                Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

                Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

                Don't Poke the Bear.


                • #23
                  They gotta make buying pub cash A LOT more expensive. Its ridiculous to selling $millions when the most expensive item is 5,000. It will take him forever to run out

                  did lizard fuel get $21,000,000 for the $1000 donation?!
                  LF> Winners of killothon are obviously best players in the zone

                  100+ Killothon victories

                  $25 Easter event winner

                  Real winner (stargazer ruined) $!00 step-elim

                  Runner up levi elim to 500 marathon


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by beam View Post
                    You guys are ignoring the real issue. Whether I'm an asshole is irrelevant. My money will run out if I keep spending it. What I view as people's main concern is that it's taking so long for that to happen. I think it's very clear the solution to the issue is create more money sinks.
                    My probable tl;dr post in the first page here can be summed up as this: As a staff member, you are (or should be) held to a higher standard than a regular player. No one should even have to point this out to you or slap you on the wrist, really. When a staffer does these things it's honestly quite embarrassing to everyone who actually gives a damn about helping the zone out.
                    help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

                    What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
                    MegamanEXE> Chao
                    MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
                    (Sefarius)> ....
                    (Hate The Fake)> LOL
                    MegamanEXE> You are sick
                    MegamanEXE> Good day


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Chao. View Post
                      My probable tl;dr post in the first page here can be summed up as this: As a staff member, you are (or should be) held to a higher standard than a regular player. No one should even have to point this out to you or slap you on the wrist, really. When a staffer does these things it's honestly quite embarrassing to everyone who actually gives a damn about helping the zone out.
                      Your post is neither informative nor helpful. I've made it obvious that I don't care and that I feel the staff argument is being overused and pointless. Since I'm not going to be banned for doing something that isn't against the rules, let's just move on to trying to work on something that may potentially be fixed like giving me something to spend money on that doesn't annoy people.
                      Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

                      Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

                      Don't Poke the Bear.


                      • #26
                        you're a real piece of work, beam. essentially what you're saying is:

                        i'm a jackass and i don't give a shit if you don't like it. allow me to continue to rain on your collective parade.

                        real classy!

                        you are only seeing half of the problem. yes, there are issues with the money system. we need to look at tweaking the items, i.e. - add more items, adjust cost, etc. we also need to look at making it harder to earn money so it takes longer to build up a big stash. the other half of the problem is all you, bud. get over yourself and stop fucking it up for joe schmoe pubber.

                        seriously, this is a pretty black and white concept. don't be a shithead. it's not too much to ask.

                        not gonna reply to this again because i don't think i could possibly make a more valid and cogent argument. you'll probably say something utterly oblivious in response anyway.
                        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                        • #27
                          get over it, he's spending money at a torrid rate and still isn't running out. You can either criticize beam for spending the money he has earned, or criticize the system thats allowing this to happen. I don't think I need to give you a hint as to which one is logical.
                          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                          • #28
                            Ban Beam



                            • #29
                              this afternoon i witnessed kiddos blowing a good chunk of his money to spam beam with slowdowns and laughing about it (along with half of the other players in the arena), so it would seem the rest of the players are not defenseless "oh woe is me" punching bags like they've led us to believe but rather the vindictive children that this game is infamous for

                              you can't scream and cry and say "i'm the victim" when you're going out of your way to make beam's playing time just as miserable
                              Originally posted by Tone
                              It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                              Originally posted by the_paul
                              Gargle battery acid fuckface
                              Originally posted by Material Girl
                              I tried downloading a soundcard


                              • #30
                                Anything that wasn't available using ?buy in safe shouldn't be there. Doesn't do anything for the game. Strikebase is utterly retarded. Basically teaches new players to rely on the buy system to win instead of actually working as a team and making the necessary adjustments via ship changes or otherwise.

                                The whole thing needs to get canned IMO.

