C 1:Mobey> racism should just be legal C 1:Mobey> this game is dying, how many people have quit over being called a n****r? 0, how many people have quit due to staff? many C 1:Mobey> no one cares about racism on the internet C 1:Mobey> if they did, they wouldn't be on the internet C 1:Mobey> racism is everywhere C 1:Mobey> the only reason we have trolls is because we give them troll food i.e racism C 1:Mobey> tell how one person that has genuinely quit this game because they were offended by racism C 1:Mobey> you can't C 1:Mobey> the rule is dumb and out-dated C 1:Mobey> no one cares anymore C 1:Mobey> the only other reason i can think why racism is still illegal is to give staff something to do and add to quota C 1:Mobey> upperstaff are too '90's' to abandon the racism rule C 1:Mobey> go ANYWHERE on the internet where you can chat in a group and you'll find racism C 1:Mobey> back to the original point though, the racism rule was made back in 96 or 97, its out-dated and the current social structure of the internet allows for petty racism, its everywhere these days, removing the rule wouldn't make us as low as 4chan C 1:Mobey> there wouldn't be so much shit though, they'll be a bunch of people saying 'you n****r' for a few days then they'll get bored of it C 1:Mobey> it should be classed as harassment and like chips said, be put in obscene C 1:Mobey> obscene is auto on for most players C 1:Mobey> don't think i've ever seen a REAL racist in TW in all of the time i've been staff C 1:Mobey> what i mean by real is someone who supports neo-nazism groups like combat18 etc